A little over one year ago, I started a topic about your Summer 2014 goals and projects, like the one two years ago and three years ago. As I said last year and the year before, I never get everything I want done, and I doubt you guys do either, but I hope that organizing our collective thoughts on what we want to accomplish will help. In years past, other people talked about coding projects, academic endeavors, travel, relaxing, and much more, and I hope you all have a good idea of what you plan to do this summer as well. To blatantly steal from my post last year (and the year before):

In the past, I've found setting some specific (and realistic) goals are the best way to make sure that you feel like you had a productive summer, without making it too much of a drag. Of course, some of us are working jobs or internships and won't have the leisure for too much personal coding, engineering, and hacking, but you can still think of a fun side-project to work on. I know that almost all of us have unfinished projects or at least unrealized ideas, a topic I discussed at length in my most recent editorial. So what will it be? What programming, hacking, gaming, working, academic, and relaxing pursuits will you be attempting this summer? What do you want to have complete by the time September rolls around?

For me, the list looks something like the following:
:: Write and defend my doctoral thesis
:: Continue planning the next stage of my professional career with my adviser
:: Update personal website if I have time
:: Work on code-named "Hilarious" project with Cemetech staff

:: Finish Graph3DC for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, and port it to the TI-84 Plus CE. I'm currently stuck at number and equation editing, because TI-OS.
:: Find the remaining CALCnet BASIC bugs on the non-TI-83+ calculators, test out Doors CS 7.3 with these fixes, and release.
:: Continue working on M-Game for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition and TI-84 Plus CE with geekboy and UnknownLoner.
:: Write SimVille for the TI-84+CE, alone or with others.
:: Make some kind of progess on the long-suffering SparseWorld project.
:: Add ez80 + TI-84+CE support to jsTIfied.
:: Add indentation support to SourceCoder and announce SourceCoder 3.0 non-beta.
:: If we get an App key, work on Doors C[S]E for the TI-84+CE.

:: Create a lesson plan teaching rudimentary programming and electronics using the TI-83+/TI-84+/TI-84+CSE and an Arduino, built around the ArduinoTILP library.
:: Design a more flexible activity framework for the TI-84+CE
:: Start Contest #14 in early summer, at the latest.

:: Experiment with the op-amp wrist-glove concept.

:: Continue working with educational partners on unspecified programming projects.
:: Finish revisions to Using the TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus to create the TI-84 Plus CE-centric "Using the TI-84 Plus".
:: Make a series of videos based on "Using the TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus" exerpting specific examples.
:: Write proposal for new (non-calculator) book

I'm keeping it pretty tame (ha!) for this summer, and I'll see if I manage to finish more than I planned. What about all of you?
Simville? I'm assuming Sim city type game?
I've been studying c++ for a while now, but it's all been basic command line stuff and hopefully over the summer I'll have more time to do more graphical programs, probably using sfml.
I just want to finish all my little upgrades to Caticle and start and finish a RPG idea I have using M. I.'s swiping routine.

How is hilarious professional? Shock
Here's my todo list for the summer in no particular order:

❖ Polish Qt RTS handler code and publish the patch
❖ Look into Prizm recovery
❖ Possibly get an HP Prime for *nix-related ideas
❖ Redintegrate
❖ Try improving jsTIfied's debugging features?
Welp, here are some of my goals, coding-wise, for this summer...
-Finish BasicNote (perhaps I can finish it this month though, maybe?)
-Work on Pony Express
-Completely redo Dark Hallways, and finish it
-maybe give Basic Avalanche Plus a big update (or delete it, although I'm not sure that's possible)

Other than that, I've got an awesome camp that I'm going to. And I'm meeting throughout the summer for robotics, although the meetings are mainly just hangouts at whoevers house.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I'm heading to Washington DC and long island this summer! Very Happy
I will just be working on some stuff, probably learning Asm, and getting ready for college. And if I have the time, go to the World Maker Faire. I will also try to give my galaga game a small (read:giant) upgrade concerning sprites. Maybe I will program a little in Scratch, since I know that pretty well. If I have nothing else to do.... wait. I will just be learning Asm, so I won't run out of things to do! Or maybe I will keep working on my minecraft house planner. Only time will tell.......

