Archives: TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus Assembly Programs
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  4. TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus Assembly Programs

These programs are for the TI-83+ and TI-84+ calculators, including the 83+ SE and 84+ SE. They are mostly not compatible with the color-screen 84+ CSE or CE variants, but some BASIC programs can be run on all of them.


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  1. I am trying to port Ashbad's Rainbow Dash Attack (originally on Prizm) for z80 calcs. This is my progress so far. Credits go to Spenceboy98 too for spriting.

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  2. Maybe you know the Ikaruga series, a Japanese-style shooter for various consoles. Well, this game is one those games where you will have to restart hundreds of times to finally beat it. Be prepared, the 5 levels of this game are subject to generate high levels of rage. Beat dozens of enemies, defeats all bosses in epic boss battles, dodge or absorb thousands of bullets, that's what is waiting for you in this game. ADVICE : TAKE A VERY GOOD LOOK AT THE README.TXT FILE. You'll need it, trust me.

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  3. Aliens are trying to take over (again!). It's up to you in your state-of-the-art® fighter to stop them! This game comes with a Levelset Editor for you to make you own Levelsets complete with your own enemies, end-of-level bosses and even your own Tileset if you want!

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  4. SpriteLib is a program designed to help BASIC programmers make cooler gam--er, programs. This program started as a Celtic 3 hybrid BASIC program that simply edited Omnicalc fonts and has since come to stand alone as an assembly library equipped with not only font editing features, but sprites, tilemaps, editing variables, reading and writing to memory and other rather useful features. It is by no means complete, but it currently has 40 different functions that will add some advanced features to BASIC programs.

    *As a side note, this is all programmed in hex :D

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  5. After seeing Flip's port of Color Switch to the CE, I decided to make something similar. It is still very different, since it uses squares, etc, but I think people will still enjoy playing it. You can only move out of the square when it is white.

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  6. Performs prime factorization.

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  7. This is a little demo on circular movement in assembly. Check out the code for more details. Hopefully it helps! For more information, check out his link here:

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  8. A clone of the arcade game. Programmed in Axe.

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  9. Here is my version of the classic game Asteroid for the TI-83 plus. It is written in z80 assembly, and the Mimas source files are included. It is complete with scoring and four difficulty levels. An Ion compatible shell is necessary.

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  10. Asmdream is an on-calc assembler for the TI-8X+ calculator series.
    It reads symbolic content (sources & includes) written directly using the OS built-in program editor.
    It writes machine code into protected programs in ram.
    You can think of it as a hybrid between mimas & axe.
    Don't forget to read asmdream.txt.

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  11. A millennia ago, cats embarked on a journey to conquer new planets.
    They had their eyes set on Planet 323, a planet easy to conquer.
    Now, they have just arrived from a bleak journey through space, ending up in an astroid belt.

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  12. In answer to all the users that have requested a custom oncalc TI-BASIC editor, Tokenizer DE takes a first step in that direction. Just as SourceCoder ( can convert text files into .8xp programs online, Tokenizer can take text documents typed in Document DE 6 or Document DE 7 and convert them into fully-tokenized BASIC programs editable with the TI-OS's TI-BASIC editor. Weighing in at slightly over 1KB, this small but efficient program takes advantage of the power of the DCS GUI system. Requires Doors CS 6.8 beta or higher.

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  13. If you've ever wanted to use just your calculator and a cheap serial GPS module to figure out where you are, this is the program for you. It displays the current time and date as indicated by GPS satellites, the number of satellites in view, the type of GPS fix currently acquired, and if available, your latitude, longitude, and elevation. Requires Doors CS 7.2 or higher, a TI-84+ or TI-84+SE calculator, and the GPS hardware described at

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  14. Fail Flush is a remake/cleanup, written in Axe, of a game i attempted to make some time ago in lib-assisted BASIC (resulting in a very slow and buggy version to be found on my ticalc profile), which was, in turn, loosly based (as well as i remember it from our old windows 98 system) on the game Finty Flush from one of the microsoft puzzle packs.
    see the included readme for more details, if you care.

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  15. XXEdit (aXe heX Editor) is the evolution of my old Axe Memory Mapper. It is a comprehensive memory mapper and editor for the z80 series, designed to be a superfunctional form of Calcsys. It is highly useful for helping debug Axe and assembly programs on calc.
    Memory bank switching
    Display of addresses in hex, decimal, and in the form of pointer+offest
    Quick access to L1 (saveSScreen), L2 (StatVars), L3 (appBackUpScreen), L4 (tempSwapArea), L5 (textShadow), L6 (plotSScreen), $4000 (the start of Flash), and $8000 (the start of RAM and appData)
    Display of byte in hex, binary, decimal, ascii, the two byte number at that point, and the 8x8 sprite of the 8 bytes at the cursor position
    Jumping to the currently highlighted two byte address
    Jumping to any user defined hex address
    Search for any 8 byte string. Accepts input in both hex and ascii
    Search for any program/protected program/appvar in RAM or archive.
    Edit up to 8 bytes at a time of current cursor position, input accepted as hex or ASCII
    Edit via sprite editing of the 8 bytes at the current cursor position
    And probably something else I forgot...

