tifreak8x wrote:
ooo~ sounds like you were productive
Hmm, damage calculations are kind of a pain to do. I used to have it just subtract strength and defense to show how much damage is done to the target, and made sure it caused at least 1 point.
For future ones, I also want to factor HP into it, the less the HP, the weaker the attacks.

Hmm, damage calculations are kind of a pain to do. I used to have it just subtract strength and defense to show how much damage is done to the target, and made sure it caused at least 1 point.
For future ones, I also want to factor HP into it, the less the HP, the weaker the attacks.
My damage formula must factor in the following: STRength, Weapon constant, enemy PROTection, and enemy DEFense.
Each point of PROT reduces damage by 1%. Each point of defense reduces damage by 1, after protection does its work.
I wanted to factor in some randomness, so I have a random number selected during.
If damage is less than 1, it's set to 1, if damage is more than 9999, it's set to 9999. If it's a decimal, then it's rounded.
My current formula is: