I have uploaded several scripts to the cgi-bin/ folder in this website. As following:
When I try to run any of them, however, I get a 404 error. Godfather suggested checking the upload mode (ascii, not binary). Any ideas?
wut do u use for ftp manager? i use smart ftp, its great and free, as long as u dont use it for business
I've got WSFTP-Lite, I used binary mode, but no luck
hmm i have no idea... i dont kno jack about cgi, although i have uploaded it and it work with smart ftp on auto
I think it has to do with permissions, but I can't seem to Telnet
o the chmod? thats easy with smartftp, i have it set so that all i have to do is double click and it pops up my chmod options
Have you tried the upload mode? My problems were fixed with that.
How about .htaccess? I have read in diferrent places about this causing problems.
Setting the chmod to 777 is a quick way to check if that is the problem.
Oh, I just read that you said 404. Don't take this the wrong way, but are you sure that you have the right path? 404 is a wrong path/missing file while 500 would be the ascii problem or the chmod setting. (I just checked this on my server and I can't seem to get a 404 with test file using multiple upload methods/chmod settings) What program are you using and maybe I can try to get it to work on my site?
I'm using WSFTP-LE. Is it possible that because I created the cgi-bin dir it's not mapped right?
could be. When I was at 100webspace they didn't have a cgi-bin and I didn't use one and all was good. Now that I am at 34all they do have a cgi-bin standard and i use it and all is good.
I don't beieve (don't quote me on this) you
need a cgi-bin. It is just a server side thing, if they have it set that way you need it, otherwise I don't think you do.
I chmodded the dir to 755, the log files to 777, and the cgi scripts to 755.
Still no luck.
Did you try not using the cgi-bin? More importantly did it already have the cgi-bin when you first started putting files on the site or did you make it? You do have the correct path to perl as the first line of the script right? Other than that, I don't know. You never said what program you were using so I could try it out and maybe get it to work.
> Chmod is correct
> I created the dir
> In other dirs, I get a 500 server error from the CGI
You get a 500 error in others, but a 404 in the cgi-bin, that is good!! That just means that either the file is corrupted (I hate to say it again but ascii usualy fixes that, or if you got it from somewhere else, you may have gotten a bad download) or the chmod settings are wrong (but you said you set them right, so I doubt that is it). With the problem you are having, 500 is a good error to get. It means it sees the file, accesses the file, then it gets a problem.
Right. So 404 means it can't see the file. Thus I need to get the hosting owner to check the mapping, which I'm doing now.
Correct, 404 is a "file not found" error, 500 is an "Internal Server" error.
There is also 400, 401, 403, and a few others. Those are just the main ones.
I had the webmaster check it. Out of curiosity, I put an HTML document in the folder, and I get 403 (forbidden). Hmmmm...
I believe the cgi-bin is a special folder. If you go to domain.com/cgi-bin, it will give you a 403, chmod settings don't matter. It is like if you have cpanel on your server and you go to domain.com/cpanel, it instead takes you to domain.com:2082. It acts differently than other folders.
Hmm. After trying a few things out, html and htm don't work, but shtml works fine in my cgi-bin. The wierd thing is I get a 500 on html, not a 403. I don't know that much from the server side, but from what you have said, the problem is not on your side, but instead in the server settings.
I know the server runs Apache, so maybe I'll try to see what I can Google.
I don't think that it is apache in general (that is what my host runs) but instead a setting in apache. But at this point I am just guessing.
I was looking at your site and in the file archives i saw the link pointing to countdown.cgi. So I did a quick google on this and I got what i think you are using. I then downloaded the file, instaled it on my site. And guess what, I can't get it to work!! I think you need a new script, but that is just my opinion.
You can't run it as is - it needs to have arguments and the log file to access.