This program will hold miscellaneous routines for pokemon, that are small enough to fit and not require taking up a program for all by itself.

It currently performs three functions:

Z=1: Creates the pokedex info screen

Z=2: Sets up the pokemon list when captured or given

Z=3: Sets up the menu for the pokemon party screen
tifreak8x has just edited this program. The source code now reads:
BASIC Code wrote:
:If Z=1:Then
:Text(29,8,"NO. ",E
:If ∟PDX(E)≠2:Then
:Text(16,40,"HT: ??' ??''
:Text(23,40,"WT: ??? LBS
:If ∟PDX(E)=2:Then
:Text(16,40,"HT: ",iPart(U),"' ",E2fPart(U),"''
:Text(23,40,"WT: "+Str9+" LBS
:While W=3
:If I≠0:Then
:If I=0:Then
:If sub(Str9,C,1)="+
:Repeat getKey
:If Z=2:Then
:While D<7
:"Unarchive∟P"+Ans+":If ∟P"+Ans+"(43)=0:Then:D"+sub(Str9,1,1)+"X:9"+sub(Str9,1,1)+D:End:Archive∟P"+Ans→Str9
:If D=10:Then
:prgmZCE:"ASH RECEIVED/A "+Str9+"!+*→Str0
:prgmZTD:DelVar DDelVar ∟P7
:If D=7:Then
:1→A:While A=1
:"1"+sub(Str9,1,1)+"C:Unarchive∟BX"+Ans+":While C<26:If ∟BX"+Ans+(C)>0:Then:C+1"+sub(Str9,1,1)+"C:Else:C"+sub(Str9,1,1)+"X:29"+sub(Str9,1,1)+C:End:End→Str9
:If C=29:Then
:"∟P7(43"+sub(Str9,1,1),"∟BX"+sub(Str7,5,1)+"(C:"+sub(Str9,2,1)+"θZLIST"+sub(Str9,2,1)+":prgmZRS:"+sub(Str9,2,1)+"∟P7"+sub(Str9,1,1)+"Str0:prgmTEMP:prgmZC1:1"+sub(Str9,1,1)+"θ:X"+sub(Str9,1,1)+"C:Str7"+sub(Str9,1,1)+"Str0:C:prgmZCE:5"+sub(Str9,1,1)+"θ:prgmZCE:0"+sub(Str9,1,1)+"θ:"+sub(Str9,2,1)+"rowSwap(ZPNA"+sub(Str9,1,1)+"Str0:∟P7(43:prgmZCE:Str9"+sub(Str9,2,1)+" HAS/BEEN MOVED TO BOX "+sub(Str7,5,1)+"/ON BILL'S PC!+*"+sub(Str9,1,1)+"Str0:prgmZTD:5"+sub(Str9,1,1)+"θ:Str7"+sub(Str9,1,1)+"Str0:prgmZCE→Str0
:DelVar Str9DelVar Str7DelVar A
:If C=26:∟PSU(16)+(∟PSU(16)<8→∟PSU(16
:If C=26 and ∟PSU(16)=8:9→∟PSU(16
:If 10fPart(Z)=3:Then
:If max(I=Ans or J=Ans or θ=Ans or Q=Ans:Then
:If max(26={I,J,θ,Q:Then
:If max(28={I,J,θ,Q:Then
:If max(48={I,J,θ,Q:Then
:If max(125={I,J,θ,Q:Then
:If max(132={I,J,θ,Q:Then
:If K>52:Then:K-12→K:C-12→C:End
:If max(140={I,J,θ,Q:Then
:If max(146={I,J,θ,Q:Then
:If S≠60:Then:K-12→K:C-12→C:End
:If dim(∟MT)=1:‾{1,2,3→∟MT
:If dim(∟MT)>1:Then
:While W=‾1
:If I%<N:Then
:If F>N
Generated by SourceCoder, © 2005-2010 Cemetech
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Well, for starters in optimization I see this:

:If ∟PDX(E)≠2:Then
:Text(16,40,"HT: ??' ??''
:Text(23,40,"WT: ??? LBS
:If ∟PDX(E)=2:Then
Better would be this, no?

:If 2≠∟PDX(E:Then
:Text(16,40,"HT: ??' ??''
:Text(23,40,"WT: ??? LBS
True enough. I really under use the Else command, not really sure why. *shrugs*

Will have to remember to make that adjustment on the program eventually.
tifreak8x wrote:
True enough. I really under use the Else command, not really sure why. *shrugs*

Will have to remember to make that adjustment on the program eventually.
I think there's probably more places to switch around the statement to save a parenthesis, too. I'll keep looking.
Most likely, I am sure you will find that a lot in my code, as I take the time to post it all up. Don't forget, you need to add appvar support, which should be relatively easy, considering an appvar is a program with a different value in it's VAT entry, right? That way I can get those posted as well. :p
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