You can store up to 2000 Bytes to a list like L1, L2... in ICE I think. When storing a value, you decide, how many bytes you need (one, two or three) to save it. One byte can hold values up to 255, two bytes up to 256*256 - 1 and three bytes up to 256*256*256 - 1
Here's an example
Code: ...
5→*{L1} // same as *{L1+0}
147→*{L1+2} // the * means that you want to use only one byte to save your value
2023→**{L1+3} // 2023 is higher than 255, so you need two bytes
638→**{L1+5} // make shure leave enough space to the previous value (3 and 4 are both already used by 2023)
365271→***{L1+7} // can also be written as →{L1+7}
// heres another example
For(A, 0, 10)
randInd(0, 2000)→{L1 + A*3} // index is multiplied by 3, because we use 3 byte values
You can also create "own lists" like this
Code: ...
Alloc(3000)→LIST // LIST can hold up to 3000 bytes
387534→{LIST+3} // just use it like before
Copy(LIST, L1, 11) // copies the first 11 bytes from L1 to LIST, overwrites LIST 0-10
Copy(LIST+3, L1, 5) // copies the first 5 bytes from L1 to the 3rd to 7th byte of LIST
CopyData(OTHERLIST, 3, 17, 25, 7633) // copies 17, 25 and 7633 as 3 byte values into OTHERLIST, so you should use max 10 values here because OTHERLIST is 30 bytes long
// This can also be written like this
Data(3, 17, 25, 7633)→OTHERLIST // note: this wouldn't overwrite any data, you just create some new values in RAM and store their position (or pointer) into OTHERLIST
Hope this helps a bit. Have a nice day!