First of all I hope I'm not posting this in the wrong topic
Welll.... I just got my TI 84 Plus CE-T Python yesterday for the upcoming school year and already used arTIfiCE + CEsium to install some games and useful stuff. I hope I can contribute to the community one day. Have a wonderful day, I'm excited to be a part of this community
Welcome to Cemetech, Berkoc2003! I hope that you'll enjoy your time here!
Hi! I am a 370 Assembler programmer and a Systems Engineer on IBM large mainframes. Currently the IBM Z Series. I love doing hobbyist stuff when I can and just got a TI CBL2 and a TI-84 Plus calc combo (the calc is still on the way). Saw this board and noticed the 8080 assembler stuff which peaked my interest. Have a lot to learn about a TI-84 and CBL2. All help is appreciated.
What's up, Cemetech. The name's Jairus Bjornig Oluffsten, and I used to be here alot, on a different account. Hope to make some friends and do cool Calculator stuff.
Excellent name sir, 11/10.
Edit: RIP
The death of a legend. Jairus Bjorning Oluffsten will live long in our souls.
Hi, TRS80 here: my moniker is due the the TRS80 being my first computer, on which I learned BASIC and Z-80 Assembly language - started assembling the code by hand and POKEing it in, and disassembling code like BASIC and TRSDOS. My son and I have started acquiring TI graphing calculators or fun. We are both programmers (me pro, him not, both of us have math degrees.) Thus far we have between us a CX CAS, TI-84 SE, both bought new, a,TI89 Titanium bought at a thrift shop for $8, TI82 (eBay $5), and coming in the mail are a TI83+SE and a TI86. I'm an HP fanboi, I have an HP12 and the only iOS app I've ever bought is the full HP41 emulator. I've had other HP's but sold them off - the TI space is a lot cheaper to acquire calculators in! We're now eyeing the TI83 series and I'm after a TI89 non-Titanium. It's a lot of fun and there's so much good info on this site!
Welcome aboard!
Good to see you getting into the TI scene and checking out some of the historical calculators too.
Do you have interest in programming for them?
Thanks! I like playing around with little programs, my son wants to write a game, I might help him out with that if he does.
tr1p1ea wrote:
Welcome aboard!
Good to see you getting into the TI scene and checking out some of the historical calculators too.
Do you have interest in programming for them?
We got 3 calculators in the mail this week! TI82 was the first. It has a couple missing columns but is very nice otherwise. Hopefully a hot soldering iron solves that one.
TI83SE+ was next. Display was fine, only issue is it smells like cigarette smoke. Working on that.
It doesn't have a cover. My son wants to 3d print one. I think eBay would be easier.
TI86 was last. It's in great shape.
Next step is to change all of their backup batteries.
Next targets for us are any of a 92+/Voyage (I don't like the Voyage's pear shaped case), an 84+, 83+, 89 non-Titanium.
He's lusting over a new 84 Python CE, my preference would (being an HP fanboi) an HP Prime.
trs80 wrote:
Hi, TRS80 here: my moniker is due the the TRS80 being my first computer, on which I learned BASIC and Z-80 Assembly language - started assembling the code by hand and POKEing it in, and disassembling code like BASIC and TRSDOS. My son and I have started acquiring TI graphing calculators or fun. We are both programmers (me pro, him not, both of us have math degrees.) Thus far we have between us a CX CAS, TI-84 SE, both bought new, a,TI89 Titanium bought at a thrift shop for $8, TI82 (eBay $5), and coming in the mail are a TI83+SE and a TI86. I'm an HP fanboi, I have an HP12 and the only iOS app I've ever bought is the full HP41 emulator. I've had other HP's but sold them off - the TI space is a lot cheaper to acquire calculators in! We're now eyeing the TI83 series and I'm after a TI89 non-Titanium. It's a lot of fun and there's so much good info on this site!
Below - "I don't like the Voyage's pear shaped case"..?
It's coming in the mail next week
trs80 wrote:
We got 3 calculators in the mail this week! TI82 was the first. It has a couple missing columns but is very nice otherwise. Hopefully a hot soldering iron solves that one.
TI83SE+ was next. Display was fine, only issue is it smells like cigarette smoke. Working on that.
It doesn't have a cover. My son wants to 3d print one. I think eBay would be easier.
TI86 was last. It's in great shape.
Next step is to change all of their backup batteries.
Next targets for us are any of a 92+/Voyage (I don't like the Voyage's pear shaped case), an 84+, 83+, 89 non-Titanium.
