Here is a list of users who have calcs that aren't documented. We need PCB pics.
If your name is on the list, please open the calc, take a PCB pic and send it to me, Adriweb or notipa.
If I get any pics, I'll cross them out and probably award karma. If not, I will bully the users until they comply. Evil or Very Mad

  • βœ…tr1p1ea TI-86 04225139 I-0897D and TI-83 Plus SE 1140009745 I-0302A
  • 🟧Adriweb TI-86 N-1299A and TI-82 P-0513H and TI-83 VSC VS032285 I-0596B (And more, see my PMs) calculators are in france, will check when in france
  • 🟧Ivoah TI-86 14245423 I-0698I and TI-83 Plus SE 1081028959 I-0901I (are you sure about rev I??) and TI-73 Explorer VSC 1593V00108 I-0303C need to find a screwdriver
  • βœ…commandblockguy TI-89 Titanium 2194042560 S-1005E
  • βœ…MateoConLechuga TI-89 Titanium 2124018881 P-0214O and TI-84 Plus 1582047141 K-0711T
  • βœ…CVSoft/Notipa TI-Voyage 200 1304004934 I-0804F
  • ❌Mwyann TI-Voyage 200 2146004341 S-0906K
  • ❌jimbauwens TI-Voyage 200 1174001536 I-0703B and TI-92 II V1004874 I-1299A
  • βœ…Eeems TI-84 Plus CE 1026007977 L-0215B
  • ❌critor TI-82 S-0207E and TI-84 Plus K-0210P, TI-84 Plus SE VSC P-0108J
  • βœ…izder456 TI-83 Plus 1255009372 K-0814C
  • βœ…Nomkid TI-83 Plus 1115014807 L-1116C
  • ❌Ti64CLi TI-83 USB 1025042541 K-0414B and TI-83 3185010546 P-0510M, TI-84 Plus Silver Edition fact K, rev B and TI-83 Premium CE 1115015688 L-1115B1
  • βœ…Zeda or jacobly TI-84 1044002424 K-0611A
  • ❌Wistaro TI-84 Plus 1512041221 K-0510Q
  • βœ…DJ Omnimaga TI-84 Plus 2848141477 P-0411P
  • ❌Lionel Debroux TI-84 Plus SE S-0106F and TI-83 Premium CE EP L-0120N
  • ❌Sam TI-Nspire CX 2269020817 P-0613K and TI-83 Plus SE VSC 1254V03018 I-0403A
  • βœ…Zeroko TI-84 Plus CE L-XXXXN TI-86 I-1197E chose not to open it, citing concerns about ribbon cable damage
  • βœ…Michael0x18 CE: 1095030071 L-0920O, CE: 1016032158 L-0120N, 84+: 1865115848 K-0614AA, 84+: 1065056740 L-0415AA TI-84+CE L-1117J , TI-84 Plus CE PythonL-0221R
  • βœ…RoccoLox Programs TI-84 Plus SE P-0512S need to find a screwdriver
  • βœ…Oxiti8 TI-89 2051015915 S-0402E
  • 🟧LogicalJoe TI-84 Plus CE 1065098730 L-0620O and TI-85 0808898 I-0893C TI-73 Explorer VSC 2041001064 S-0106E, TI-73 VSC VS011679 I-0598 pre-A TI-Nspire 2047017791 P-0208B
  • βœ…verticalegg TI-83 Plus 105219231 N-0607U
  • ❌PT_'s sister TI-84 Plus CE-T PE L-1020Q
  • 🟧TaterTomorrow TI-84 Plus L-1117AC 1115226398 need a smaller screwdriver
  • βœ…calc84maniac TI-84 Plus Silver Edition VSC 2164003478 S-0605C

βœ…Christopher "Kerm Martian" Mitchell, Ph.D
  • TI-73 VS012570 I 0598
  • TI-82 (83+-style) 73204156 I 1198T
  • TI-83 4040107 I 0696F
  • TI-83 4090160 I 0696G
  • TI-83+ 116789545 N 1201D
  • TI-84+ 2736001383 P 0410N
  • TI-84+SE 2134042972 S 0305C -> Also need serial number pic
  • TI-84+SE 1113024801 K 0712B -> Also need serial number pic
  • TI-84+CSE 1014000533 K 1212 -> Don't need PCB pic, just need to know if this one had the "MARKETING" sticker on the back.[/color]
Thanks! ❀️

For people who would like to participate/contribute, you can make an account on MyCalcs.
If you would like to participate/contribute in other ways, you can download Z80TEST here and report back with your model, revision and results, which will be stored in L1.
Oh yes, I need to get those screws and/or screwdriver. I had them in my former city but I doubt my bro still has them. Do you know if Dollarama has them? I could check the SNES/NES repair kits at the video game store too if they have the appropriate bit.

