I try to avoid too many statistics posts around here, as Cemetech values the quality of your posts over quantity. We prefer that you write fewer, longer, clearer posts than answer topics just for the sake of making yourself heard and racking up your postcount. However, there are a few numbers that we must mention for their historical value and general curiosity. This post is Cemetech's 200,000th since July 25, 2004. Nine thousand of the posts were collected in the eight months afterwards on our defunct Invisionfree board, while the remaining 191,000 have been collected since March 14, 2005 on our current forum. From reading our Statistics page, we have also collected 3,667 users, 7,827 topics, over 9 million words, and over 20 million topic views.
Downloads from the Cemetech Archives have also been steadily increasing: we have 763 programs written by 156 of our members, and have together accrued over 112K downloads. Our most popular files:
1: [Prizm] Tetrizm v1.0 for the Casio Prizm, by KermMartian, with 2.4K downloads
2: [Prizm] Obliterate 1.0 for the Casio Prizm, by KermMartian, with 2.3K downloads
3: Doors CS 7.1 for the TI-83+/TI-84+, by KermMartian, with 2.0K downloads
It seems that the downloads are a bit biased towards me, although I have 51K downloads of my files, less than half of our 112K total. Help to push that balance away from me by uploading your own projects to the Cemetech archives!
Thanks to you all for over 8 years of diligent, intelligent posting on Cemetech! I look forward to millions more posts and decades of activity with the Casio Prizm and TI-84+CSE blossoming into increasingly popular calculators.
More Stats
Cemetech Statistics page
Daily and IRC statistics collected by _player1537
Downloads from the Cemetech Archives have also been steadily increasing: we have 763 programs written by 156 of our members, and have together accrued over 112K downloads. Our most popular files:
1: [Prizm] Tetrizm v1.0 for the Casio Prizm, by KermMartian, with 2.4K downloads
2: [Prizm] Obliterate 1.0 for the Casio Prizm, by KermMartian, with 2.3K downloads
3: Doors CS 7.1 for the TI-83+/TI-84+, by KermMartian, with 2.0K downloads
It seems that the downloads are a bit biased towards me, although I have 51K downloads of my files, less than half of our 112K total. Help to push that balance away from me by uploading your own projects to the Cemetech archives!
Thanks to you all for over 8 years of diligent, intelligent posting on Cemetech! I look forward to millions more posts and decades of activity with the Casio Prizm and TI-84+CSE blossoming into increasingly popular calculators.
More Stats
Cemetech Statistics page
Daily and IRC statistics collected by _player1537