By the way, I like your website name, Kerm.
-First Fantasy II
-Hopefully work some more on either Super Walrii Land or Supersonic Ball HP. A pseudo 3D tunnel racing game is also a possibility.
AHelper wrote:
Here's my todo list for the summer in no particular order:
[...]❖ Try improving jsTIfied's debugging features?
Yes, please. That would be greatly appreciated. Smile You and Runer112 certainly generated quite the exhaustive list of what you feel would improve it.

Caleb: "Cemetech"? Or z80.me?

DJ_O: Is that former a TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition game?
Nope. First Fantasy II is a future one, while the other two are future HP Prime games that were stalled. Supersonic Ball is on the 83+ already, though.
Well, since I have not much to do right now, I guess I'll post updates for this summer and bump this topic to see everyone else's progress on their goals!

❖ Polish Qt RTS handler code and publish the patch
→ I didn't work too much on this, although I expect I'll just pick this up again when school resumes.
❖ Look into Prizm recovery
→Ordered wire, solder, and solder wick, waiting for the package to land in the US
❖ Possibly get an HP Prime for *nix-related ideas
→I'm still juggling the idea for buying a lot of hardware, this included.
❖ Redintegrate
❖ Try improving jsTIfied's debugging features?
→I've been tied up with...

New projects not planned on:
Turtles in ComputerCraft

I've been quite busy with my internship with Hewlett-Packard, so all of my personal dev work has been on a train for a few hours or on the weekends.

How's everyone else's summer going? Any fun progress/projects/trips?
Welp, Caticle updates are pretty much done for me, now!

I ended up working on two more projects rather than just moneywalriii. And that RPG idea is kinda not happening for a while Razz
I guess I'm bumping this Razz


What I have done so far:
- Progressed on MoneyWalrus (A tiny bit)
- Finished game of pig (unexpected project)
- Gotten about halfway done with NAGOJI CSE (another unexpected)

What I want to do:
-Remake MoneyWalrus with a new gametype

What will not happen soon:
- Working on that RPG thing (Probably will start on this before Chistmas or Halloween?)

Looking at this, I got some things done, but I should probably work a bit more at it.
Thanks for bumping this, it was about time for it! I'm glad you were able to get three of your projects partially or completely done, and that it seems like you're budgeting time for finishing one and rewriting the other. Best of luck getting that done!

As far as my stuff goes, doctoral work has consumed a huge chunk of my time, and creating programming lessons, modifying one of my books for republication, and other assorted non-technical life stuff took up the rest. While I have gotten Graph3DC to a nearly-releasable state, the fact that it seems like it's unlikely to be available on the CE as an App in the near future has severely discouraged me from completing it.
Well, here are some of the goals that I hope to accomplish: (And probably will once school rolls around):

- Create a standard C library and kernel for the CE calculator
- Work on ez80 emulation in jsTIfied
- Work on a Hybrid Basic library for the CE
- Document the CE Operating System, and find ways to do things never thought possible

Those are the four main things that I hope to do in this upcoming year; we will see how that goes! Smile
Trying not to overwhelm myself this summer. Feels like I've just been wasting a lot of time watching youtube so far in 2015 and haven't gotten to half what I had planned. Razz

- Finish one consulting assignment (custom circuit board + Atmel code)
- Might go to ESC embedded conference, but not sure yet (http://www.embeddedconf.com/)

- Finish relocating RW2's executable codes and finish the Oceanside chapter
- Do some intro-level projects TI Code Composer for MSP430 chips

