Bring the Calculators Back to IRC: Reviving #ti
Published by allynfolksjr
14 years, 8 months ago (2010-01-21T05:11:51+00:00)
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The TI calculator community is fractured and uncoordinated. Coding and hacking talent is still plentiful, and enthusiasm is strong, yet no central meeting area and sounding board exists for programmers and community members to cooperate on projects, discuss ideas, and share information. We propose resurrecting the IRC channel #ti on EfNet as a neutral, reliable, and safe calculator-only discussion channel.
We're been discussing this idea for a while now, but a group of us is interested in bringing the IRC channel #ti back into action as a neutral, calculator-only IRC room that will be ran by the community. Since we're posting this link in multiple places, I'd appreciate any feedback be left on the blog linked below.