Okay, I don't know whether anyone discovered this, but:
On the 84+CE, if you press [2ND], [ALPHA], [ALPHA] (assuming you have Lowercase mode) and hold the right arrow key, the calc acts as if you spammed "XFact".
It gets pretty annoying when you're editing a program and then your code turns into "XFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFact"
Eightx84 wrote:
Okay, I don't know whether anyone discovered this, but:
On the 84+CE, if you press [2ND], [ALPHA], [ALPHA] (assuming you have Lowercase mode) and hold the right arrow key, the calc acts as if you spammed "XFact".
It gets pretty annoying when you're editing a program and then your code turns into "XFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFact"
http://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fileinfo/463/46382.html has been working fine for me, no such bug.
But then again, that wouldn't be an OS/TI issue.
Um.. You are using an assembly program to access lowercase mode. That can't be considered a legitimate bug due to the fact that the asm program could be doing something funky. You'd need to get in touch with the author and discuss that with them first, to ensure they haven't accidentally done something or failed to do something within their program.
This list is problems with the OS that are found as if the calc just came out of the box with the latest OS and you found it via normal use means.
tifreak8x wrote:
Um.. You are using an assembly program to access lowercase mode. That can't be considered a legitimate bug due to the fact that the asm program could be doing something funky. You'd need to get in touch with the author and discuss that with them first, to ensure they haven't accidentally done something or failed to do something within their program.
I'm using the DIY hex code (FDCB24DEC9).
tifreak8x wrote:
This list is problems with the OS that are found as if the calc just came out of the box with the latest OS and you found it via normal use means.
Yeah I guess not everyone uses hex codes out of box
Eightx84 wrote:
Okay, I don't know whether anyone discovered this, but:
On the 84+CE, if you press [2ND], [ALPHA], [ALPHA] (assuming you have Lowercase mode) and hold the right arrow key, the calc acts as if you spammed "XFact".
It gets pretty annoying when you're editing a program and then your code turns into "XFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFact"
Unable to reproduce.
merthsoft wrote:
This isn't a bug. Since you're in radian mode, it's treating 8°15' as radians. cos(8.25) = -.3857479375.
huh? I can do cos(x<degree symbol>) and it works in radian at least on 84+. Haven't tried minutes/seconds though
This probably isn't a true bug since it requires you to have lowercase alpha active, but if you hold down the UP or DOWN arrow key in the program editor with lowercase alpha enabled (for fast scrolling) it won't work. It only works with uppercase alpha.
EDIT: this is on the 84+ CE
parrotgeek2 wrote:
merthsoft wrote:
This isn't a bug. Since you're in radian mode, it's treating 8°15' as radians. cos(8.25) = -.3857479375.
huh? I can do cos(x<degree symbol>) and it works in radian at least on 84+. Haven't tried minutes/seconds though That's because of how the calc is interpreting the tokens. If you type 8°15' into the homescreen, it tells you 8.25.
I've had my CSE for a while now and never noticed this, but when I go into the MODE menu and go down to "GO TO 2ND FORMAT GRAPH:" the options don't act like all the others. If I move the cursor slowly, they can stay highlighted regardless of if I clicked them or not. It doesn't change any actual setting so I'm assuming it's just a display thing, but it makes it so that it can appear as though I have 2 settings selected at once
Note: I was not able to reproduce this on jstified and solarsoftware says his calculator doesn't do it, but mine does it every time, not just a one time thing.
(I'm on 4.0)
mr womp womp wrote:
I've had my CSE for a while now and never noticed this, but when I go into the MODE menu and go down to "GO TO 2ND FORMAT GRAPH:" the options don't act like all the others. If I move the cursor slowly, they can stay highlighted regardless of if I clicked them or not. It doesn't change any actual setting so I'm assuming it's just a display thing, but it makes it so that it can appear as though I have 2 settings selected at once
Note: I was not able to reproduce this on jstified and solarsoftware says his calculator doesn't do it, but mine does it every time, not just a one time thing.
(I'm on 4.0)
This happens for me too. Just scroll down to that line (GO TO 2ND FORMAT GRAPH) and wait some seconds, then you will get it.
