Comic: I meant good *idea; my post coherency is very bad at 6am after a few hours of fever-interrupted sleep. Sorry about that.
DJ: Fascinating, thanks for all the clarifications.
Benryves: I don't think I'll enable that, but one of these days I really, really need to start using source control for my personal projects.
Yup, SCM for personal projects can be useful indeed. I hardly ever use SCM for the personal projects I don't distribute, but I do more often for those I distribute. I plan on putting the TICT projects in Git repositories some time before leaving the TI community.
Lionel Debroux wrote:
Yup, SCM for personal projects can be useful indeed. I hardly ever use SCM for the personal projects I don't distribute, but I do more often for those I distribute. I plan on putting the TICT projects in Git repositories some time before leaving the TI community.
Oh no, I hope that's not something you're planning for the near future!
*bump* Yes, Omnimaga is down. Yes, JustCause and Juju and the gang know about it, and no, they don't yet know what's causing it. They're on it, and it will be fixed soon.
I guess you have to direct all your questions to Netham45, he owns the server. Looks like the server rebooted, but the databases didn't started.
juju2143 wrote:
I guess you have to direct all your questions to Netham45, he owns the server. Looks like the server rebooted, but the databases didn't started.
Ah, that makes sense, thank you for the clarification. Is there any chance it's intentional, or is it likely just something accidental?
Actually I wonder if it hasn't been innaccessible for longer than I and some others couldn't access it, because from midnight to 4 AM, while I visited it, there was an unusually low period of activity there, then when I opened it at 11 AM the entire Netham45 server (site and logs) wouldn't respond anymore. At first it seemed like DNS or domain name issues, but now it says it can't connect to the database.
I don't want to start accusing anyone, but yesterday, somebody ran a forkbomb on Juju's server (which hosts PrizmWiki and AxeWiki) and the night right before, an Omnimaga member I will not name vandalized the front page of Axe Wiki. I hope the downtime is not linked to any of these events.
I was able to access omni untill about 9 or 10 in the morning (Seattle time) and also omni is back up
Ah ok that's good. At least it doesn't seem like anything rash happened, although this was strange that it went down this long. It kinda reminded me that Cemetech downtime a year ago (although I think that one was longer IIRC)
DJ_O wrote:
Ah ok that's good. At least it doesn't seem like anything rash happened, although this was strange that it went down this long. It kinda reminded me that Cemetech downtime a year ago (although I think that one was longer IIRC)
In the end it was roughly 180 minutes of downtime, just under three hours, as I recall.
Glad Omni is back.
Ah ok, so actually slightly shorter. According to Netham45,
It appears a DB backup tried to fire off last night which filled up the drive. MySQL doesn't handle not having disk space too well, and it basically went into a stasis.
So I guess the unusually quiet period last night was just a coincidence. Also I'm glad both sites aren't down as often as MaxCoderz did back in the days (every two month or so, Kv83 would forget to pay the bill, was hard to reach and then the site would stay down for the next two week until he notices and get it back up.)
runnin them servers iz hard huerf ferf
allynfolksjr wrote:
runnin them servers iz hard huerf ferf
True story. Especially if you're a linuxtard like Nikky.
Ah Ok, I didn't see this topic first, but now Omnimaga is down again!
I believe Netham45 was doing something with upgrades yesterday.
yeongJIN_COOL wrote:
I believe Netham45 was doing something with upgrades yesterday.
Yes, there's an entire topic about this, as a matter of fact. See here:
So Omnimaga is down again! I believe it is more upgrades by Netham45?
It's either upgrades, or Netham dropped something