Some time this afternoon, the combined Cemetech forums exceeded sixty thousand posts since July 2004. Close to ten thousand of the posts were written on the old Cemetech forum at InvisionFree, while the remaining fifty thousand plus posts have been made since March 14, 2005 on the new and improved Cemetech, hosted first at designerz-core and now at This occasion marks yet another milestone in our relentless drive towards one hundred thousand posts; with 1,638,367 words and 591 users, the Cemetech forum continues to grow exponentially across the board.
Two other items of note to share with you all. Elfprince13, our redoubtable administrator for about a year know, has found that due to time constraints with "real life" he is no longer able to fully participate in the TI calculator programming community. We will miss him and wish him luck in all his future endeavors. Secondly, the site bug that caused Google to stop spidering Cemetech has been temporarily fixed, and a permenant fix is in the works.
wow, we post a lot, don't we. Sorry to see an admin go, and I hope that fix will come in the near future.
We sure do. Even though UTI has 22k posts up on us, our most-posting member (me
) far exceeds theirs, and the top ten place much higher than UTI's top-ten posters.
wow, I didn't think we had that many compared to them, what do we talk about so much?
Everything and nothing. We have a fairly good noise-to-signal ratio, though, given that we seem to avoid single-word or pointless posts since I added that wordcount and word-average mod a few months ago.
KermMartian wrote:
Everything and nothing. We have a fairly good noise-to-signal ratio, though, given that we seem to avoid single-word or pointless posts since I added that wordcount and word-average mod a few months ago.
Well, at least SOME of us avoid pointless posts anyway
Kerm, you should make a statistics page that just has all this near-useless information on it (including things like average words per post, user with most words per post, average number of posts, total number of posts, total number of words, total number of threads, etc....)
Excellent idea! I think I just may do that...
wait, there are pointless posts on this forum, when did this happen? lol.
Wait, I forgot, everything netham ever posted.
Let's do a batch delete of everything he's said...
nah, then a lot of posts won't make any sense.
It was a joke...I need to start using sarcasm tags more often now...<_<
Maybe put a disclaimer on all of his posts
why not his sig now that he is gone?
I was thinking that; put this as his sig:
On second thought, I'd probably be banned for making that suggestion...
Let's try:
or something.
Wow, you guys really hated him, didn't you? Such animosity.
KermMartian wrote:
Wow, you guys really hated him, didn't you? Such animosity.
Yes, because he truly and seriously DID NOT GET IT. Its EXACTLY like the situation described in that n00bs guide to the internet
Wow, you guys really hated him, didn't you? Such animosity.