Zooming in and out is impossible on iOS and YouTube videos break the page
Mm. It appears I should have tested youtube videos on my iPhone and not just my iPad. I'll fix that, I just have to resize them.
Being able to zoom in and out would also be nice.
elfprince13 wrote:
Being able to zoom in and out would also be nice.
I don't see why it'd be nice, it's a single column layout with font that's adequately large enough to read.
The only thing it'd be good for is the code blocks that almost always run off the page and shrink everything. I need to get around to finally finding a fix for that.
"adequately large enough to read" is an end-user decision. Intentionally preventing that is an atrocity to usability. Fixing the code blocks is nice, but just letting people use their devices as intended and zoom in to things that THEY think are small is even nicer.
I still don't see the usefulness. If the font is too small I can increase it, but if a person is having a hard time reading normally sized font, they've probably already increased the default font size within the phone settings to accommodate.
elfprince13 wrote:
"adequately large enough to read" is an end-user decision. Intentionally preventing that is an atrocity to usability. Fixing the code blocks is nice, but just letting people use their devices as intended and zoom in to things that THEY think are small is even nicer.
I heartily agree with this. I must also be a pain in the neck and bug you about how the C6m jsTIfied template is going.
comicIDIOT wrote:
I still don't see the usefulness.
Not to be overly blunt, but....are your fingers weirdly needle-like and/or can you speak to your mobile device and make it click things for you? Because those are the only two explanations I can come up with for that remark.
No, but I haven't clicked a wrong link yet. If it's the spacing of the links in the header - or anywhere else - that's an issue I can adjust them or perhaps improve how they are displayed.
You're never going to be able to adjust them to please every fat-fingering idiot (myself included) without making the site look ridiculous. Form and functionality are two pretty much conflicting goals on a small high-pixel density touchscreen device. That's why it's so goofy to actively block the use of the zooming features intended by the device's designers to counteract that problem.
On the tools page, there is a bit of a problem regarding images. On my iPod touch, the images of the calcs in the 'Get Started With...' section are all clumped together. It's not what I would consider to be a problem regarding function, it just seems bad aesthetically.
ElectronicsGeek wrote:
On the tools page, there is a bit of a problem regarding images. On my iPod touch, the images of the calcs in the 'Get Started With...' section are all clumped together. It's not what I would consider to be a problem regarding function, it just seems bad aesthetically.
Indeed. The Tools page was added not to long ago and I set up the template page for it but never got much farther than that. As soon as I gain access to the file directory again I'll resume work on it (server move is to blame).
While I'm thinking about it, a recent change in how I style classless & ID'less divs causes images on the front page to have a red background. That's on my to-fix list, too.
Sorry, comicIDIOT, I shoulda posted here first, not in the main Cemetech bug-report thread. C6M didn't kick in until after I logged in; before that, it was the normal Cemetech site one-and-a-half Nook-screens wide. I'm on a Nook Simple Touch, using an exploit to get on the interwebz. Sax works fine on my Nook — if I click the "pop-out SAX" link in the footer — although the timestamps are weird; it said something I did at 9:14 PM happened at 3:12 with no _M.
It's okay! I wasn't able to successfully replicate it on my end, so would you do me a favour and open pop-out SAX from the desktop site on your Nook? And tell me if the same thing happens? Perhaps something similar? The link to change to and fro the mobile site will be in the footer. Unfortunately, I can not give a date when this will be fixed (even after I do pin-point the cause of the error).
As for C6M not triggering until you log in, that may have something to do with cookies. I don't think we store cookies on a device unless you initiate the process by logging on or at least attempting to. By which point the script for triggering C6M automatically saves the data to the newly/already created cookie. I think cookies may be created when none are present and stored when one physically clicks the "Switch to ..." link in the footer. That's my only theory, I'll run it by Kerm and see how correct I am.
I have tried out SAX on the desktop site on my Nook. It also gets this error, adding five hours and fifty-eight minutes to the times. Which means the bug is in SAX, not C6M, I believe.
As for the cookies thing, gotcha. Since my Nook doesn't save cookies except for from Facebook, Twitter, and Google contacts – it's actually not supposed to go anywhere else, but there's an exploit in the Google contacts sign-in page that gets you to the main Google sitedespite them removing the hyperlink on the Google icon and the one in the footer – I'll just have to live with the desktop site untill I sign in each time.
Specifically, it may be an error with Pop-Out SAX. I'll try to locate a local copy of the Pop-Out & sidebar AAX source and see if there are any differences between that and regular SAX, though I think it's the same source. I'll check anyways though
Good stuff, it shouldn't be that huge of a deal to use the desktop site on the Nook but I use a 10" tablet and C6M just feels to single-columned for such a screen size. If I remember correctly the nook is remarkable smaller so the Desktop site may be a bit small; I'll try and get the cookie thing resolved ASAP along with the SAX issue
Not just pop-out SAX; the one on the left side of the desktop site does it too.
My Nook's one of those small monochromatic ones; I prefer the mobile on it, I just thought it weird that it didn't kick in until I logged in.
Hmm, then that leads me to believe your profile settings are incorrect. Try editing your profile and see what Time Zone your account is set too.
It reads my timezone as "GMT - 5", which I believe is Eastern time. Due to my Nook's wierdness with scrolling I won't be able to fix that until tonight when I can get access to a real computer, but that timesone's only an hour off, not 5:58.
Something tells me SAX is actually 6 hours off, but the 5hrs 58mins is coming from the fact that your Nook may be fast by 2 minutes as SAX time is dependent on the server then the distance from UTC is subtracted. I'm -8 so that is likely your correct time zone.
As KermM just stated in IRC your Nooks JavaScript is likely returning the wrong time. How? No idea.