- Terok Nor
- 13 Jul 2011 08:50:45 am
- Last edited by DShiznit on 13 Jul 2011 11:31:17 am; edited 2 times in total
Terok Nor was a Cardassian ore processing center used during their occupation of Bajor, which was later refitted into the Federation outpost known as Deep Space 9. Currently situated at the mouth of the Bajoran wormhole, Deep Space 9 is an important center of commerce for both the Alpha and Gamma quadrants of our Milky Way Galaxy, regulating transit and trade through the wormhole to and from both sides. It is also our first and only line of defense, should a dominion fleet decide to invade...
Don't ask why there's clouds above the station. It was not my server.
It's not quite finished, and I might re-do the docking pylons and add some ships before it's finished.
Don't ask why there's clouds above the station. It was not my server.
It's not quite finished, and I might re-do the docking pylons and add some ships before it's finished.