Sandpaper v0.95 Calculator FTP Client/Server
Published by KermMartian
11 years, 3 months ago (2013-06-10T04:50:28+00:00)
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In November 2011, I announced the release of Sandpaper v0.8, a CALCnet-powered FTP client and server for TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus graphing calculators. That version, first hacked together when I visited Maine for a Cemetech retreat with fellow administrators Elfprince13 and Merthsoft, could send and receive unarchived programs and could list directories in the archives. Other than a few hours spent fixing bugs in July 2012, the code lay dormant until three weeks ago, when an internet-deprived plane ride inspired me to finish Sandpaper off once and for all.
During my commutes to and from my summer internship these three weeks, I have fixed sending and receiving programs, pictures, groups, AppVars, strings, GDBs, matrices, and lists to and from RAM and Archive. Although the program weighs in at a hefty 7KB, it is extremely full-featured, using the Doors GUI API and CALCnet to offer a friendly and fast user interface. You can connect to a friend's calculator across the room or around the world, browse their Doors CS folders, and send programs directly between their calculator and yours. You can also use the globalCALCnet FTP bridge to directly download files from the archives onto your calculator. No longer do you need to install TILP or TI-Connect: simply connect your calculator to the 'FTPHub' gCn hub, open Sandpaper, and start browsing. You can even view readmes (and other .txt files) directly through Sandpaper.
So why is this v0.95, and not v1.0? In the past, Cemetechians have been invaluable in helping me track down all of even the most subtle corner-case bugs in programs like Doors CS. I call on your once again to lend your eyes and calculators to testing out Sandpaper. To make your life easier, the Sandpaper v0.95 download even includes a preview of the newest gCnClient and Doors CS 7.2 beta 2c, which bring a great deal of stability to Direct USB-based globalCALCnet. Please give Sandpaper a try and report any and all bugs in the attached thread.
Sandpaper v0.95
A video of Sandpaper in action from the v0.8 release (left) and Sandpaper connected to the archives (right)
In November 2011, I announced the release of Sandpaper v0.8, a CALCnet-powered FTP client and server for TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus graphing calculators. That version, first hacked together when I visited Maine for a Cemetech retreat with fellow administrators Elfprince13 and Merthsoft, could send and receive unarchived programs and could list directories in the archives. Other than a few hours spent fixing bugs in July 2012, the code lay dormant until three weeks ago, when an internet-deprived plane ride inspired me to finish Sandpaper off once and for all.
During my commutes to and from my summer internship these three weeks, I have fixed sending and receiving programs, pictures, groups, AppVars, strings, GDBs, matrices, and lists to and from RAM and Archive. Although the program weighs in at a hefty 7KB, it is extremely full-featured, using the Doors GUI API and CALCnet to offer a friendly and fast user interface. You can connect to a friend's calculator across the room or around the world, browse their Doors CS folders, and send programs directly between their calculator and yours. You can also use the globalCALCnet FTP bridge to directly download files from the archives onto your calculator. No longer do you need to install TILP or TI-Connect: simply connect your calculator to the 'FTPHub' gCn hub, open Sandpaper, and start browsing. You can even view readmes (and other .txt files) directly through Sandpaper.
So why is this v0.95, and not v1.0? In the past, Cemetechians have been invaluable in helping me track down all of even the most subtle corner-case bugs in programs like Doors CS. I call on your once again to lend your eyes and calculators to testing out Sandpaper. To make your life easier, the Sandpaper v0.95 download even includes a preview of the newest gCnClient and Doors CS 7.2 beta 2c, which bring a great deal of stability to Direct USB-based globalCALCnet. Please give Sandpaper a try and report any and all bugs in the attached thread.
Sandpaper v0.95
A video of Sandpaper in action from the v0.8 release (left) and Sandpaper connected to the archives (right)