Archives: TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus Assembly Programs
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  3. TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus Programs
  4. TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus Assembly Programs

These programs are for the TI-83+ and TI-84+ calculators, including the 83+ SE and 84+ SE. They are mostly not compatible with the color-screen 84+ CSE or CE variants, but some BASIC programs can be run on all of them.


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  1. Darkness is a background I designed for DoorsCS 6. Check out the screenshot to see how it looks.

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  2. Featuring a command prompt user interface, this program has many useful commands and program management features. Some of the more significant attributes include battery status, ti-os lowercase on/off, list of all programs and all appvariables, ram info and archive info. CMDv2 can also lock, hide and archive programs. Practical? Not so much. Incredibly fun to use? Definitely.

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  3. Floatlib is a third-party floating-point library+documentation packaged into a 1-page app for the 83+/84+. Since these are highly optimized and large routines, you may not want to include them in every project. Instead, you can keep your programs small and just call the routines in this app :)

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  4. This is an implementation of the Heapsort algorithm. It can (and has) been used for such tasks as sorting the VAT and TI Lists!
    **New: Now includes a more general-purpose version and an example program that sorts TI lists very quickly :)

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  5. This is the Tetris background music. Requires mobileTunes and DoorsCS. It sounds pretty good, and was converted with the MIDI to mobileTunes converter on Cemetech. Useful for playing while you play Tetris on a separate calc!

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  6. This is an experimental version of a program that I plan to build in the future. That is what the "E" stands for. Compiled with the Axe Parser.

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  7. I added the source! (Axe)
    My next ideas are a pretrained brain to talk to and more memory availability.

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  8. Dodge bullets and rockets while dropping bombs on priority enemy targets in this side scroller. Will likely not work on TI-83-family calculators due to its use of the TI-84 Plus's fast mode for a cool 32 fps.

    Updates include bomb visual improvements, a bug fix, and some slight optimization.

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  9. This file contains two routines for sorting and parsing the VAT entries of named variables. It uses the heapsort algorithm as its underlying core, providing a very fast sorting time. It also includes a routine whose output matches _ChkFindSym, but you can access the variables by index (ex. index 0 returns the information of the first [alphabetically] named variable).

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  10. This code turns the TI-84+ into a 1-bit, non-polyphonic instrument.

    The program lets the user use 15 buttons to play notes from a scale and use the other buttons to define the scale currently being used.

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  11. This is a program to sort the VAT in-place using an in-place, non-recursive mergesort. It only uses 29 bytes of external RAM (OP1/OP2 and 4 bytes of stack space), but these constraints grow it to an O(n^2) sorting algorithm instead of the classic O(n*lg(n)) algorithm. However, it starts to perform better than an insertion sort at about 90 elements in this case.

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  12. The synthesizer duel from the Regular Show season 7 episode 23, "Gary's Synthesizer", captured my imagination, so I have lovingly sequenced it as a 2-minute-long mobileTunes 3 song. Taking full advantage of (and occasionally bursting the bounds of) the four audio channels mobileTunes 3 supports, this song will threaten to turn into an earworm. Listen to it on YouTube:

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  13. If you enjoy Pokemon or Earthbound, you'll probably enjoy this game. Play as four children who end up trapped in the Whirlpool Galaxy. Fight enemies and find materials to build a ship to take you back home to Earth.

    * Detailed graphics and smooth-scrolling
    * Four playable characters, each with unique weapons
    * A full story with cutscenes
    * 11 levels that take place on 8 different planets
    * 70+ enemies, including several bosses
    * Save up to 3 games

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  14. Rule and Conquer Trailer 1 is a beautiful 4 level grayscale trailer for my game in progress (note: not anymore, but this demo video was pretty cool back then, I thought).

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  15. This program lets TI-BASIC programmers to easily display an RPG game style textbox that supports automatic/manual line/page advancing, adjustable delays between characters and keypress to display text faster.

    This is my first assembly project ever. Huge props to two Lv. 99 ASM wizards Runer112 and Xeda112358 for lending me a hand when I needed help or explanation on how things work.

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  16. Using the heapsort algorithm this program very quickly sorts a TI-list. For example, a 999 element list takes just 3 seconds to sort, compared to 55 seconds for the OS SortA( routine. **Update: Now only 200 bytes (compared to 357), faster, needs no additional RAM, and uses 15MHz mode if possible, so 999 elements takes about 1.1 seconds :)

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  17. SEIRINS is a Sierpinski triangle generator for the Ti 83+/84+, written and compiled with the Axe Parser 1.2.1

    Very simple. Simply run and it plots the points of the Sierpinski Triangle using the Chaos Game algorithm.