Oh, and for me, if I select "YES" at that option, it goes to 2ND-FORMAT, which is probably not intended.
willwac wrote:
Eightx84 wrote:
Okay, I don't know whether anyone discovered this, but:
On the 84+CE, if you press [2ND], [ALPHA], [ALPHA] (assuming you have Lowercase mode) and hold the right arrow key, the calc acts as if you spammed "XFact".
It gets pretty annoying when you're editing a program and then your code turns into "XFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFactXFact"
Unable to reproduce.
I agree with willwac, I cannot reproduce this bug. ( I am running 5.1)
It must be just you, or a bug caused by some program interfering with the prgm editing menu (like Doors, but, that isnt released for 84 pce)
I have a bug to report of my own though (resulted in a RAM clear):
Basically, I leave a program running a Lbl - Goto loop going on my calc, but eventually APD turns it off. I plug in my calculator, and a few minutes later, I turn on my cpu and start up Ti Connect. when the calc turns on as a result of it being plugged in to a now powered computer, The program glitches out, and my Ram gets cleared. This bug is pretty random, and probably not worth considering for a bug fix (it would take a while to find the problem), but I felt that it was my duty to report a bug that had nothing to do with 3rd party ASM, thus making it a Ti OS bug.
These might have already been reported, but here are a few that I found:
-Blank status bar:on homescreen, press up to enter history, enter any menu(ex:PRGM)
-If the last line of a basic program is "Wutever"→Str1 , Done disapears. (I actually like this though

These don't cause any crashes, but I decided to report them anyway.
andressevilla wrote:
-Blank status bar:on homescreen, press up to enter history, enter any menu(ex:PRGM)
I think this is intentional. It is too obvious to not be fixed if it was a bug.
Caleb_Hill wrote:
andressevilla wrote:
-Blank status bar:on homescreen, press up to enter history, enter any menu(ex:PRGM)
I think this is intentional. It is too obvious to not be fixed if it was a bug.
It should either display the usual "NORMAL FLOAT AUTO REAL RADIAN MP/CL" or "HISTORY". I think this is definitely a bug.
On a TI-84 Plus or a TI-84 Plus CSE, with a+bi enabled in Mode, imaginary numbers in MathPrint fractions always gives "ERR: DATA TYPE". This also occurs in Classic mode (with the thick fraction bar). Normal division with parentheses works fine.
jonbush has confirmed that this works properly on the CE.
On a TI-84 Plus CE with OS, attempting to link to the calculator with TI Connect CE while executing the getKey command will throw an Error: Data Type on the calculator.
Code: Repeat getKey
On a TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition with OS 4.0 or 4.2, the OS cuts off the last character (or replaces it with whitespace) when displaying a string of single-width characters longer than 26 characters the width of the screen when the last token is one character wide on the home screen. To replicate this, run the following on the home screen and scroll to the right:
Code: "sin(cos(sin(cos(sin(cos(sin(cos(A":Ans
Bug report: when you're in Test Mode:
1) Press [PRGM]
2) Press [ON]+[PRGM]
3) Press twice [CLEAR]
The cursor now appears in the status bar.
Bug report (extremely minor):
When in Test Mode, pressing MODE then ALPHA and then any character (A-B) closes the MODE screen and displays it, but ALPHA S does not display S.
I doubt anyone cares, just putting it out there
Michael2_3B wrote:
If you are in Radian mode and you enter something like this:
You will get a negative, nonsensical answer of -.3857479375. It should be close to 1 instead.
Doing this in degree mode works though.
merthsoft wrote:
This isn't a bug. Since you're in radian mode, it's treating 8°15' as radians. cos(8.25) = -.3857479375.
I think this is a bug. It should treat the angle in whatever units are specified. For example, in degree mode:
Code: cos(90) = 0
cos(pi/2) = 0.999624...
cos(pi^^R/2) = 0
In radian mode:
Code: cos(90°) = 0
cos(90) = -0.44807...
Additionally, in TI-OS 4.2, the result from the last line of a program is displayed on the graph screen upon exit. This is not present on the CE.
Code: DispGraph
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