Thanks to dr-carlos's help on displaying Chinese, I spent a week to write this simple txt viewer.
WARNING: The program is in its Alpha development state; Serious bugs may appear and in some extreme situations, it might damage your OS. TO BE SAFE, RUN IT ONLY IN THE EMULATOR.
Because I'm not a good programmer, there are some quite serious flaws on the program, like:
Please note that trying to display a binary file will cause unexpected behaviours.
- prconf.cfg -- Sessions and config
- <filename>.lpd -- pagination result in large fonts
- <filename>.spd -- pagination result in small fonts
All of them are binary files.
You can check its source code at github:
(Though its code is really ugly and dirty...)
Used "Text and Number input" routine by Christopher Mitchell / Kerm Martian. Thanks!
Builds are under "Releases" tag of the repository.
Sorry about my poor English!
WARNING: The program is in its Alpha development state; Serious bugs may appear and in some extreme situations, it might damage your OS. TO BE SAFE, RUN IT ONLY IN THE EMULATOR.
- Displaying Chinese in 18px / 24px fonts
- Paginating, for up to 8192 pages
- Bookmark feature (8 bookmark for each book and up to 32 books)
Because I'm not a good programmer, there are some quite serious flaws on the program, like:
- It might not work well with files in folders
- When there's a 0x00 in the file, it might go into an infinite loop
- Only GB2312 encoding is supported
Please note that trying to display a binary file will cause unexpected behaviours.
- Changing the font will clear all the bookmarks currently;
- Pressing MENU while reading will open the software menu, not main menu. This is because I want to give the app some time to close the files.
- The program will generate 3 files listed below:
- prconf.cfg -- Sessions and config
- <filename>.lpd -- pagination result in large fonts
- <filename>.spd -- pagination result in small fonts
All of them are binary files.
You can check its source code at github:
(Though its code is really ugly and dirty...)
Used "Text and Number input" routine by Christopher Mitchell / Kerm Martian. Thanks!
Builds are under "Releases" tag of the repository.
Sorry about my poor English!