    Simply press CLEAR to exit. Program will run indefinitely, so be sure to exit when done.

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  18. This is a program to sort the VAT in-place using an adaptive insertion sort. It's fairly fast compared to other VAT sort implementations, but way faster than others I've found on a nearly-sorted or sorted VAT. For example, if you have 95 named variable VAT entries, and add 5 new programs, this takes just over .01 seconds to sort.

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  19. This assembly program very quickly shuffles a list. Great for shuffling a deck of cards in your BASIC games! For reference, it takes approximately 1 second to shuffle a 999 element list on the slower 6MHz TI-83+ (and even faster on the 83+SE and 84+ series).

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  20. Eitrix: Tetris with a multiplayer twist! Eitrix is a fun and innovative game in the style of Tetris, with an important twist: Occassionally, one of the blocks in your grid will become energized with a Special Power. Clear the row the block is in, and the Special Power will be unleased, either helping you or harming your opponent. This new version of the game includes several new features and animations, including the long-promised CALCnet2.2 functionality! Connect to EitHub on Cemetech and begin!

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  21. The Chrome dino game on your calculator! With the ability to change cactus generation. Source coming soon, I just need to get everything in order. If you really want the source, you can look here:

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  22. Greetings!

    Push the Box - there was a game like this on my old Siemens S45 mobilephone, ca. 20 years ago.
    I can´t remember its name or every details, but the main goal is: fill the the last row with boxes in the Hall,
    then they disappear and you get some points. The Cranes bring boxes continuosly. You must direct the worker.
    He can push, jump up or jump over one box. Don´t let him or any box fall from too high ( 2 unit box ).
    Beware of Cranes!
    The game is end if any Crane hit a box or the Worker. Or the Worker fall from too high.
    Good Luck!

    No need external libs, start as a normal assembler: Asm(prgmPUSH
    Tested and developed for Ti83+
    No warranty for any damage!
    Source on GitHub

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  23. This program uses the quartz crystals on the TI-83+SE and TI-84s to compute the effective CPU clock speed of the calculator. It does not work on a TI-83+. For the TI-84 Plus C SE version, see

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  24. I guess this is what programmers do when they are bored. Watch the hated number do something else irrational: Conquer the world! View its progress in grayscale on your trusty TI-83+ calculator.

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  25. If you have ever missed the backspace key on a TI-83/84/+/SE then you will be glad to hear that it has finally been made available.

    I discovered the undocumented backspace key a while ago when I was testing a USB keyboard entry method on the TI 83/84 etc. Today I discovered keyhooks and mixed the both together.

    Here it is, source code too. Remember to disable Mathprint. Enjoy.

    P.S. I'm experimenting with this on TI84+CSE, but not there yet.

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  26. Oxcity is a challenging city course for TinycarZ on the 83+/84+, combining long straightaways with a sharp 90 degree corner, a fork in the road, and even an offroad section. Be careful not to drive into a dead end!

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  27. HomescreenPictures, in short, is a unique but simple program that allows you to take and recall pictures of the text on the homescreen. That's about it. Just note that the size of the program increases with the number of pictures you want. The current limit is 20, but I'll up it if enough people e-mail me about it. (It's tedious work, lemme tell you.)

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  28. This is a variable-width bold font for Grammer 2.50.8+. This was made with DrDnar's Monochrome Font Editor (MFE):

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  29. A homescreen hook that appends the appropriate SI prefix (e.g. 'K' for kilo) to the results of a calculation done in ENG mode.

    Read the file for proper use and installation, or visit to see the documentation with images.

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  30. Cloned Atari Breakout in C for Ti-83/84+ (non ce)

    Up button to fire ball

    left for left

    right for right

    clear to exit

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  31. Scrolling Menu Plus is a mimic of the menus built into the TI-83/84 plus meant for use with TI-BASIC programs. It uses a string stored in Ans to make a menu and outputs the ASCII code of the selected option. You can also now use the left and right arrows to switch between menus. If you do end up using this as part of a TI-BASIC program, please acknowledge me and this program. v1.1.1

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  32. This is a TinyCarZ version of High Speed Ring that is as accurate as possible to the version that appears in Gran Turismo 4.

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File statistics are updated periodically, so numbers shown in this listing may not agree exactly with those shown on individual files.
