On top of minor issue of the doc still use docde7.z80 but the source come with clipsprt.asm, one thing bug me is the location of the .inc files. For dcs7sdk, the compile work. For dcse8sdk, the compile require one to move the files to asm as it cannot find it.
All goods; just in case anyone who start find it puzzling. Perhaps one day the doc will be updated. As said it is minor and all great.
% cd ~
%./compile.sh clipsprt.asm
Doors CS Assembler/Compiler
Version 2.0L
Written by Kerm Martian
----- Assembling clipsprt.asm for the TI-83/84 Plus...
WARNING: The runtime version supported by this application is unavailable.
Using default runtime: v4.0.30319
Brass Z80 Assembler - Ben Ryves 2005-2006
Error: Could not open file /Users/xxxx/dcse_sdk/asm/ti84pcse.inc
Error: Error in file 'ti84pcse.inc' [clipsprt.asm:2]
Error: Could not open file /Users/ngcchk/dcse_sdk/asm/dcse8.inc
Error: Error in file 'dcse8.inc' [clipsprt.asm:3]
Error: Could not assign value 'cmdShadow' to label 'temp1' (Invalid number). [clipsprt.asm:5]
Error: Could not evaluate 'UserMem' (Invalid number). [clipsprt.asm:11]
Error: Could not set relocation offset - Invalid number [clipsprt.asm:40]
Pass 1 complete. (112ms).
Pass 1 failed, pass 2 therefore skipped.
Errors: 7, Warnings: 0.
Build failed.
----- clipsprt.asm for the TI-83/84 Plus Assembled and Compiled.
TI-83 Plus version is clipsprt.asm.8xp
% cp tasm/*.inc .
% ./compile.sh clipsprt.asm
Doors CS Assembler/Compiler
Version 2.0L
Written by Kerm Martian
----- Assembling clipsprt.asm for the TI-83/84 Plus...
WARNING: The runtime version supported by this application is unavailable.
Using default runtime: v4.0.30319
Brass Z80 Assembler - Ben Ryves 2005-2006
Pass 1 complete. (286ms).
Pass 2 complete. (185ms).
Writing output file...
Errors: 0, Warnings: 0.
Writing list file...
----- clipsprt.asm for the TI-83/84 Plus Assembled and Compiled.
TI-83 Plus version is clipsprt.asm.8xp
All goods; just in case anyone who start find it puzzling. Perhaps one day the doc will be updated. As said it is minor and all great.