dashboard widgets and or the option to use a dock instead of the start menu!!!
I'm being somewhat facetious
elfprince13 wrote:
dashboard widgets and or the option to use a dock instead of the start menu!!!
I'm being somewhat facetious
Erm... hmm. Seriously?
I don't particularly seeing that being useful, although I actually like the dock idea...
Well you could use something like Doc DE to edit the programs but change it so that when you press a button it goes to that menu or inserts that function. I mean if you could call a menu and then regain control after they select an option it might be possible. once you have that part figured out setting up how to insert that specific command isn't that hard. or yeah you could try to set it up so that it displays to the graph screen but that would be pretty hard considering ti-os doesn't have any graph screen editing setups.
KermMartian wrote:
elfprince13 wrote:
dashboard widgets and or the option to use a dock instead of the start menu!!!
I'm being somewhat facetious
Erm... hmm. Seriously?
I don't particularly seeing that being useful, although I actually like the dock idea...
you may have missed something
TheStorm: the DCS text editing routines aren't meant to handle multi-character tokens.
It would be nice if when DoorsCS gave a "Not Enough Mem" error when running a program that it said how much more memory was needed.
@TheStorm: Not only that, DocDE is not equipped to handle the token-to-text translation layer necessary, which would add substantial size (and slow it down a lot).
@Elf: No, I didn't, I just didn't want to give it away in case other people missed that.
@bfr: Thank you for cross-posting as I requested, I shall add that to my to-do list.
I said some thing like Doc de not use Doc de. If you remove some of its features you may be able to get away with it.
TheStorm wrote:
I said some thing like Doc de not use Doc de. If you remove some of its features you may be able to get away with it.
There would still be substantial overhead from the variable-length token problem.
Repost of my main two GUI suggestions from UTI:
- The option to change interfaces between using the arrow keys to navigate the mouse and using the arrow keys to navigate selections (the latter essentially being similar to the list-interface addon I suggested for a previous version)
- The option of limiting the types of files being viewed at one time (BASIC only, assembly only, locked only, unlocked only, unarchived only, archived only, etc.)
As for the dock, I don't think it will be too good of an idea unless the icon sizes are shrunk. After all, think about how crowded the GUI is already...
Delnar_Ersike wrote:
Great to hear news about continued progress, even if I have abandoned DoorsCS on my calc in favor of MirageOS's list interface (I still remember suggesting such a feature to be implemented as an addon for DCS6). Here are another few suggestions that have no doubt been uttered more than once before:
- Creating a "Lite" version that removes much of the eyecandy features in favor of a smaller size (1 Flash page instead of 2)
- Integration of Office DE and/or mobiletunes into DCS
Wait, didn't you just contradict yourself?
I have a problem with removing the "eyecandy" (ie, the GUI and the GUI API) because all that's left is a a list of programs that don't support Doors CS 6 programs that use the GUI, in other words a MOS/ Ion/ BASIC/ ASM shell, which is nothing new, exciting, or original in any way. Completely removing Doors CS's GUI as well as the entire GUI API system would be the only way to even approach 16K. Oh, and CALCnet2 as well.
Delnar_Ersike wrote:
- The option to change interfaces between using the arrow keys to navigate the mouse and using the arrow keys to navigate selections (the latter essentially being similar to the list-interface addon I suggested for a previous version)
This already exists in the form of the TabFunctions SE.
Delnar_Ersike wrote:
- The option of limiting the types of files being viewed at one time (BASIC only, assembly only, locked only, unlocked only, unarchived only, archived only, etc.)
That's an interesting idea, how do you propose implementing that?
Delnar_Ersike wrote:
- Similar in purpose to the first suggestion and in function to the second suggestion: creating a "Full" version with more eyecandy, some programs integrated, and/or extra features that will not be used by programs developed for DCS (to clarify: a "yes" feature would be the addition of a pre-installed icon-editing tool, while a "no" feature would be the expanding of the CALCnet2 protocol)
Again, I am not a supervisor, much less an assembly programmer, so neither do I know the technical limitations nor limitations imposed by your available time and your own ambitions.