- Start practicing Mandarin via online chats (qq, skype, etc). I think 3-4 hours per week would do it
- Resume practicing Spanish in person (meetups, etc)

- Get my 5K time back down to the <20 range or try beginner's kickboxing
- Parkour! : D

- Set up a dedicated Software Defined Radio (SDR) receiver to monitor radio traffic in the area (4+ bands simultaneously would be cool)
- Create a wearable SDR using the raspberry Pi 2 and GNU Radio or rtl_sdr
Mateo wrote:
Those are goals that I'm behind 100%! I especially hope we'll be joining forces on those first three items, since you know how near and dear they are to my heart. I'm hoping that as many of Doors CSE's hybrid BASIC features (and ASM libs) as possible will be possible in some form on the TI-84 Plus CE, and if you'd be willing to aim (1) and (3) as things we can use as part of a new Doors C[S][E], I'd be quite excited. Please let me know what I can do to help, including adding you to the requisite repositories that tr1p1ea and I use and getting you (and myself) up to speed on what common thoughts we have on CE shells. I know that Cemetechians like elfprince and others will want to weigh in as well about Doing Things Right (TM) the first time.

Dianzi tian wrote:
- Finish one consulting assignment (custom circuit board + Atmel code)
- Might go to ESC embedded conference, but not sure yet (http://www.embeddedconf.com/)
ESC sounds cool, and good luck on the consulting assignment. Will you be fabbing it yourself to test it or using a fab house?

- Finish relocating RW2's executable codes and finish the Oceanside chapter
- Do some intro-level projects TI Code Composer for MSP430 chips
I'd love to see more progress on Robot Wars, and I know many of our loyal visitors and members would be excited about that as well. I also am glad you're working with the MSP430; we started doing some MSP430/MSP432 experiments recently with calculator interfacing. I hope you'll post up your projects progress and questions, if you have any.

- Set up a dedicated Software Defined Radio (SDR) receiver to monitor radio traffic in the area (4+ bands simultaneously would be cool)
- Create a wearable SDR using the raspberry Pi 2 and GNU Radio or rtl_sdr
Does point (2) explain point (1), or is there another SDR platform you were thinking of using?
Dianzi tian wrote:
- Finish one consulting assignment (custom circuit board + Atmel code)
- Might go to ESC embedded conference, but not sure yet (http://www.embeddedconf.com/)
ESC sounds cool, and good luck on the consulting assignment. Will you be fabbing it yourself to test it or using a fab house?

Lately, I've had PCBs made by ExpressPCB, who does the etching, soldermask, and silkscreen. There are plenty of cheaper places in China or Mexico, but with Express there's no long turnaround and they're really responsive. The components are already here, I'll need to hand-solder them on. I'm kinda in the market for a full-service board supplier that can do pick-and-place for future stuff.

I decided against ESC for now, only because I was hoping the company might cover some of the registration; but the financials aren't looking that great this month.

- Set up a dedicated Software Defined Radio (SDR) receiver to monitor radio traffic in the area (4+ bands simultaneously would be cool)
- Create a wearable SDR using the raspberry Pi 2 and GNU Radio or rtl_sdr
Does point (2) explain point (1), or is there another SDR platform you were thinking of using?

Yep. I'm planning to set up my desktop as an SDR test platform to try out new antennas and software, and then deploy it for wearable SDR use. I had actually gotten a basic prototype working last winter using Rasperberry Pi 1 and the command line rtl_fm program. Unfortunately, I ran into what I can only describe as some sort of dependency hell caused by a Perl "update." The program would not run and I could no longer use apt-get to install, repair, or even get rid of the broken dependencies. It was really silly.

Anyway, what I'm using right now is SDR# (with Windows), which does audio decoding and spectrum plotting for AM, FM and 6 other modulation schemes. For digital formats like APCO P25, I use Digital Speech Decoder Plus (DSD+). Hopefully, I can get Unitrunker working and improve my receiver shielding to get it fully operational. I'll probably start with Unitrunker, and then revisit rtl_sdr with a fresh Raspbian image.
AHelper wrote:
Well, since I have not much to do right now, I guess I'll post updates for this summer and bump this topic to see everyone else's progress on their goals!

