48. You confused your AP Comp. Sci. Teacher because on one of the programs you turned in, you used Bdisp_AllCr_VRAM() to try and clear the screen.
49. You told your AP Comp. Sci. Teacher to go to Cemetech. They still haven't gone yet obviously.
50. You rage with your AP Comp. Sci. Teacher about how Java sucks.
51. You make the distinction between Free-as-in-beer and Free-as-in-speech software when discussing FOSS programs.
52. You've created myriad variants on the While/Input Str/Disp expr(Str)+1/End program used to create a malfunctioning mock homescreen.
53. You know what LTWTTF means
54. You frequent IRC, to the point that professors or teachers exclaim that they thought IRC was dead
55. You invited a customer at your large chain store buying a calculator to visit Cemetech to pursue hardware modding (I'm looking at you, comicIDIOT).
56. You "connect your computer straight into your brain and interpret the graphics yourself, outputting directly to your retinas." --TsukasaZX
56) You're more devoted to Cemetech than any other social website.
57) Cemetech is your only website
58) ~java
59) You are the local go-to guy when technical problems occurs.
60) You've hung out with other Cemetechians IRL.
61) On multiple occasions.
63) You and the other Cemetechians found it necessary to document your adventures with hilarious videos. (For example, space and xTreme).
64) [re: Dr Phil's post, #60 (corrected)] Even your high school teachers learned/have learned to come to you with calculator problems
65) You vehemently argue about browsers, operating systems, shells, distros, editors, languages, and just about anything else tech-related/
66) You get frustrated when you accidentally clear your queue of new posts
67) You frequently check the posting graph on the statistics page, even though you try to go for quality over quantity of posts.
68 ) You've actually had good reason to spend hours looking at a memory dump with Windows calculator in programmer mode.
69) You know that Windows calculator has a programmer mode from 7 forward.
70) You know how to make a glider gun, and what that means.
71) You've had your calculators confiscated more than 50 times.
72) When you write a formal document, you leave all of your quotes and parenthesis open.
73) If you were to buy a new calculator, step one is to check the serial number.
74) You've disassembled at least one calculator
75) You've successfully re-assembled at least one calculator
76) You've caused a ribbon cable failure from clumsiness
77) You've managed to repair a ribbon cable failure
7Cool You know the true purpose of the TI-83+ backup battery
79) You've ever communicated using a calculator
80) (This one's for Merth) You've asked someone out with a calculator
81) You had a 1 am phone call argument with your boss about the best way to optimize an algorithm.

64) [re: Dr Phil's post, #60 (corrected)] Even your high school teachers learned/have learned to come to you with calculator problems

59) You are the local go-to guy when technical problems occurs

82) You program in your sleep
83) You argue with a programmer for another language about which language is better. And win.
KermMartian wrote:
80) (This one's for Merth) You've asked someone out with a calculator
I think this needs an addendum that says: "and it worked".

I feel like I barely fit any of these. I guess I'm not a Cemetechian.
84) You know all programming languages by heart and speak in them.
I just realized how many of these things apply to me O_O
85) You eat crisps in front of your pc and wait till there are updates on cemetech (like me at the moment Very Happy )
Spyro543 wrote:
I just realized how many of these things apply to me O_O

Ya me too.

I dont eat crisps while waiting for updates I usually code while waiting for updates.

86)your dream in code and algorithms.
Aes_Sedia5 wrote:

I dont eat crisps while waiting for updates I usually code while waiting for updates.

That was a special case.
87) You code 42 programs at the same time
Oh that is an easy one. Right now I am working on 7 for the contest. I am learning z80 tinkering with 12 more that i will finish after the competion and I have 13 I am working on i visual basic. Oh. And I am creating my own webpage. that should count for like 2
I mean REALLY At the same time, so having e.g. 42 calcs in front of you and code on all of them AT THE SAME TIME! Very Happy
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