I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas today!
Again, I've been working on the internal workings of KryptonIDE, as I plan to refine it's looks later on in the development process (function before form, am I right?). I've fixed a bunch of issues that came with line wrapping, optimized a few things with caret movement, and I've started work on an input handler.
The input handler will allow KryptonIDE to handle holding down a key the same way a computer does, where pressing and holding a key will have a short delay before repeating the action. (Like how holding down "A" for a while lets me type in "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", etc.)

Another week, and the beta shall come!

KRYEDIT size (compressed/uncompressed): 12075/23777
KRYDATA size: 2748
Is the beta still set to be released tonight?
Boop, here is the first beta!
So let me start off by telling you this: "THIS IS A BETA!"
Use it inside a shell like Cesium or something, because there's always a chance it'll freeze or crash.

Right now the editor is in a usable state and you can edit programs with it, but nothing is complete, things will change, stuff will be fixed, features will be added.

You just need five things:
-A Ti 84+CE (physical or emulator)
-All of the CLIBS
-KryptonIDE itself, titled KRYEDIT.
-KryptonIDE's data appvar, title KRYDATA
-A font appvar, I have provided one titled SOMEFONT

You can keep any and/or all of those variables archived or in RAM, but there is no reason to have anything in RAM anyways.

Upon first launch of KryptonIDE, you'll get a message telling you that your settings var is missing (of course it is, you've never used KryptonIDE before Razz). Just hit okay and it'll create it for you with the defaults. (Note that the colors of the buttons on that menu are currently broken, I'll fix that later)
From the main menu, you use the up/down arrows to move your arrow selector to do various things, right now only Edit and Create actually do anything, so don't try using the other options. Upon selecting Edit, your cursor will be moved to the program list in the center, and you can scroll up/down. Hit F5 or clear to go back to the main, main menu (double main intended).

Right now there are only two token menus in the editor, [Prgm] and [Math], but typing in all modes using the normal keypad keys, like letters, should work as normal.

Be sure to take a look through all the settings, because there is some neat stuff in there! (Just note that the font tab doesn't do anything... yet) Rememeber that hitting F1 in the settings menu will prompt you to reset your settings to default, in the event that you mess up and set the text color to be the same as the background color or something Razz

By default, syntax highlighting in the editor is disabled, because right now, font customizability is nonexistant so you can't change the font size, and that small 8x8 font means a lot of stuff can fit on screen, so syntax highlighting slows the editor down a bit. Syntax highlighting also isn't complete, it's still missing some tokens and strings.

The input method for the editor isn't complete so typing is a bit slow in it, i'll push the fix out quickly when I can.

If you find bugs (I'm sure you will, I can't cover all bases myself), report them to me either by Cemetech message or by posting in this thread, just please, please, give details on what the bug is, how you caused/found it, I need to be able to replicate a bug to fix it :3.

Another IMPORTANT WARNING: Autosaving isn't implemented yet, it only saves when you exit the editor, so do that often, sorry about that.

And, with all that said, remember to report bugs, request features, and request more features. I'll be working on adding in more features, working towards the goal of a complete better editor for the +CE!

Download for all the files, here.

    -two left tabs in the editor don't work, and you can't exit the editor without exiting the whole program
    -there's a weird glitch in the editor settings menu
    -"Setting" missing an "s"
    -After defaulting settings and pressing back, calc crashes
    -The "m" in am or pm gets cut off when the time is 2 digit:2 digit

Hope these bugs are easy fixes. I'm at school right now so I don't remember everything.

With the new beta (v03), in Cesium, it goes to a blank screen (regular screen with status bar) and then quits.

EDIT: That was because I didn't have enough space.

Kryptonic: You should ask PT_ how he removed the weird chars in hidden programs.
-One bug I found, the battery indicator says I have very little battery power left, even though I have a full battery.
-Another, when you are deleting extra lines at the end of a program, and you try to delete a non-existent line, it adds a bunch of random tokens to the bottom of the program.
-Also, when you exit Kedit while you are editing a program, it doesn't re-archive the program.

Also, I tried editing an ASM program, and surprisingly, it worked. It puts it all on one line, and it it a bunch of random tokens, but cool anyway, will it ever allow you to actually edit ASM?
Also, after you go down in the editor, you can't go back up. I think the green bar in the top left is always very short. Kryptonic: setting up the settings appvar still doesn't work. I can move the cursor around, and cancel but if I press okay, it freezes.
john35588 wrote:
-Also, I tried editing an ASM program, and surprisingly, it worked. It puts it all on one line, and it it a bunch of random tokens, but cool anyway, will it ever allow you to actually edit ASM?

The issue with that is not that ASM would have to be disassembled, (if you're editing a ASM program) but that an ASM program isn't always just code. It's also sprites, data, and etc. all mixed in. Any editor wouldn't be able to know what to disassemble.

Though... if there is anyone wanting to make a ez80 assembler... That would be way cool.
A couple bugs/suggestions.

First, slow down how quickly the curser moves... I frequently find myself skipping several lines... Or maybe an option to do that?

Second, pressing alpha [0] puts down a token called 'randM(' instead of a space, and alpha [.] puts a '.', not a ':' like it's supposed to.

Great work though! Can't wait believe I'm excited about ti-Basic again!

EDIT: Inside of the Math menu appears to be the space token... I think it may be worth simply checking over all of the font stuff as well as tokens.
Bug: I created a new program, started it with the ICE header, and tried making new lines. Nothing happened. I then did 2nd+del, and it worked. I held enter for like 2 seconds, and ~6 lines popped up. I pressed del to delete lines, but then a bunch of weird tokens popped up at the bottom. I deleted a few, then pressed clear, but my calc froze.
Another Bug: in the program list, the first letter of each program is replaced with weird tokens.
Legoman314 wrote:
Another Bug: in the program list, the first letter of each program is replaced with weird tokens.

That's just because they're hidden in Cesium.

Kryptonic: You should ask PT_ how he fixed that. Very Happy
I pressed [ins] in a new prgm, and it filled the screen with "?"'s, then crashed a few mins later

When I entered getKey, it said "GRAY", the color token. The OS editor also had the GRAY token.

Feature request: Use ALPHA+letter t insert, or press the # key to insert what's at that menu, e.g: press [7] in I/O menu to insert "getKey", etc.

Feature request: Themes that can be customized (Console theme - black background, white FG)
SM84CE wrote:

Feature request: Themes that can be customized (Console theme - black background, white FG)

I'm pretty sure you can do that already. You go to settings, general, and then change the color Razz
When will the next release come out? <sits and waits by computer> Smile
Legoman314 wrote:
When will the next release come out? <sits and waits by computer> Smile

I'm thinking that Kryptonic has quite a lot of things to fix Razz I do hope they get fixed soon, though!

Bad news: haven't seen Kryptonic in a while. Probably is still tangled in the meshes of school
It's been almost 7 weeks since the last update, an I am wondering if KryptonicDragon is still working on it.?
Legoman314 wrote:
It's been almost 7 weeks since the last update, an I am wondering if KryptonicDragon is still working on it.?

A lot of people have been really busy with school. If Kryptonic feels like working on it, he will. There are a lot of bugs to fix, so he might even be working on them already. We don't know. The best way is to make it yourself Wink.
Any further progress or screenshots?
Hey Kryptonic... Just a thought: A lot of cool programs like this end up on GitHub in one form or another... Helping it be a bit more community driven, giving people a chance to look at cool code, and a couple other positives. Especially in a situation where it seems like you're a bit busy, it would be cool to have it on GitHub so other people can help with stuff, if you feel comfortable with that.
Is there any way this can be made compatible for other calculators?
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