2018-2-5 Regular users can now edit and delete their own reviews.
2018-2-6 The main author of a program gets a PM when someone reviews one of his/her programs in the Archives.
2018-03-06 Dedicated server renewed for another year.
2018-03-15 Added Compile button in
SourceCoder3 to online compile your ICE program(s) with the latest ICE version available.
2018-03-15 Added the possibility to replace your username highlighting in SAX with a custom regex, which overwrites your username; this should be a full regex, like "/^.*PT_/". You can change it in the edit profile page.
2018-03-15 You can now preview selected files in the Archives, right in your browser.
2018-04-10 The good old antispam test at the registration page has been replaced with a reCAPTCHA service.
2018-05-22 Renewed cemetech.net for another year.
2018-05-22 Replacing
http://cemete.ch links in SAX with
http://ceme.tech, which
Alex registered, because
http://cemete.ch is expired. We're not sure if it's going to be up again in the future. All shortlinks still work, like
2018-10-10 Due to planned
http://cemete.ch downtime, SAX has been switched back to
http://ceme.tech for shortlinks for the time being.
KermMartian wrote:
2017-10-21 On request from tifreak8x, added [center] BBCode tag
2018-10-11 Added again because the code was lost.
There will be some (probably short) downtime in the next few hours as we update the server. Don't panic.
Update 2019-07-07T11:09+00:00: all done, you may resume reporting problems that may appear.
Small change to the side sidebar's styling and markup, making it more semantic (thus more accessible to assistive technologies) and simpler.

Messages being sent to SAX from the site are being relayed differently now. There should be no meaningful difference in functionality.
(I was testing it by editing this post, but I'm done now.)
I'm migrating the chat server underlying SAX to a new implementation; connections to other chat services will be interrupted while this happens.
I will update this post with further details when updates are complete. Updates are complete.
The client-side has been completely rewritten and the server is doing things a little differently for handling authentication which should be more robust. Before/after (before on the left):
The pop-out page is also redesigned to look more like what people usually expect chat clients to look like, rather than a larger version of the sidebar chat (I don't have a "before" image handy to share, unforuntately):
Made some changes to things intended to prevent spam. Since you're seeing this post everything should be working as expected, so no action is required.
Updated CE SDK as available through SourceCoder to
Updated CE SDK as available through SourceCoder to 11.0.
Updated SourceCoder CE SDK to
Forum pages are now served as UTF-8 rather than Windows-1252 ("Latin-1"). There should be no visible difference in functionality.
XMPP (which SAX on the site connects to) is now running on a different server. This should have no visible effect, but there may be some temporary unavailability if I'm tweaking configuration.
The ports of Spasm (for
building Z80 and eZ80 assembly programs) and ICE (for CE ICE programs) have been updated to build with much newer tools. Performance should be improved, but WebAssembly support is now required in your browser (available in all major browsers since 2017).
If you encounter errors or unexpected failures when building assembly or ICE programs, first try clearing your browser cache.
Handling of very small text in posts (using the [size] tag) has been changed to prevent it from ever becoming too small to be readable.
Extremely small values now get decorated as spoilers (since people tended to use it for that purpose), and otherwise the minimum size is 6. Values that are too large to count as spoilers but too small to be legible will be rounded up to the minimum.