PRGM2color is an adaptation on Prizm, of
this projet begun by Pierrotll.
PRGM2 starts a timer, and launches a Casio Basic program.
The timer checks the value of 'F' variable. If it's non-null, the timer calls the function corresponding to the 'F' value. It allows to use fast functions in a basic program.
Not to stop the timer can cause the calc freeze when you exit PRGM2. Keys [AC] or [MENU], or the function 15 stop the timer (so you can't use [MENU] in your own program).
Download here, the .zip contains PRGM2.g3a, its sources and two examples (DRAWING and SERIAL).
This is a beta, with maybe some bugs. I need help to improve graphic functions.
Oh, fascinating. If and when I ever get around to writing a Doors CS port for the Prizm, I think I definitely need to include a hook for this sort of thing for Prizm BASIC programs. Of course, that also depends on me discovering how to run Prizm BASIC programs from C...
@Kerm maybe you can do a small shell to rename, move, create files/folders?
Yes, such a shell, even if very simple, would be really appreciated. Something small, preferably done in a way people can easily mess with the source to extend it and add new functionality.
gbl08ma wrote:
Yes, such a shell, even if very simple, would be really appreciated. Something small, preferably done in a way people can easily mess with the source to extend it and add new functionality. :)
DCS sans mouse gogogo
helder7 wrote:
maybe you can do a small shell to rename, move, create files/folders?
I'll try to do this.
About a full shell on Prizm, I don't think it's possible, according to what has already been done on fx-9860G.
I think the fx-9860G program which is the nearest to a shell is Loader, created by SimLo. Loader copies a program-package from storage memory to main memory and then runs the program.
Not possible? Why don't you think that a full shell is possible? Or should I say, what features of a shell do you not think are possible? C/ASM program loading? BASIC program execution? File management?
BASIC program execution from the storage memory, according to what I hear on DCS.
I'm going to find out about DCS.
gbl08ma wrote:
Yes, such a shell, even if very simple, would be really appreciated. Something small, preferably done in a way people can easily mess with the source to extend it and add new functionality.
If I had ever had to time to re-do the z80 (TI-83+/84+) Doors CS, one of the primary features I think I would have added is a lot of expandability and modularity. I share and understand your sentiment on that being an important part of shells.
Purobaz wrote:
I'll try to do this.
About a full shell on Prizm, I don't think it's possible, according to what has already been done on fx-9860G.
I think the fx-9860G program which is the nearest to a shell is Loader, created by SimLo. Loader copies a program-package from storage memory to main memory and then runs the program.
the best "shell" for fx9860 is edit 1.51 (open source), it also uses bfile syscalls, i dont know if is the same as prizm
That lib is promising. If you add more graphical capabilities, sprites, tilemapping and rectangles would be more than welcome. Also what would be cool is if it had the same thing most newer TI-84+ libs got: Allowing to copy a program file from the storage memory to the RAM as well as deleting programs from the RAM (such as that copied program). This would allow even larger BASIC games without having to split them in chapters.
Now if only I had the motivation to make this true D: :
Purobaz wrote:
helder7 wrote:
maybe you can do a small shell to rename, move, create files/folders?
I'll try to do this.
I did it yesterday, but the Bfile syscalls are very slow and a bit bugged.
The program runs only on the emulator and it is not safe.
So I'm going to stop this projet, and concentrate my efforts on PRGM2color.
I want to improve graphic functions and add a bitmap function.
DJ_O: Why not write it in Prizm C? Our current PrizmSDK and routines could handle that sort of tilemapping easily.
I personally do not have any intention to learn any new language within the next few years except maybe BASIC-based ones editable on-calc. I guess if someone decides to create this game remake, then he could do it in C, though.
Fair enough. Anyway, I like the idea that we'll be building up a hybrid BASIC library of sorts for the Prizm, and I hope we can all suggest possible functions to be included. Hopefully it will end up being a bit less kludgy than the hybrid libraries we have for the TIs, not that the libraries aren't great.
(Not quite on topic, but just wondering from the above post) Are we able to write files and execute them on the prizm? Such as a compiled language that makes addins on the Prizm.
AHelper wrote:
(Not quite on topic, but just wondering from the above post) Are we able to write files and execute them on the prizm? Such as a compiled language that makes addins on the Prizm.
We are able to write to the filesystem. We can load code and execute it in-place, but we don't yet have a true program loader that can load programs into a full virtual memory address space and start executing them.
I meant make an on-calc compiler for the prizm. Instead of taking the source and compiling it to an addin on a PC, you would compile it to a .g3a on the prizm. I don't mean have a program to launch, just a program to make legitimate addins.
AHelper wrote:
I meant make an on-calc compiler for the prizm. Instead of taking the source and compiling it to an addin on a PC, you would compile it to a .g3a on the prizm. I don't mean have a program to launch, just a program to make legitimate addins.
That's a good question. As far as I know, there's no sort of execute (+x) flag on items in the Prizm's FAT filesystem, and we can certainly write wherever we want with the BFile calls, so yes, I'd say what you suggest is feasible with our current knowledge and tools.
See, I was wondering if an Addin that compiles basic programs to an Addin (BBC Basic?) would be easier and more beneficial than an addin that watches basic code execute. I only say this as the Prizm's basic interpreter is slow.