Alien Breed 5 is a remake based on Team 17's original series on the Amiga in the 90's, including 54 massive levels across 3 campaigns, 5 weapons, hordes of aliens & bosses, a sub-game, and more!

Archive Contents
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- File Size
- 1.1 MB
- Short link
- Author
- JamesV
- Uploaded
- Forum Thread
- Rating
- 10/10 (5 votes)
- Downloads
- 1352
- ↳ this version
- 751
- Views
- 5386
- ↳ this version
- 3531
Alien Breed CE v3.0.0 is yet another high quality production from James Vernon.
The Alien Breed series dates back to the early 90's and James' calculator incarnations of the series also date back over 20 years!
I am a big fan of the series and I have to say this is the most complete version yet on calculator. Making use of the extra features the CE has to offer, James has managed to create a truly memorable experience.
The game has outstanding colour graphics, runs fast, has LOADS of content that will keep you engaged for hours in the form of multiple campaigns, unique weapons, enemies, bosses, collectables, puzzles, level passcodes, cut-scenes, MULTIPLAYER (single-calc), achievements, mini-games and more!
The source is also included and what's very interesting is that I believe it compiles to support multiple platforms across monochrome and colour (CE) calcualtors.
I rate this game 10/10 and I HIGHLY recommend you play it.
- Alien Breed CE v3.1.0 (published 1 year, 11 months ago; 2023-03-04 19:10 UTC-08:00)
- Alien Breed CE v3.0.0 (published 3 years, 3 months ago; 2021-11-11 13:15 UTC-08:00)