jcgterBOT and DoorsCE were my main buggy bots. jonbush helped me fix DoorsCE, so now it's only jcgterBOT. I can't see what's going wrong. Can someone look at this to see if they know what's wrong?
Error lines:
[10:04:47] MESSAGE: botAPI local testing environment loaded.
[10:04:47] MESSAGE: User created with username "user_f10f56".
[10:04:47] MESSAGE: Ready to load bots!
[10:04:47] ERROR: Function "initializeBots()" does not exist! No bots loaded.
Code: var jcgterBOT = new Bot("jcgterBOT", "~");
function initializeBots() {
jcgterBOT.executeCommand = function(data) {
var poster = data.poster;
var message = data.message;
var timestamp = data.timestamp;
var raw_timestamp = data.rawTimestamp;
if (message.startsWith("ping"))
jcgterBOT.respond(poster + ": Pong!");
if (message.startsWith("hello"))
jcgterBOT.respond(poster + ": Hello to you too!");
if (message.startsWith("i am sad"))
jcgterBOT.respond(poster + ": Awww.");
if (message.startsWith("jcgterinfo"))
jcgterBOT.respond(poster + ": jcgterBOT is a bot made by jcgter777 on 1/20/2018 for the great UniChat!");
if (message.startsWith("botssuck"))
jcgterBOT.respond("That is RUDE, mean, and wrong.");
if (message.startsWith("tanner"))
jcgterBOT.respond("Stop abusing the bot.");
if (message.startsWith("unichat"))
jcgterBOT.respond("UniChat++ is awesome!");
if (message.startsWith("botabuse"))
jcgterBOT.respond("Stop abusing the bots.");
if (message.startsWith("ninja'd"))
jcgterBOT.respond("Someone typed faster to express the same sentiment.");
if (message.startsWith("capslock") || message.startsWith("caps"))
jcgterBOT.respond("Pro tip: The [caps lock] key to the left ot [a] allows you to type lowercase letters.");
if (message.startsWith("kiwf"))
jcgterBOT.respond("Kill it with FIRE 🔥!!!");
if (message.startsWith("karme")) {
if (poster == "jcgter777") {
jcgterBOT.respond("Here you go: jctger777++!");
} else if (poster == "_iPhoenix_") {
jcgterBOT.respond("Here you go: _iPheonix_++!");
} else if (poster == "LAX18") {
jcgterBOT.respond("Here you go: LAX16++!");
} else {
jcgterBOT.respond(poster + ":" +" Here: " + poster + "--" + (Math.random() < 0.3) ? " Because you suck, no offense. :P" : "");
In my opinion, it has to be the last one. But, I don't know. That's why I need help. (I also stole some commands from DoorsCS... Tell me if I should remove them)
EDIT: Thanks to jonbush once again, jcgterBOT is fixed. All I had to do is update the Bot API and rerun. (jonbush tested for me as well).