This looks awesome! I'd love to try this on my CE, and I think it looks even better in color. Keep up the great work, and good luck!
The "fight background" (the image behind the enemy you're currently facing) was / is a super easy feature to implement, so I'll add it to the 83+/84+ SE version too.
Admittingly, there's too much brown, so I'll take some inspiration from "DOOM" and add some blue / green carpets in some areas.
*Phew!* Porting this has been harder than I thought it would be, but the most essential and difficult parts to port are done -- at least I hope so.
Just like in the B&W version, polish (such as getting rid of that weapon description out of battle) will come later. Also, that temporary black-and-white square to select the enemy will be replaced with an arrow.
When I originally planned to make this game only for the 84+SE, I was fine keeping attack animations as basic as Dragon Warrior and Earthbound Zero / Earthbound Beginnings. But in switching to the CE, I cannot, in good conscious

do that anymore. I'll be adding basic attack effects and coding them in such a way that they'll be easy to port from the CE to the SE.
More eye candy (In particular, the planets in the "viewscreen" are now in colour)
Oooh I love those new eye-candy and colors. :O By the way will there be some sort of secret or bonus dungeon like in some RPGs with enemies/bosses harder than the final ones?
The coloured sprites look great - I really like the fade effect too

DJ Omnimaga wrote:
By the way will there be some sort of secret or bonus dungeon like in some RPGs with enemies/bosses harder than the final ones?
That would have been a lot of fun to add, but for now, sadly, "no," there won't be anything like that. At least not for the initial, official 1.0.0 release. Maybe in a future version...
Wow, this looks really amazing! I can't wait until it's done!
One suggestion for animations: Perhaps have the giant alien move his staff every four strides instead of every two? It would look more realistic (although it would take up twice the space for that character).
darkwater4213 wrote:
Wow, this looks really amazing! I can't wait until it's done!
One suggestion for animations: Perhaps have the giant alien move his staff every four strides instead of every two? It would look more realistic (although it would take up twice the space for that character).
A fair point, and a lot of the animations in this game would look better with 4 frames instead of 2. But, apart from a decision of style, yes, space is a concern. And time. This is going to take longer than I thought due to... recent events. I even have to redo the storyline... I personally feel too uncomfortable or insensitive with the motives I gave the aliens after seeing what's been happening.
I don't see why not. I haven't played the monochrome version (so I don't know what the storyline looks like) but there's really no reason to change it. This too shall pass.
If you really don't want to, I suppose you could include something in a on-first-launch screen or something.
After losing 2 weeks of progress, here's level 9 (out of 11). Not completely debugged, but at least in colour.
Sorry about the small spoiler in solving the puzzle, but I figure it's a pretty easy puzzle, and later puzzles in the level aren't necessarily straight-forward.
By losing 2 weeks, do you mean data loss? If so that sucks, data loss is so discouraging when working on a project D: . Looks nice as always by the way. I personally like how the maps don't look just like a grid like in many old 80's RPGs. Keep up the good work
DJ Omnimaga wrote:
By losing 2 weeks, do you mean data loss?
Not that bad, thankfully! Just 2 weeks where I wasn't able to work on this.
Awesome! I'll load this on one of my calculators when I get a chance. I got so much stuff to do recently lol.
Looks fantastic, I think there is real potential for upscaled 96x64 colour graphics!
I just downloaded this and it's awesome! Gameplay is smooth and the graphics look great too. Nice job!
i am almost done the game and everything looks pretty good. I am loving the game play so many unexpected twists. I also like the super frustrating puzzles and annoying monsters to defeat
Edit: I Found a huge graphical error after the end scene of meg becoming the ambassador. My calculator resets and i lost minor progress in the game.
IceWorks wrote:
i am almost done the game and everything looks pretty good. I am loving the game play so many unexpected twists. I also like the super frustrating puzzles and annoying monsters to defeat
Edit: I Found a huge graphical error after the end scene of meg becoming the ambassador. My calculator resets and I lost minor progress in the game.
Ouch! I'm glad you're enjoying the game, and I'm really sorry about the bug. I think I've fixed it, although the file is pending a review.
Sorry about the loss of minor progress. Your saved game will work with Version 1.1 of the game.
Since I'm 99.9% sure, but not 100% sure, the bug is fixed, I recommend quitting the game after collecting 6 bunches of lithium on the last level (the city level). Then your saved game will be archived. If the game crashes again, you'll have lost only 10 minutes of progress, but I'll then test the bug fix more thoroughly, and I'll also be willing to give a "hacked" version of the game to let you view the ending without having to play those last 10 minutes again.
Ok that will work. I only have 3 lithium to get anyway.
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