New beta!
- The editor is now more performant with large files
- There's a light theme (can be toggled with [ON])
- [X,T,0,n] now let you type 2-length strings instead of numbers for finding labels
- Pressing [Mode] in the program selector reloads the latest program at the last cursor position
- Also, numerous bug-fixes and tweaks
Now, the greatest issue is that when there are a thousand glyphs on the screen, it is laggy (250ms/frame instead of the target 66ms; fontlibc's drawing code is about 60-70% of that). This probably means re-writing the renderer to not re-draw everything per frame. I'm unsure if I'll work on this soon. Expect not. I have other projects I need to stop ignoring :)
Back up your calculator before running this. Worst case: expect to lose work.
[Outdated link redacted. See earlier beta testing post for latest link.]
DarkSystem wrote:
do you plan on... maybe Open-Sourcing it?
MateoConLechuga wrote:
Dark/Light mode?
Okay :)
MateoConLechuga wrote:
Would recommend you read these two guides...