He's lusting over a new 84 Python CE, my preference would (being an HP fanboi) an HP Prime.
trs80 wrote:
Hi, TRS80 here: my moniker is due the the TRS80 being my first computer, on which I learned BASIC and Z-80 Assembly language - started assembling the code by hand and POKEing it in, and disassembling code like BASIC and TRSDOS. My son and I have started acquiring TI graphing calculators or fun. We are both programmers (me pro, him not, both of us have math degrees.) Thus far we have between us a CX CAS, TI-84 SE, both bought new, a,TI89 Titanium bought at a thrift shop for $8, TI82 (eBay $5), and coming in the mail are a TI83+SE and a TI86. I'm an HP fanboi, I have an HP12 and the only iOS app I've ever bought is the full HP41 emulator. I've had other HP's but sold them off - the TI space is a lot cheaper to acquire calculators in! We're now eyeing the TI83 series and I'm after a TI89 non-Titanium. It's a lot of fun and there's so much good info on this site!
Nice to meet you guys. I have a basic MS education in HTML, and know a little education. Haven't really pursued CS much afterwards, save for now. Considering game development after I learn C#, and I'm the proud owner of a Casio FX-CG50
Didn't realize this place existed for a couple days. Anyways, I'm verticalegg, looking to go into computer engineering with a focus on embedded in college, and of course because of that interest I got into calcs. The only one I own is a fx-CG50, which I've messed around with C on, but I do have friends with other calculators that I like to try to mess with from time to time. Currently interested in Rust, ASM, and low-level stuff like that.
Just discovered this place along with TIcalc a few days ago. Decided it was worth it to make an account now that I have over fifty various programs (mostly from here) installed on my TI-84+CE. I am utter trash at coding anything from scratch, but I can edit programs fairly decently. I am willing to learn and would appreciate any help. That being said, while I can't really code, I do have plenty of ideas for TI programs, so I would be happy to work together with other people. For instance, I am currently working on an edit of MateoConLechuga's 21 Game by turning it into a version more closely related to the 24 Game, and hopefully adding a few things.
I don't plan on publishing anything original, mostly because I have lots of schoolwork (I'm a sophomore) and not a whole ton of time (and either way, most of my free time is spent playing Destiny 2 anyways).
If you are a competent developer looking for ideas, I'd be happy to help.
Bonjour !
Programmer by day, demomaker by night.
I make cool stuff... on the amstrad cpc, yet eager to help any native z80 community.
A "recent" contribution:
Hey there friends!
I've had my TI-84+ CE for a while now, (upwards of a couple of years) and have always just kinda goofed around with the programming feature. Thought "Hey, maybe I can actually... learn this?". The first big thing I did (rather clunkily) was a mixture problem solver! It used... a lot of menus. More than I'd like to admit. Sadly, my calculator was wiped at some point so I don't have the program anymore, and one of my goals is to rebuild it but better.
Nice to see you all, and I hope we'll have some fun times!
Low D High, minus High D Low, over Low Squared...
I found the discord server through the text on the Chrome Dino game's death screen, and from there I found this. The only experience I have with programming is the a-basics of JavaScript, mediocre html, and robot C. My main things I do are music, electronics engineering, and general 3D engineering. Aside from that I do digital graffiti, video editing, and photo editing. I'm a fan of weird computer stuff and I'm currently learning Japanese via my school.
When it comes to experience, I ran a small side business modding Nintendo DS consoles, that taught me a lot about messing with files in ways they probably shouldn't be. I coded my own website via written online guides, and I picked up html through that. I learned all my 3D modeling through my school.
Hey I'm TlasT
Pronounced Tea last
I am from belgium and I am very hungry. My favorite food is working programs and knowledge.
I came here to learn faster and because I really want to join a community of people with similar interests I can't stop thinking that would be awesome.
I have a TI 84+ and due to my mom forgetting I already have a calculator also a TI 84 CE Python edition, yes I know is a bit stupid :')
I am currently learning assembly for the z80 and it is a bit difficult so I also needed a place to ask questions, hope I can? 🥺 Pleease
Thank you for reading my long paragraph,
I am very excited to get to know the people here!
This was me
I've actually have been here for some weeks, but I didn't introduce myself yet so:
I came to Cemetech after becoming really curious about calculator programming, and wanting to save on Source Coder. Although I have some experience in Python and some random other languages, my skills are still
trash, and I'm too shy to ask too many questions about programming, so I guess that's where I stand for now. I know how to do some BASIC now, tried C, but I went to ICE finding that too hard. I got a TI-84+ CE Python
, which honestly is better than I expected, since I was perfectly content with settling for a TI-84+. I have a possible strategy game coming up, but my inexperience is really hindering my progress.
I guess that's it!
Hiya folks! I’m Ti-84 plus-CE maniac! Just call me Dom
I love the 84+CE, and I’m always looking for new things to play, right now I have cesium on my calculator (and banchor) and I’m looking to uprgrade to a higher shell soon, hope we can be friends!