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  16. Be the fish. Grow big by eating smaller fish but don't get eaten by bigger fish.

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  17. This version of S.A.D. allows you to preview the human race. You can select a ship, construct a building, check the progress of your buildings, and move across the map.

    Please do not try to place buildings on top of each other, and do not try to completely cover the map with buildings. Most importantly, I recommend testing this on an emulator. The game, for right now, requires 21 KB of memory and 4 app pages. I WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE for any damage to your calculator.


    2nd -- Displays the \"Construct Building\" Menu
    Alpha -- Displays the \"Select Ship\" Menu
    Mode -- Toggles the cursor on and off
    X_T_Theta_N -- Allows you to drive your ship. You can toggle this mode on and off with the same key.
    Enter -- Place a building after you choose where you want it placed
    Arrow Keys -- Move
    Soft Keys--Adjust the speed at which the map Scrolls
    Clear -- Exit a Menu, or exit the game entirely

    Hot Keys (For Menus) -- 2nd, Mode, Del, Alpha, X_T_Theta_N, Stat, Math, Apps, Pgrm


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  18. This is the beta of Mino version 2.0
    Grammer is required.
    Have fun!

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  19. An eBook for portable, easy to understand yet very complete translation of a certian z80 command you totally forgot on the fly. I recommend it heavily for Mimas users, as you can easily access all of the commands (except undocumented for now) in the z80 microprocessor language.

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  20. Submitted for Code Walrus 4x3 contest. You are in space, shoot all the enemies to win. A pretty weird game where you shoot enemies with a square. Not too well made, but didn't get too much time nor graphics programming, and I got bored halfway through too :P. Many parts are incomplete, but hey, at least it's playable. Made with Axe parser, Source included.

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  21. ==For GlassOS Only!==

    This is ALPHA software! It still, however, runs on a ti84. There are quirks, but...

    glassChat is an IRC frontend for GlassOS. You can connect to an IRC server, join a channel, chat, etc.. See the README for additional information. Pictures included in this tarball. For the official up-to-date tarball with no pictures, go to

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  22. This program, for Doors CS v6.1 and higher, will install a Shell Expansion (SE) that protects your programs from unauthorized users. Once installed, takes up a mere 100 bytes of memory, and prevents Doors CS from being launched if the user does not know a password you set during installation.

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  23. It stands for "Fast Tunnel" because that's what it's a clone of. Controls are self-explanatory, and it has 2 speeds with highscores. This is my first ASM game, so please comment!

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  24. This program is a terminal that runs on the TI-84+, and probably the TI-83+ as well. It just displays arbitrary text data received on the link port to the screen using its own protocol. The source of the computer end is included (Win32 C++) I am not including the z80 since I cannot find my flash drive where it is stored.

    Something to note about the IRC program: the 'ZOOM' button will print a hash (#)

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  25. This is a clone of the popular iPhone app. Kick the ball the moment before it hits the ground to keep it in the air. Press [F1] and [F5] to kick.

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  26. This is an SDK that lets you easily make programs and libraries for GlassOS.

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  27. This is the final release of Nibls With Sound. All bugs have been fixed. This is a simple game of nibls with sound for those who know how to play music on their calculator. The game also includes high score with initials. It was programmed entirely on calc using OTBP's assembler. There are currently 3 levels included, though you can go for as long as you possible.

    Download if you want a game, or even if you just want some sound.

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  28. This version of fiddle features an event driven API. Other than that there have been no changes since the last version.
    for more info goto

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  29. PI

    Find out what the first 1279 digits of pi is! saves it to filetype 3,14,16 for easy recall!

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  30. Explore the Mandelbrot set with glorious 16-bit math* and a monochrome screen! It's fast (for a calc) and offers control over zooming, traversing, and refining calculations, all while displaying relevant values *Math operations are carried out in 4.12 fixed point arithmetic allowing 3.5 decimal digits of accuracy.

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  31. This program provides BASIC programmers with functions for working with groups. You can read lines of programs that are in groups, you can extract variables, and you can recall pictures directly from groups, among other things.

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  32. The installer script of the powerful new Blast AntiVirus/AntiPrank Utility. Only the installer functions. Much thanks to Kerm Martian.

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  33. I have very much enjoyed Portal Prelude by Alex Marcolina, except for the hassle of unarchiving/archiving levels to keep them safe. This is a simple program that will do that for you, Now go make some amazing level packs!

    Original game can be obtained here:

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  34. This is an implementation of the Chaos Game for the TI-83+/84+/SE monochrome calcs. The Chaos Game can be used to detect patterns in sequences, making it a tool to test Pseudo-Random Number Generators. It allows up to 255 vertices in a test and can be modified to use alternative PRNGs.

