So far just a sketch of the idea I have. Access to the murder scene room will be through a broken window, which you'll have to go outside(through an open window in one of the other rooms) and navigate treacherous ledge to get to, as the door will be covered with police tape.
So this may not be one I'd be as excited to add to core

though I do like the idea of spawning in a room with a gamer, and of having apartments.
well he's not in the room(each room is a different themed apartment), just his stuff. I should have clarified that.
Would it be possible to keep the love machine room rated G? or atleast a G version?
It's gonna be 70s love-machine themed, so yes. Just a Heart-Shaped bed, and some perfumes and wine and sh!t, under dim red light.
Oh, that's cool then (not sarcasm)
it's the grisly murder scene that concerns me. The horror of all that chopped and melted plastic is enough to make anyone's stomach churn. Those poor minifigs never stood a chance against that shop vac
Elf, that's where "when you see it, you'll shit bricks" comes in
Why portray smokers in a bad light?
Otherwise I enjoy the concept, and am interested in seeing how it's implemented.
uh, elfprince, this will be Human-scale relative to the minifig, so those will be chopped up human body parts in the blood-filled bathtub, and a dead human hooker spread out on the bloody bed...
DShiznit wrote:
uh, elfprince, this will be Human-scale relative to the minifig, so those will be chopped up human body parts in the blood-filled bathtub, and a dead human hooker spread out on the bloody bed...
I personally Like Elfs Idea better but that's just me, I mean it can still be human scale but having a giant dismembered minfig sounds rather awesome IMO.
TheStorm wrote:
DShiznit wrote:
uh, elfprince, this will be Human-scale relative to the minifig, so those will be chopped up human body parts in the blood-filled bathtub, and a dead human hooker spread out on the bloody bed...
I personally Like Elfs Idea better but that's just me, I mean it can still be human scale but having a giant dismembered minfig sounds rather awesome IMO.
I'll throw one in the Lifeless Gamer's apartment.
DShiznit wrote:
uh, elfprince, this will be Human-scale relative to the minifig, so those will be chopped up human body parts in the blood-filled bathtub, and a dead human hooker spread out on the bloody bed...
I know. That was my not so subtle attempt at saying I wasn't necessarily a fan of your creative choices for that room
Does "not being a fan of it" mean you'll deny or censor it mercilessly if I should upload it to the archives as a separate mod, with a fair warning and no expectation or request for it to be anywhere near the official core?
DShiznit wrote:
Does "not being a fan of it" mean you'll deny or censor it mercilessly if I should upload it to the archives as a separate mod, with a fair warning and no expectation or request for it to be anywhere near the official core?
"not a fan" means that while no attempt will be made to prevent you from distributing the map to FreeBuild users or to prevent it's use in game (or even on servers which register themselves publicly with Cemetech), I have a strong preference that you find another distribution channel (which, I don't think you should have trouble doing. Freehostia is a good place to look).
But lets be honest. Dead prostitutes? In a Lego-themed game? Really?
At least for me personally, I see plenty of other choices for artistic execution of an apartment themed map that wouldn't be quite so needlessly offensive. Do something whose shock value is in it's cleverness, not it's gore.
Lucas W wrote:
I like his page on Calvinism. My friend Dan is a particularly stubborn one who I've been trying to slowly coax out of it
.....or was that not where you were referring to?
The humor is less in shock value and more in an imitation of popular culture(99% of crime dramas, which are popular right now, involve either a dead hooker or cut up body parts). I don't want to have to distribute this outside of Cemetech, as it does have redeeming qualities(the crime scene is part a larger snapshot of our culture) and users of a game in general are wary of downloading files from an unofficial source. I'm more than willing to add a [Mature Content Warning] to both the title and description, citing blood, gore, and drug reference. I also think artists and programmers should have a somewhat high level of freedom of creativity, as the whole premise for the game is the freedom to do whatever. I'm not saying you should ignore regulation, not at all, but anything that can be shown on TV without much protest should be fine for the Cemetech Archives, as long as warnings are given for content that might be found questionable.
I'm gonna say that Kerm should have the final on this one, though my guess is it will be a veto, but if I wouldn't be adverse to creating a "recommended archives" topic. If I end up making a mod-repository browser in game (which I'd like to do, but is currently low on my needs-to-be-done list), there's also no reason why a 3rd party repository couldn't be added, just as is done with installing packages on a Ubuntu machines.
I understand (and even support) the desire for artistic license, but there really is a question of appropriate distribution channels, and I think the Cemetech administrators would really prefer to keep Cemetech a family friendly site, which is why I brought the question of alternative methods.
I know, I know, it's Kerm's resume, but I'd like to be able to discuss and work on my projects openly, which is hard when they get censored in such a totalitarian fashion. I know there's a good reason for it, but it still makes me feel like I'm under house arrest in Nazi Germany. Does the bountysource site have an user file archive? That would be a viable alternative.