I hope my calc is obscure (other than being a Nicotine Edition TI-84+). Smile
Hijacking this posf because it's close to the top.

These People Owe Me Z80Test Results
  • BrandonW: 60 eligible calculators, including 1 interesting calculator, unsubmitted
  • Christopher "Kerm Martian" Mitchell, Ph.D: 60 eligible calculators unsubmitted
  • Adriweb: 48 eligible calculators unsubmitted, excuse provided
  • tr1p1ea: 23 eligible calculators unsubmitted
  • mr womp womp: 14 eligible calculators unsubmitted; 24 eligible calculators submitted, thanks!
  • critor: 6 eligible calculators unsubmitted
  • Zeroko: 4 eligible calculators unsubmitted, excuse provided; 3 ineligible calculators beaten into submission, thanks!
  • Sam: 4 eligible calculators unsubmitted
  • Pieman7373: 4 eligible calculators unsubmitted
  • TIny_Hacker: 3 eligible calculators unsubmitted
  • izder456: 3 eligible calculators unsubmitted
  • Ivoah: 3 eligible calculators unsubmitted
  • Zeda: 3 eligible calculators unsubmitted
  • Pi Time: 3 eligible calculators submitted, thanks!
  • MateoConLechuga: 2 eligible calculators unsubmitted
  • andrewk: 1 eligible calculator unsubmitted
  • debrouxl: 1 eligible calculator unsubmitted, excuse provided
  • Eeems: 1 eligible calculator unsubmitted
  • CVSoft: 7 eligible calculators submitted, thanks!
  • commandblockguy: 3 eligible calculators submitted, thanks!
  • DJ Omnimaga: 2 eligible calculators submitted, thanks!
  • fghsgh: 1 eligible calculator, including 1 interesting calculator, submitted, thanks!
  • Oxiti8: 1 eligible calculator submitted, thanks!

feed me
mr womp womp wrote:

Christopher "Kerm Martian" Mitchell, Ph.D

If anyone has any calculator from Kinpo (manufacturer code K or L in the serial number, or any with a serial number starting with a letter), please run these tests as well and posf your date code (or if there's no apparent datecode, the first 4 characters of your serial number) along with your results. Kinpo's hardware changes are poorly documented.

You can use LCDTEST4 and LCDTEST5 to check which LCD driver is present in your calculators without popping the cases open. The result of each program is put in Ans, and they can even be run from TI-BASIC programs. My code's pretty unoptimized and has a lot of debug code as I've got other things to do, but LCDTEST4 and LCDTEST5 both work.

Sometime during Inventec Shanghai revision K, the LCD driver changed from Toshiba T6K04 to Novatek NT7564H. This appears to have happened around the start of 2007, and it'd be nice to identify when exactly this occurred as the hardware revision wasn't changed.

These aren't a substitute for opening the calculators and photographing them as we also want to collect info about the PCB labels and the component brands/models, but it's better than nothing and not very difficult to do.

Expected results:
LCDTEST4=1, LCDTEST5=15: T6A04A (or T6A04, but that is only seen in prototypes)
LCDTEST4=0, LCDTEST5=12: New Kinpo LCD driver
mr womp womp wrote:

[*]Ivoah TI-86 14245423 I-0698I and TI-83 Plus Silver Edition 1081028959 I-0901I (are you sure about rev I??) and TI-73 Explorer ViewScreen 1593V00108 I-0303C

I decide to check Cemetech for the first time in months and see my name on a recent post, cool! I unfortunately don't have the tools to open any of the calculators (my torx bits are all too big), otherwise I would love to help out with documenting. Also you're right there's a typo for the 83P SE, it should be just "I-0901"
I'll get some pics on the weekend.
CVSoft wrote:
mr womp womp wrote:

Christopher "Kerm Martian" Mitchell, Ph.D

If anyone has any calculator from Kinpo (manufacturer code K or L in the serial number, or any with a serial number starting with a letter), please run these tests as well and posf your date code (or if there's no apparent datecode, the first 4 characters of your serial number) along with your results. Kinpo's hardware changes are poorly documented.

You can use LCDTEST4 and LCDTEST5 to check which LCD driver is present in your calculators without popping the cases open. The result of each program is put in Ans, and they can even be run from TI-BASIC programs. My code's pretty unoptimized and has a lot of debug code as I've got other things to do, but LCDTEST4 and LCDTEST5 both work.

Sometime during Inventec Shanghai revision K, the LCD driver changed from Toshiba T6K04 to Novatek NT7564H. This appears to have happened around the start of 2007, and it'd be nice to identify when exactly this occurred as the hardware revision wasn't changed.

These aren't a substitute for opening the calculators and photographing them as we also want to collect info about the PCB labels and the component brands/models, but it's better than nothing and not very difficult to do.