    Update: Allowed manual vertex coordinate entry or the ability to have a given number of vertices automatically generated.

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  35. Jerry v0.01 is a Doors CS 7 Shell Expansion that enables use of a USB mouse (with USB A<->mini-A adapter), but WITHOUT requiring usb8x on the calculator. It can be connected and disconnected at any time, and will re-initialize if you turn the calculator off and back on. You can left-click, right-click, and use the scroll wheel to automatically scroll up and down from the main Doors CS screen. This does NOT rely on usb8x, and therefore has no "OS 2.30 or higher" minimum OS version requirement. Source code included.

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  36. Elimination is an RPG game. You are stuck in the Whirlpool Galaxy, far from home, and you must build a ship that will get you back home to your galaxy. Gather materials from many different worlds and fight monsters to succeed. If you like Final Fantasy, Pokemon and Earthbound, this game is for you.

    This is an EARLY RELEASE BUILD. Please report any bugs you find.

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  37. A very simple dungeon-crawler RPG with three floors and a boss at the end. Can you beat him?

    This game is only for the TI-83+/TI-84+ monochrome series of calculators, and it is also compatible the TI-Keyboard and the TI-Presenter.

    This was probably one of the very first programs I ever wrote and I simply took like 5 years to finally upload it. Please notify me of any glitches.

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  38. It uses the small graph screen font to edit programs, but it still has several major bugs.

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  39. Flappy Bird is now a common game that is uploaded through ti 84 archives and is nothing new anymore. Still, I felt that I would rather upload this rather than keep it for myself. ;P Has perfect grayscale and good speed for playing. Press 2nd to play. This game is slow and has numerous bugs that could be fixed, but I just don't feel like changing it after so long. Compiled with Axe Parser. Source code included.

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  40. This program securely locks your calculator away from others (e.g. other students and teachers).
    It needs zStart and Axe to work properly.
    It features customizable messages and a customizable background.
    And no RAM-clear can harm it.

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  41. The ultimate version of Sudoku for your TI-83+/84+/SE! This boasts many features for the Sudoku enthusiast such as pencilmarks, 100 puzzles included, and random puzzles, while including fun features such as grayscale graphics, and the ability to create and play packs of custom puzzles! Check this out if you're a fan on logic and number puzzles ;)

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  42. My two maze programs: MAZE2 one in basic and MAZEINST (MazeInstant) in Asm
    asm(prgmMAZEINST) to run

    Updated again due to a small derp :P

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  43. This small but powerful program for your TI-84+CE/83PCE can convert any TI variable to a string.
    Applications include converting real and complex numbers, matrices, and much more!
    Source is included for your enjoyment.

    1) Put in Ans your input to be converted
    2) Call Asm(prgmTOSTR
    3) The stringified version will be in Ans

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  44. The AppVar editor is a simple program that makes it easy for a programmer to create and edit AppVars.
    This program does require Doors CS 7 or Celtic III to run. All you need to do is enter the name of the
    AppVar and the program will allow you to add lines, replace lines, and delete lines, and store a line into
    a string from an AppVar. This program also allows you to archive and unarchive an AppVar, as well as
    convert an AppVar to a program with the same name (and vice vers a).

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  45. A simple bitmap hex maker for axe programmers. The icon for this program was made with it :P. Has a somewhat weird UI which is slightly buggy, but works fine with some practice. Can create a bitmap up to 96x64, but will take a while to load when exitting then. Features auto exit, grayscale, bitmap format, image saving, and many others.

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  46. Use the Doors CS 7 GUI functions in your Axe programs !

    This axiom is based on the DCS7 GUI API, allowing Axe programmers to work with buttons, checkboxes, number and text input and others ! The result is a program lighter and faster than any hand-written Axe GUI program !

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  47. I got the idea for this background after looking at all the software CDs scattered around my computer. :P Yeah, right. Anyway, I hope you like it.

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  48. A set of asm routines for interfacing CALCnet through the Axe programming language. Please note this is in beta and may not be fully functional yet

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  49. Ever wondered how did the inner mechanisms of today's popular 3D games worked ? This course centered on 3D mathematics and programming will help you understand those seemingly complicated principles. Usable right on your TI-83+/84+, this program allows you to manage bookmarks and have animated examples illustrating the theory demonstrated. Subjects covered :

    - Chapter 0 : introduction and prerequisites
    - Chapter 1 : understanding projection, step-by-step
    - Chapter 2 : representing & storing rotations, 2D/3D rotation, general matrices, inverted & decentered rotation
    - Chapter 3 : backface culling & face abstraction level, the painter's algorithm
    - Chapter 4 : bounding boxes and spheres, ray-plane intersection, ray-sphere intersection, object abstraction level

    Two addendums are also planned.

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  50. This little avalanche game took me two days (about three hours) to make. The first day I made the actual game. The next day I added the grayscale and animation. I hope you enjoy! See the README for more details.

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File statistics are updated periodically, so numbers shown in this listing may not agree exactly with those shown on individual files.
