Security Alert :: 403 Errors
Published by KermMartian 17 years, 4 months ago (2006-12-22T11:24:50+00:00)

As some of you have noticed, our good friend saxjax is back up and running. After a several week long IP ban on me by Kerm's host during which saxjax has been down and I was forced to use a CGI proxy to access the site, I finally contacted kerm's host, and asked them to lift the ban. in addition to this they posted the conditions that a ban would be instated: 5 403's in a 5 minute period gets you banned. This means if you are having trouble posting something wait a while. however better yet, they said that if we could get them some of the offending code that causes 403s they would be willing to loosen up the restrictions. As its kerm's site Im leaving the security stuff up to him, but I figured you guys should know about the 403s.
Posted by Elfprince13

