mobileTunes Converter Progress
Published by KermMartian 18 years, 3 months ago (2006-02-02T21:45:55+00:00) | Discuss this article

About four months after I started and a few hours of actually examining it, I finished the first two crucial steps towards a tool that will convert MIDI audio files into calculator-compatible mobileTunes format. Currently mobileTunes uses 1-bit songs, but I hope to work with another member of the community to make it 4-bit capable (up to 4 notes playing at a time). Currently, the PHP converter can take any multitrack MIDI file, parse the entier file into chunks and tracks, decode the tempo information, and then display all of the info in an easy-to-read collapsible list that should look familiar to those who use SourceCoder and SourceCoder 2. The second step is an exporter that will take any single track, convert it to "square-wave" intruments to emulate how it would sound on a calculator, and then export the .mid file for immediate preview. You can try it now right here. The next steps will be to allow the user to pick up to 4 channels of sound and then figure out the note values to make a compilable text file.