See my comment on your first suggestion. Thanks for the thoughts, you're helping to expand my brainstorming a lot.
...Hmm... how about shrinking all the icons? This would not only make selecting something faster but also make the dock idea more practical....
it would also be nice if you added a search bar which dictated what was on the homescreen. You could maybe even add the basic/assembly/locked/unlocked view to it, so that if someone typed in "asm" it would only show assembly programs etc... oh, and have it so typing any letters selects the search bar automatically =D Now that would be awesome!
rthprog wrote:
...Hmm... how about shrinking all the icons? This would not only make selecting something faster but also make the dock idea more practical....
it would also be nice if you added a search bar which dictated what was on the homescreen. You could maybe even add the basic/assembly/locked/unlocked view to it, so that if someone typed in "asm" it would only show assembly programs etc... oh, and have it so typing any letters selects the search bar automatically =D Now that would be awesome!
instead of shrinking the icons, have the option to scale that part of the screen to have half the dimensions, so people with lots of programs could find them faster and then zoom back in on the area they want. and i like the search bar idea, although i think that would be a pain to implement.....but something like the GTK+ list panes
elfprince: Can you clarify? I'm a bit confused with what exactly you're suggesting there.
for the desktop zoom feature, the best way I can think of to explain it, would be like Expose for OS X, only for your desktop icons instead of your application windows.
for the "search bar" i'm suggesting something along the lines of what happens when you begin typing in a GTK+ file dialog, or the Pidgin buddy list.
elfprince13 wrote:
for the desktop zoom feature, the best way I can think of to explain it, would be like Expose for OS X, only for your desktop icons instead of your application windows.
for the "search bar" i'm suggesting something along the lines of what happens when you begin typing in a GTK+ file dialog, or the Pidgin buddy list.
Oh, that makes sense. Part of the problem with the zooming, though, is that the text might be illegible any smaller. I like the search bar idea a lot though...
KermMartian wrote:
elfprince13 wrote:
for the desktop zoom feature, the best way I can think of to explain it, would be like Expose for OS X, only for your desktop icons instead of your application windows.
for the "search bar" i'm suggesting something along the lines of what happens when you begin typing in a GTK+ file dialog, or the Pidgin buddy list.
Oh, that makes sense. Part of the problem with the zooming, though, is that the text might be illegible any smaller. I like the search bar idea a lot though...
the text doesn't have to be particularly legible, people know what + where their icons are. you could also add an icon editor + a tool that would add the DCS header to ION + Basic programs
I like the Idea allowing the adding of icon to an Ion prog but I would suggest that you use the MOS header instead of the DCS header only because the program doesn't need any of the dcs library functions and it can be transferred to other calcs without dcs since almost all shells are now becoming MOS compatible. Though I know that this would not allow for full 16x16 icons I feel that it would be better and allow for more compatibility. Also that way I can still run the program with calcutil and it I feel in the mood MOS.
Edit: Isn't there a Ion header that allows for Icons? I thought there was but I might be mistaken.
KermMartian wrote:
Mexi1010 wrote:
Do what you can because that would be a great addition to DCS. I think I would use it about four times more often.
It occurred to me that in order to ascertain the possibility of doing this at all, I should consult with Brandon, the hook guru. So while I deal with that, any other preliminary feature suggestions or bug reports?
I'm pretty sure this is impossible, because I vaguely remember trying before. Your only hope is multi-line text input from the small edit buffer routines, and I remember something about not being able to get it to use a string/equation/program. It's worth a shot, but I'm equally skeptical.
Of course, you could just rewrite the small edit routines and do the whole thing yourself.
Indeed I could, or I could save the whole project until I have concrete progress on things I know are doable, such as the runprog section.

Thanks for the feedback, Brandon.
KermMartian wrote:
Indeed I could, or I could save the whole project until I have concrete progress on things I know are doable, such as the runprog section.

Thanks for the feedback, Brandon.
Or, you could be everyones hero and just completely go for it because it would be awesome.
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