- TI-84 Plus CE Net - a complete remake of gCn
- 26 Mar 2023 01:09:24 pm
- Last edited by alessiodam on 27 Mar 2023 09:15:37 am; edited 3 times in total
Web Interface:
Web Interface offline due to the fact I broke my server. Waiting for the new one to come.
TI-84 Plus CE Net is a complete remake of gCn (Without using the original code!)
This project took a lot of time to make so I hope you guys will love it
The server can support HTTPS requests with TLS1.3.
Currently working on Real Time Chat.
Users will be able to share programs under themselves
Cloud storage to load programs from the cloud and sharing them from there too.
Say here in the comments what should be implemented too!
TI-84 Plus CE Net is a project I've made to be able to make the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator able to connect to the internet!
The server is currently able to support GET requests and download files!
Imagine downloading every picture you need from a website on your calculator in real time!
Maybe web page view implementation, etc..
Currently I'm in need for people to help me on the client-side (on the calculator) and the bridge.
Also, people who want to do UI, you can join too!! Because the current one is ugly lol
I need people who are able to create the USB interface communication with a bridge that needs to be written in python.
I hope you guys love this project!
Github repo for the calculator client
Github repo for the calculator bridge
Web Interface offline due to the fact I broke my server. Waiting for the new one to come.
TI-84 Plus CE Net is a complete remake of gCn (Without using the original code!)
This project took a lot of time to make so I hope you guys will love it

The server can support HTTPS requests with TLS1.3.
Currently working on Real Time Chat.
Users will be able to share programs under themselves

Cloud storage to load programs from the cloud and sharing them from there too.

Say here in the comments what should be implemented too!
TI-84 Plus CE Net is a project I've made to be able to make the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator able to connect to the internet!
The server is currently able to support GET requests and download files!
Imagine downloading every picture you need from a website on your calculator in real time!
Maybe web page view implementation, etc..
Currently I'm in need for people to help me on the client-side (on the calculator) and the bridge.
Also, people who want to do UI, you can join too!! Because the current one is ugly lol
I need people who are able to create the USB interface communication with a bridge that needs to be written in python.
I hope you guys love this project!
Github repo for the calculator client
Github repo for the calculator bridge