System timers are indeed very powerful, to the point they run *at least* during the system suspend and resume process: that's how my calculator had the ABS erased - I had a system timer pointing to a location in the RS memory where I thought my code in there would stay untouched, but turns out that area is overwritten with some flash erasing routine. It's pretty obvious now that it happened, but I couldn't have known. Eventually, if system timers can run during standby, the ABS may have been erased "during the sleep" and not while "falling asleep" or "waking up" as I initially thought.
Now, does GetKeyWait_OS set up a system timer?
TeamFX wrote:
Yeah, the sudden OS startup also confuses me a bit. But if some internal IC breaks (or is worn), anything could happen. Any add-in timers shouldn't automatically turn on the device if you called PowerOff(). Yet, I don't know if this is also true for system timers. It may depend on the standby mode level that is entered.
flyingfisch, what type of batteries are you using?
You could also try the following:
(assuming the RESTART circuit is dead)
- Open your Prizm and put some conductive material on the contact labeled "3" to automatically boot into emergency OS update mode, or put it on contact "1" to automatically start the diagnostic mode
- As far as I know, you just have to press [AC/ON] to enable this and no RESTART button is involved
- It may not work for the first try, so make sure that the conductive material is clean and fully attached to the test contact
By opening my prizm, do you mean taking the back cover off or just the battery cover?
Now, does GetKeyWait_OS set up a system timer?
Getkey is so a central routine, I would be surprised if it didn't.
By opening my prizm, do you mean taking the back cover off or just the battery cover?
You can't reach the test contacts if you don't remove the back cover.
What batteries did you use? Alkaline, Ni-MH or some no-name batteries?
TeamFX wrote:
Now, does GetKeyWait_OS set up a system timer?
Getkey is so a central routine, I would be surprised if it didn't.
It's not GetKey, but GetKeyWait_OS, which may set up an additional timer just for the timing features it provides.
Also, how is flyingfisch supposed to keep the Prizm turned on while shorting the contacts? When one removes the back cover, one also removes the battery holder...
EDIT: looks like he managed to use an external source.
Just tried activating those contacts, no dice. I had 6V attached to the bottom battery contact, had the upper one connected to ground, and tried both contacts several times.
I use Panasonic Alkaline AAA's (the ones that came with the calc).
So it means that either you didn't connect the power source correctly, some circuitry broke, or the first flash sector is erased...
And if you press RESTART+AC/ON+Contact_3 at the same time?
I don't know if you need to because the last time I did this was somewhere in 2011.
So it means that either you didn't connect the power source correctly, some circuitry broke, or the first flash sector is erased...
Flash writing actually needs to be set up by some command before writing bytewise. It is unlikely to be triggered accidentally (e.g. by some bug).
How would I do that if the back cover is off? how would I access the restart circuit?
TeamFX wrote:
Flash writing actually needs to be set up by some command before writing bytewise. It is unlikely to be triggered accidentally (e.g. by some bug).
Well, I disagree. On the code for suspending and resuming (which appears to be where the problem is), there are certainly lots of calls to flash erase and write routines. Otherwise, how do you explain that a timer set to a random RS memory location ended up erasing the first sector of my calculator? Of course, on such an undefined state, erasing a sector, and specifically the first, would be pure "luck", but it happens.
How would I do that if the back cover is off? how would I access the restart circuit?
How did you access contact 3 then? Simon uses some conductive tape. I normally use some adhesive tape and put some aluminum foil on it.
Then put in some batteries and press [AC/ON]. This "simulates" a simultaneous three key press.
flyingfisch wrote:
How would I do that if the back cover is off? how would I access the restart circuit?
Answer to this dilemma?
Sorry, my hands are shaking too much and I don't have tape or aluminum foil right now. I am missing two screws also. I think I am going to call it a day. Maybe I'll try some more testing tomorrow, but probably I will just send it to Casio...
Okay, but again: I don't know if you have to press RESTART additionally.
Nathan Austin wrote:
You're going to need to give me time to investigate. Normally, I would refer you to our repair procedure, but since this was a 'gifted' calculator there is no receipt involved. And due to the fact that it was 'gifted' I'm not sure how many I can continue to send you, despite this increasingly bizarre streak of bad luck. I will get back to you as soon as I have more information.
Good to hear that they are now put under some pressure and need to investigate this.
I hope I can get a replacement is all...
A replacement won't do much if it breaks on the first day...
gbl08ma wrote:
A replacement won't do much if it breaks on the first day...
I am hoping that not every prizm breaks on the first day...
bad news, i think:
After sending the calculator in for a diagnostic, the technicians have identified the problem (just this morning, in fact) as the result of unsupported add-in software. At this time they are unwilling to take any further actions to support it as it is an event outside our warranty coverage. You are welcome to send in your existing unit for repairs to the address provided in an earlier email -- if it doesn't show signs of unsupported software they should repair it.
Uhmmmm, they know how to read memory chips from dead calculators, or yours wasn't completely dead... or far more likely, they know how to use Google.
Note that their justification is about as good as naming speeding the cause of any car accident where someone was indeed speeding (even if it wasn't the main cause of the accident). Unfortunately, in both situations, there's not much you can do about it.
So, that's the diagnostic of your second, and not third, Prizm, right? Did you overclock the second one (sorry if you said this already, can't remember)?
flyingfisch, you have to contact this guy again.
Did those "experts" stop further investigation just because they spotted this custom add-in?
Do they know why the Prizm isn't working anymore?
Is the hardware intact?
Is the boot code data (CASIOABS) intact?
Is the OS data (CASIOWIN) intact?