Viewing profile :: tr1p1ea (tr1p1ea)

This is an archived United-TI member profile. Due to a forum software changeover late in United-TI's history, some information is missing, such as signatures, websites, and contact information for many members. Therefore, we ask that you
link your Cemetech and United-TI account, if this is your profile. If you do so, your United-TI information will be displayed on your Cemetech profile, and you will be able to link your archived United-TI threads with your current Cemetech threads.
This is the profile of United-TI user
tr1p1ea; the user is known on Cemetech as

tr1p1ea's Cemetech profile.
Viewing profile :: tr1p1ea (tr1p1ea)

tr1p1ea | Elite
Joined 03 Aug 2003
Total posts: 870