- CC21 Voting!
- 21 Mar 2018 10:41:01 pm
- Last edited by jcgter777 on 22 Mar 2018 05:33:59 pm; edited 2 times in total

Now that this Contest is finally over, it is now time to vote! To all who participated in this contest, thank you! This poll will be open until March 31. Please do not vote solely based on looks, and if you can, try them before you vote! Best of luck to all participating! (Optional: make a post explaining the pros/cons of each and explain your choice.)
The entries are as follows (Click images to enlarge. Press play to play video).:
Procrastinate! by _iPhoenix_ (thread)
In this game, you are given an essay to do over break. Bummer. You have to fight off boredom and gain points. There are three parts. A store, a Google Docs screen, and a Sublime text page. More information in the README.txt.

Diwali by SM84CE (thread)
This is a spin-off of the Lights-Out series of games, but currently has a 3x3 board, and no "win" detection. There is a small Easter Egg included to "light up" your day! Instructions are in-game in the Intro screen.

Present Catcher by john35588 (thread)
Move left and right to catch all the presents, but don't catch the coal! If you miss a present, or catch some coal, you lose a life. Occasionally, a heart will fall, catch this for another life.

Pi Day! by Michael2_3B (Source)(thread)
Learn the digits of pi in this fun game! I promise you, you won't want to stop playing until you know all of the digits of pi by heart.

FridgeFallCE by OldNewTimer (thread)
In this game, you are a fridge attempting to catch all of the pillows you can. If you lose more pillows than you gain, you melt. Try to get as many pillows stuffed inside of you as possible!

StockSim by The REAL LAX18 (thread)
With the built-in Stock Market Crash Simulator "CrashSim", You Can Feel What Its Like To Witness The Crash Of The Market
No code because of trouble loading code to computer.
Finalised Youtube Video Explanation
First Look Youtube Video Showing (for extra data)
SmileBASIC Public Key (in the event you have this for 3ds

Holiday Vault by Unicorn (thread)(Source)
This website is a place where people can submit ideas for holidays. This makes it easier for people to find ideas and learn what other people are doing.