Projects of the Month: May 2018
Published by PT_
6 years, 2 months ago (2018-06-20T21:59:52+00:00)
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Like previous month, May has been extremely busy with people showing off their programs and updates. Unfortunately, not all of those projects could be featured, else the post would have grown way too long. Anyway, take a look at the list, and visit all the topics to get more information!
As always, go through this list and visit the topics to give the authors some love and motivate them to continue working on their programs! There are quite a bunch of amazing projects this month, so please vote in the poll above which program you think is the best.
May has been an extremely busy month, and we hope to see that continue in the coming months. Keep up the great work everyone!
Like previous month, May has been extremely busy with people showing off their programs and updates. Unfortunately, not all of those projects could be featured, else the post would have grown way too long. Anyway, take a look at the list, and visit all the topics to get more information!
- Age of CEmpires I: PT_ continued to work on Age of CEmpires, an Age of Empires clone for the TI-84+CE. He managed to add units to the codebase, resulting in all of the graphics being finished. Take a look at the thread for some eye-candy!
- ARPG (A TI-Basic Demo RPG): Michael2_3B has been developing a new RPG for the color calculators, called "ARPG", featuring a player going around a map with bushes, friends and enemies. It features diverse things, such as lives, a regular sword and a stronger sword. The game is not done yet, so encourage the author to work on it some more!
- BasicNote CE Progress Thread: Michael2_3B has also been working really hard on his BASIC note editor, BasicNote CE. He added cursor alignment, text rendering, a scroll bar, note deletion, manual save feature and much more! Definitely go check out the thread for more features!
- Brum: Arduino-Controlled Race Car: Joining the trend of several Arduino-related projects last month, PT_ has been working on controlling a racecar with an Arduino, which has the goal of following a line using 4 sensors. Check out the thread for some footage.
- Calc Crusader (TI-84 Plus CE, ICE): dankcalculatorbro started a new project, written in ICE, called "Calc Crusader". This is a game where you have to conquer cities and supply their armies. So far, several features have been implemented, so visit the topic to see what he's working on!
- Chip-84 - A Chip-8 Emulator for TI-84 Plus CE: ckosmic has written a CHIP-8 emulator for the TI-84+CE. It supports SuperChip-8 ROMs, custom keymapping and emulation speed control, and some more features I can't list here. If you have ever wanted to play CHIP-8 programs on your CE, don't wait to try this program!
- Columns CE: Iambian is still working on his new game Columns CE, a port of the video game Columns. There are lots of updates and new features, including a game over screen, bugfixes and jewel displaying. Check out the thread for some more information!
- Digital animated fursona badge: Spyro543 created an electronic animated fursona badge, which is a monochrome OLED display powered an Adafruit Feather M0. Check out the thread for some more information and pictures.
- Homemade Arduino-Based Drone: Nik managed to fix some things of his homemade Arduino-based drone, like the stabilization algorithm, in order to keep the drone stable. The drone can now actually fly, despite the lots of challenges to overcome. Curious to what he did? Visit this topic!
- NOS - A alternative shell: LAX18 has added a bunch of features to NOS, a shell written in ICE. Now it can run BASIC and Assembly programs, read and browse files, and display the Cesium icon. This shell looks promising, so go take a look at the topic!
- PolyJS: _iPhoenix_ has written a fast and small Javascript library to let you easily create 2D graphics. It allows you to create, modify and draw polygons. You can also attach polygons together, with or without an offset! Check out the thread for examples, images, and a download link!
- Puzzler's Crossword: JWinslow23 has written a crossword game for the monochrome calculators. It features a puzzle with a grid of squares where you have to fill in the blanks in order to solve it. It has smooth scrolling and a bunch of clues. Can you solve it?
- Stock Sim CE (ICE) Progress Thread: LAX18 has released his Stock Simulator, which is a program simulating stocks. You can buy and sell stocks, while monitoring several charts. Players have to determine the best times to sell, whilst monitoring best times to buy other stocks. Check it out!
- Tanks! CE: commandblockguy is busy with his program "Tanks!", a port of the Wii game for the TI-84+CE. It can already display the map, the tanks and tanks shooting bullets. Visit this topic to encourage the author to finish it!
- [TI-Basic] CECraft for the CE: Michael2_3B has released an update of his game "CECraft". In this version you can customize the roughness or smoothness of the world and some minor updates. Check out the thread if you want some screenshots.
As always, go through this list and visit the topics to give the authors some love and motivate them to continue working on their programs! There are quite a bunch of amazing projects this month, so please vote in the poll above which program you think is the best.
May has been an extremely busy month, and we hope to see that continue in the coming months. Keep up the great work everyone!