Online TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition Emulator: jsTIfied
Published by KermMartian | Discuss this article

Cemetech's jsTIfied calculator emulator started fifteen months ago as an online TI-83+ emulator, then gradually expanded to support the TI-83+SE, TI-84+, and TI-84+SE. A month or two ago, I added TI-73,, TI-81, TI-82, TI-82, and TI-83 support to this tool. Now that I have my hands on the TI-84+CSE, I'm happy to announce that I have implemented TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition support in jsTIfied.

Of course, since only a few calculators exist in the wild, very few users even have calculators to dump ROMs off of, and to save temptation, jsTIfied's TI-84+CSE features will not be present in the public copy of the emulator for a few weeks. Since the community discovered the LCD controller model from critor's review model, it was possible to start thinking about the changes I would need to make to jsTIfied to support the TI-84+CSE. Once I got my own calculator, I was able to use assembly stubs to dump the ROM, one page at a time, and use it to test out my work. I hope that this addition to my venerable tool proves useful, and I will unlock the TI-84+CSE emulation to the public once I see that more calculators are making their way into the wild. Remember, kids: sharing ROMs is illegal, and downloading ROMs for calculators you don't own is illegal too.

More Information:
jsTIfied online calculator emulator
TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition Reference