❖ Polish Qt RTS handler code and publish the patch
→ I didn't work too much on this, although I expect I'll just pick this up again when school resumes.
❖ Look into Prizm recovery
→Ordered wire, solder, and solder wick, waiting for the package to land in the US
❖ Possibly get an HP Prime for *nix-related ideas
→I'm still juggling the idea for buying a lot of hardware, this included.
❖ Redintegrate
❖ Try improving jsTIfied's debugging features?
→I've been tied up with...

New projects not planned on:
Turtles in ComputerCraft

I've been quite busy with my internship with Hewlett-Packard, so all of my personal dev work has been on a train for a few hours or on the weekends.

How's everyone else's summer going? Any fun progress/projects/trips?

Last week before I get back to college courses. Today was my last day working at HP, so I have been increasingly busy up to today.

I have plans on working on repairing my Prizm in the next week as well as looking at coding for the Prime. But beyond that, well, no longer summer Sad
Unfortunately, summer has just about run its course, so I need to report on how this summer's projects worked out for me. Here's what I finished or made progress on. I didn't include it, but I also did a lot of work on planning Maker Faire displays and logistics, together with the tireless Geekboy1011.

:: Write and defend my doctoral thesis -> Done!
:: Continue planning the next stage of my professional career with my adviser -> ehhhh, sort of done.

:: Finish Graph3DC for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, and port it to the TI-84 Plus CE. I'm currently stuck at number and equation editing, because TI-OS. -> Got it as far a closed beta, then got demotivated when I realized it probably won't be on the TI-84 Plus CE.
:: Add indentation support to SourceCoder and announce SourceCoder 3.0 non-beta. -> Partially done, actually!
:: If we get an App key, work on Doors C[S]E for the

:: Continue working with educational partners on unspecified programming projects. -> Done, ish. Still waiting for the final work to be available.
:: Finish revisions to Using the TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus to create the TI-84 Plus CE-centric "Using the TI-84 Plus". -> Done and published.
:: Make a series of videos based on "Using the TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus" exerpting specific examples. -> Three episodes done, fourth in progress.

Unfortunately, there were plenty of things that I didn't have a chance to work on due to time constraints, but hopefully at least some of these will find their way onto my schedule this winter:

:: Update personal website if I have time -> did not happen. Needs to happen soon.
:: Work on code-named "Hilarious" project with Cemetech staff -> Postponed for now.

:: Find the remaining CALCnet BASIC bugs on the non-TI-83+ calculators, test out Doors CS 7.3 with these fixes, and release. -> Not happening any time soon
:: Continue working on M-Game for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition and TI-84 Plus CE with geekboy and UnknownLoner. -> Sadly, no time for this.
:: Write SimVille for the TI-84+CE, alone or with others. -> No time for this either, although I want to at least demo the graphics engine.
:: Make some kind of progess on the long-suffering SparseWorld project. -> Surprisingly, some work on this, although I didn't make much forward progress.
:: Add ez80 + TI-84+CE support to jsTIfied. -> No progress; hopefully we'll do it this fall.
TI-84+CE. -> No App key yet, and no Doors CE work yet.

:: Write proposal for new (non-calculator) book -> Still on haitus.

:: Create a lesson plan teaching rudimentary programming and electronics using the TI-83+/TI-84+/TI-84+CSE and an Arduino, built around the ArduinoTILP library. -> No, but did a different series of lesson plans.
:: Design a more flexible activity framework for the TI-84+CE -> Didn't have time (or tools)
:: Start Contest #14 in early summer, at the latest. -> This will be a back to school contest now.

:: Experiment with the op-amp wrist-glove concept. -> Didn't have time.
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