Stats: 40K and More; Awards; Latest Projects
Published by KermMartian 13 years, 7 months ago (2011-02-06T02:43:44+00:00) | Discuss this article

Life at Cemetech is rolling along, as it tends to do, and various points of interest bear sharing despite not being individually significant enough for their own news article. To get a bit of self-aggrandizing statistics news out of the way first, I have recently blown past 40,000 posts here on the Cemetech forum in just shy of six years, a current total of 1,276,583 words in 40,293 posts. In addition, I just passed 850,000 downloads on, and look forward to many more years of adding programs to my profile as a member of the community. Site-wide, the Statistics page shows that we're above 140,000 total posts, have over 9,500,000 topic views, and are rapidly approaching 1,700 members. Congrats to all, keep up the good work, and remember, when you have a question, a project, or an interesting technology-related issue to discuss, post it up! The site can only remain vibrant and continue to grow if everyone is engaged and has cool things to discuss.

Speaking of cool things, the global moderators and administrators of Cemetech want to single out three of our members for their inordinately valuable contributions to the graphing calculator community and to Cemetech. In no particular order, Ben Ryves has brought us innumerable well-written, impeccably-designed hardware and software projects over the years, and has contributed his extensive electronics and microcontroller expertise. Kenneth "Weregoose" Hammond has shared his remarkable ability to reduce TI-BASIC code size and increase speed by orders of magnitude with his mathematical insight. Brandon Wilson has consistently pushed the envelope on new areas and applications for our beloved calculators that many thought impossible. As a token of our gratitude, and to hopefully impress upon newer users the weight of any advice or assistance these three provide, we have bestowed a special rank of Cemetech Expert on these three remarkable individuals.

Finally, there are the usual excellent projects on which our members are working hard. Souvik Banerjee is building CALCnet Tournament, a multiplayer shooter game. Shaun "Merth" McFall has been combining globalCALCnet and C# in fun ways to produce a library for interacting with gCn and is now experimenting with code for a direct USB gCn bridge. Tanner Hobson has resumed work on his ASM topscroller Raven4ASM. I have been building and debugging a "$10 Bridge" alternative to the $30 Arduino board for connecting your calculators to the internet. Finally, many other impressive projects too numerous to mention are regularly being updated, so I invite you to (register if necessary, and) tell us what you think!

