Which display do you think looks better? |
The big letters (like on the HomeScreen) |
44% |
[ 8 ] |
The small letters (like on the GraphScreen) |
55% |
[ 10 ] |
Total Votes : 18 |
No one's pointed out this yet:
Code: :Repeat A
That repeat is never going to terminate.
Oh yeah, that was a copy-paste fail on his part. Weregoose, I'm amazed that we actually both came up with nearly the same solution! \o/
I just realized - thanks to merthsoft - that I didn't use A as a variable at all. Let me try to change it, then I'll attempt at deciphering exactly what Weregoose is talking about...
TI_Coder wrote:
I just realized - thanks to merthsoft - that I didn't use A as a variable at all. Let me try to change it, then I'll attempt at deciphering exactly what Weregoose is talking about...
And what Fishbot said before him, and what I spent my valuable time working out before him.
I did look at that, and I'm guessing you're all trying different ways of adding the numbers/symbols to the string. One weird thing: I'm getting a syntax error on this...
Code: If {L}INPUT(1)=1
I'll bet I'm overlooking it
No, we're actually all saying the exact same thing; the fact that the three of us all came up with the same solution independently means it's the best and fastest way to do that. I'm not sure why that line would be a syntax error.
My calculator gives me random errors at times. It might be the OS. Anyway, I'll do a RAM clear and get back to you. As far as your code below...
Code: :" →Str1
:Repeat A=105 and 1<length(Str1
:Repeat A
:If Z=23 and 1<length(Str1
:If Z=32
:If Z=45 and 1<length(Str1
:" →Str1
:If Z>50 and Z<105:Then
:If Ans=/=F:Str1+Ans→Str1
...it gives me a type error. Probably because of the calc again. I'll get back to you guys on this
And what line did that type error go to? Did you change the =/= to real not-equal sign?
I did. That's another thing, Kerm. It doesn't always take me to the error line. Very frustrating
TI_Coder wrote:
I did. That's another thing, Kerm. It doesn't always take me to the error line. Very frustrating
Yeah, that's the fault of the TI-OS for not exposing enough information about errors to error handlers.
And now my calc refuses to reset.
TI_Coder wrote:
And now my calc refuses to reset.

Pull a battery, then hold [CLEAR] while you re-insert the battery. Release [CLEAR] and press [ON].
I just pulled out all batteries, including T-cell, held [ON], then put all the batteries back. It worked
TI_Coder wrote:
I just pulled out all batteries, including T-cell, held [ON], then put all the batteries back. It worked
Glad to hear it. Now, I hope you'll fix your program as per our suggestions, do some experimentation, and see how it works for you.
Well, let's be clear. Fixing the missing quote in the inequality, Kerm's transformation is 16 bytes over mine, plus I removed two lines by integrating Z=32's "X" into the same sub(). So I wouldn't call it the
exact same thing, but both were definitely backed by the same ingenuity.
Weregoose wrote:
Well, let's be clear. Fixing the missing quote in the inequality, Kerm's transformation is 16 bytes over mine, plus I removed two lines by integrating Z=32's "X" into the same sub(). So I wouldn't call it the
exact same thing, but both were definitely backed by the same ingenuity.

A fair cop, Weregoose; thanks for that. I definitely wouldn't go so far as to say that you, Qwerty, and myself came up with different solutions though, would you?
KermMartian wrote:
Weregoose wrote:
Well, let's be clear. Fixing the missing quote in the inequality, Kerm's transformation is 16 bytes over mine, plus I removed two lines by integrating Z=32's "X" into the same sub(). So I wouldn't call it the
exact same thing, but both were definitely backed by the same ingenuity.

A fair cop, Weregoose; thanks for that. I definitely wouldn't go so far as to say that you, Qwerty, and myself came up with different solutions though, would you? In terms of a solution, ours were as far apart from each other as either one to the original. But we all three did use sub(, yes.
Well, I used Kerm's. Although, it didn't work at first. I did change it around a bit to make it work, though. It's very fast now. Thanks, guys. Now, onto the next problem...
How can I get, not cos(, but cos({^-1}?
How can I make the prgm know that the user has pressed 2nd, then when they push a button, add the second option to the string instead of the first?
Have an unused variable J, set it to zero, and every time 2nd is pressed, have it alternate between zero and one. You can double the length of the string that you're sub(-ing tokens out of, and write all of the 2nd tokens in the second half, taking care to continue to write "F" for the ones that you don't want to include. Finally, J can be written into the sub('s second argument as a multiplier on a number equal to the (original) string's length. When J is 0, you read from the first half of the string; when J is 1, you read from the second half. Make sense?
yes, makes sense. I just have to think it through. Thanks
I tried the following code for the second sub( for when the 2nd button has been pushed, only, it's returning a syntax error
:If Z>50 and Z<105 and Z≠62 and Z≠91 and Z≠41 and Z≠95 and Z≠102 and Y=1
Nevermind. I didn't copy the entirety of the line. Notice the "St" instead of "Str1". The prgm works beautifully. Thanks, guys. Update coming very soon. (like 2 minutes)