Expected results:
LCDTEST4=1, LCDTEST5=15: T6A04A (or T6A04, but that is only seen in prototypes)
LCDTEST4=0, LCDTEST5=12: New Kinpo LCD driver

I have a 1865115848 K-0614AA; is that one of these?
Michael0x18 wrote:
I have a 1865115848 K-0614AA; is that one of these?

Yep, that's one of them.
Let me know if any of these would be useful to grab the data from.

Most of the TI-83plus's have failing ribbon cables but should work well enough to get what you need from them.

mr womp womp wrote:
If you would like to participate/contribute in other ways, you can download Z80TEST here and report back with your model, revision and results, which will be stored in L1.

Need to report what's inside your grayscale calculator, but can't open it?

[edit] Please see the Z80Test project thread here.

For TI-82 STATS, TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-83 Plus Silver Edition, TI-84 Plus, and TI-84 Plus Silver Edition users, you can instantly get reportable results using CalcInfo, which computes which chips your calculator contains using Z80Test's results.

The latest release of Z80Test, version 6 at the time of posfing, can identify your CPU, ASIC, and LCD driver. BZ80Test, included with Z80Test, interprets results for you, so you can see what each test did and how your calculator responded. BZ80Test alters the contents of L1, so either run the assembly Z80Test program or break BZ80Test at the first screen if you were asked to send L1 instead of interpreted results.

To run the assembly Z80Test program from the TI-83 Plus series, TI-84 Plus series, or TI-86 home screen, grab the Asm( token from the CATALOG, select Z80TEST from the PRGM menu, and press ENTER. You should have `Asm(prgmZ80TEST`. Press ENTER, the screen will flicker, and results will appear in list L1. For the TI-83 and TI-82 STATS, grab the Send( token from the CATALOG, press 9, then select Z80TEST from the PRGM menu. You should have `Send(9prgmZ80TEST`. Press ENTER, the screen may flicker, and results will appear in list L1.

An additional program, FlashFun, can coarsely identify your Flash chip if you're using a TI-83 Plus or TI-84 Plus series monochrome calculator. There might be cases where it clears your RAM (since it relies on flash unlocking), so don't run it on anything important without a backup. If BFLASHFN (the results interpreter) doesn't give any output, let us know what's in L1!

Even if you aren't one of the users being bullied, you should still submit your Z80Test/BZ80Test results!
You can submit your results to my Google Forms page here!
mr womp womp:

Though I only have my phone to take photos with ... hopefully they are ok!
the feeling of when you are so unimportant that nobody mentions you...
Wavejumper3 wrote:
the feeling of when you are so unimportant that nobody mentions you...

If I didn't mention someone, that's probably because I didn't find them in the post-2020 posfs on Posf Your Calculator Collection and they don't have a MyCalcs account. As far as you specifically, you gave an excuse earlier in SAX, so I wasn't going to pester just yet.
CVSoft wrote:
[*]Eeems: 1 eligible calculator unsubmitted

So... uhh... which calculator is it that you need it run on?
I hope you don't have to open the wooden 82 Shock
I apologize for being unable to open the TI-84 Plus. But maybe it's my calculator that needs to do the apologizing. Either way, please do not bully me (just kidding, I like the puns). And please remember to add me to the "needs a screwdriver" pile. Please. Pretty please. The T6 screw bit from a kit I got at Walmart (seven bucks well spent) did not fit in some of the recessed holes. The top two popped out with little fuss, and the middle-left went out with some coaxing, but the middle-right and bottom screws are solidly in there and I can't quite reach them. If only Walmart had a narrower bit... but I digress Sad
DJ Omnimaga wrote:
I hope you don't have to open the wooden 82 Shock

Haha! It's so sad that bastard is glued shut rather than screwed!
Aw too bad, but I kinda expected this. It's the most amazing TI-82 out there though.

Also would the following calcs owned by juju2143 require opening for PCB pics?
TI82 I-0497R
TI83+ P-0508L
Better late than never!

  1. TI-83+ 116789545 N 1201D: PCB:
  2. TI-73 VS012570 I 0598: PCB:
  3. TI-83 4090160 I 0696G: PCB:
  4. TI-84+CSE 1014000533 K 1212: No marketing sticker, but it was sent before official release
  5. TI-84+ 2736001383 P 0410N: PCB:
  6. TI-84+SE 1113024801 K 0712B: S/N:, PCB:
  7. TI-83 4040107 I 0696F: PCB:
  8. TI-84+SE 2134042972 S 0305C: S/N:, PCB:
  9. TI-82 (83+-style) 73204156 I 1198T: PCB:

Bonus: TI encourages you to get a rebate on a Silverlink so you can "Add Software from the Internet - FASTER!"
Sorry for being so behind, but I just opened Cemetech for the first time in like 3 years and the dystopian calculator future has already begun. Would someone please enlighten me as to why we’re submitting serial numbers? I’m not smart enough to extract the reasoning from this post.
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