The CE Casino [CC26] - Can you get all the endings?
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  2. Cemetech contest entries
  3. #26: Screensavers


The CE Casino was originally made as a screensaver for CC26, but I thought, this was my best code yet. So here we are, me writing this readme to send to Cemetech.
The CE Casino (from now on referred to as CEC) minimizes user input and increases power efficiency. After all, isn’t that the purpose of a screensaver? CEC does this by only
using wait commands and running in TI-Basic.

What CEC is about
CEC is about a certain man going into a casino to gamble and make more money, as he is a puny millionaire compared to the billionaires and trillionaires of the world.
When the man either goes in debt $2.5 million dollars or gains $5 million, different story lines commence.
5 Million Storyline: 1: Gamble; 2: Criminal Empire; 3: Invest;
1: Lose money; 2: Get Caught/Die; 3: Lead a long, peaceful life.
1: Merge storylines

-2.5 Million Storyline: 1: Homeless
1: Die in rocket crash 1: Riches to rags to riches.

Events that can happen while gambling
Jackpot - 10%: +550,000
Grandpa TImmy’s Illness - 10%: -350,000
I. A. N. Effect - 1/110: Instant death
Grandpa’s Extreme Illness (getting Jackpot and Grandpa TImmy’s illness) - 1%: -500,000

Grandpa TI-mmy. TI. Get it? Bad pun…
The reason why the story’s not set in Texas is because casinos are outlawed there.

What’s next?
Well, I have an idea to build a collection of games based on The CE Casino. I’m also expecting to have time to expand the CEC or just take the source code and make an interactive version.

TIny Hacker - Spriter Program (for icon).
Everyone who built screensavers with probabilities (basically everyone).
Calculatordream for the extra support.
Everyone else who supported me.

Characters (mentioned):
Eel(on) Musket
Warren Buffet(t)
The Engineer

Copyright (c) 2023 by ryanconmartians. All rights reserved.


Screenshot #8846 Screenshot #8847 Screenshot #8848 Screenshot #8849

Archive Contents

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readme.rtf 2.3 KB
src.rtf 5.8 KB
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6.9 KB


9 months, 3 weeks ago


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  1. The CE Casino [CC26] - Can you get all the endings? (published 8 months, 1 week ago; 2024-01-02 23:44 UTC)
  2. The CE Casino [CC26] - Can you get all the endings? (published 9 months, 2 weeks ago; 2023-11-26 02:21 UTC)
  3. The CE Casino [CC26] - Can you get all the endings? (published 9 months, 3 weeks ago; 2023-11-25 20:21 UTC)
