- Tips for programmers
- 17 Nov 2019 09:33:46 pm
- Last edited by MateoConLechuga on 28 Nov 2019 11:35:37 am; edited 6 times in total
This is a general list for programmers. Feel free to post your own so it can be added to this list!
-1: Check the docs.
0. Avoid using globals except when nessasary.
1. Keep functions and routines small.
2. Don't add comments that "explain" code.
3. Use the proper types for your variables.
4. If you think your code sucks, it does.
5. Have fun.
6. There's probably a better way and
7. it's probably on stack overflow.
8. Write code for humans, not compilers.
9. Back it up.
10. If it doesn’t compile, you’re probably missing a parenthesis or semicolon.
12. Do not be afraid to ask for feedback from the community, but don't be obnoxious or expect any feedback at all- if people have some, they'll give it to you.
13. DEBUG^10
11. Don't forget how to count.
14. Use a clear, explicit naming scheme for variables, functions, and assets.
15. Use slight variations to specify what things are.
16. When debugging, check everywhere for data modifications, not just the main() function.
17. Life isn't an exam, you can phone a friend.
18. Separate your concerns (follow an architectural pattern)
19. For comments, quality over quantity is key, have few very clear comments
20. Most code doesn't need to be extremely cleverly golfed and optimized
21. Write down your ideas
22. It is necessary that you know how to spell.
23. Begging for help makes people want to help you less- check out "how to ask questions the smart way", readily available in the signature of one of our admins.
24. When answering questions or helping people, don't be a jerk. Eventually, you will run into programmers that have a toxic, almost snobbish attitude towards others. Avoid this attitude like the plague.
25. Don't use jargon just to sound smart, or a tool just because it's popular. Use the best solution for the job, even if it is a normal word or an old tool.
-1: Check the docs.
0. Avoid using globals except when nessasary.
1. Keep functions and routines small.
2. Don't add comments that "explain" code.
3. Use the proper types for your variables.
4. If you think your code sucks, it does.
5. Have fun.
6. There's probably a better way and
7. it's probably on stack overflow.
8. Write code for humans, not compilers.
9. Back it up.
10. If it doesn’t compile, you’re probably missing a parenthesis or semicolon.
12. Do not be afraid to ask for feedback from the community, but don't be obnoxious or expect any feedback at all- if people have some, they'll give it to you.
13. DEBUG^10
11. Don't forget how to count.
14. Use a clear, explicit naming scheme for variables, functions, and assets.
15. Use slight variations to specify what things are.
16. When debugging, check everywhere for data modifications, not just the main() function.
17. Life isn't an exam, you can phone a friend.
18. Separate your concerns (follow an architectural pattern)
19. For comments, quality over quantity is key, have few very clear comments
20. Most code doesn't need to be extremely cleverly golfed and optimized
21. Write down your ideas
22. It is necessary that you know how to spell.
23. Begging for help makes people want to help you less- check out "how to ask questions the smart way", readily available in the signature of one of our admins.
24. When answering questions or helping people, don't be a jerk. Eventually, you will run into programmers that have a toxic, almost snobbish attitude towards others. Avoid this attitude like the plague.
25. Don't use jargon just to sound smart, or a tool just because it's popular. Use the best solution for the job, even if it is a normal word or an old tool.