i think i will go with the inc file and thanks for all the help now i can hopefully get my game finished.
I still think you should put the game on hold until you have game programming experience in a higher level language.
something1990 wrote:
I still think you should put the game on hold until you have game programming experience in a higher level language.
Yeah, I agree. It's better to understand the whole thing completely before you start programming than get it piecemeal.
well i added the routines and i am still having trouble. My problem now is that none of the code works at all. It wont even display the stats. Here is all of my code can someone tell me how to make it work:


#include "begin.inc" ;Do not forget to set done label when done
#include "routines.inc"
attack    .equ $858F
defense   .equ $858F+1
level     .equ $858F+2
gold      .equ $858F+3
.org 9327h
 call _clrLCDFull
 call _runIndicOff
 set textinverse,(iy+textflags)
 ld hl,8*256+35
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,begin
 call _vputs
 ld hl,23*256+35
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,about
 call _vputs
 ld hl,38*256+35
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,quit
 call _vputs
 jp choice

 .db "Start",0
 .db "About",0
 .db "Quit",0

 set textinverse,(iy+textflags)
 ld hl,8*256+35
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,begin
 call _vputs
 res textinverse,(iy+textflags)
 ld hl,23*256+35
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,about
 call _vputs
 ld hl,38*256+35
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,quit
 call _vputs
 call _getk
 call _op2toop1
 call _convop1
 cp 105
 jp z,start
 cp 34
 jp z,choice1
 jp nz,choice
 res textinverse,(iy+textflags)
 ld hl,8*256+35
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,begin
 call _vputs
 set textinverse,(iy+textflags)
 ld hl,23*256+35
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,about
 call _vputs
 res textinverse,(iy+textflags)
 ld hl,38*256+35
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,quit
 call _vputs
 call _getk
 call _op2toop1
 call _convop1
 cp 105
 jp z,about1
 cp 34
 jp z,choice2
 cp 25
 jp z,choice
 jp nz,choice1
 res textinverse,(iy+textflags)
 ld hl,8*256+35
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,begin
 call _vputs
 res textinverse,(iy+textflags)
 ld hl,23*256+35
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,about
 call _vputs
 set textinverse,(iy+textflags)
 ld hl,38*256+35
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,quit
 call _vputs
 call _getk
 call _op2toop1
 call _convop1
 cp 105
 jp z,done
 cp 25
 jp z,choice1
 jp nz,choice2

 call _clrLCDFull
 ld hl,0*256+0
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,info
 call _vputs
 ld hl,6*256+0
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,info1
 call _vputs
 ld hl,12*256+0
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,info2
 call _vputs
 ld hl,18*256+0
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,info3
 call _vputs
 ld hl,24*256+0
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,info4
 call _vputs
 ld hl,30*256+0
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,info5
 call _vputs
 ld hl,36*256+0
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,info6
 call _vputs
 ld hl,42*256+0
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,info7
 call _vputs
 ld hl,48*256+0
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,info8
 call _vputs
 jp enter

 .db "This is an rpg programmed",0
 .db "in assembly.  As of now",0
 .db "I do not know much asm",0
 .db "so the layout will not",0
 .db "be pretty.  Most of the menus",0
 .db "will be push the button",0
 .db "for your choice but it",0
 .db "will change as i learn",0
 .db "more.",0

 call _getk
 call _op2toop1
 call _convop1
 cp 105
 jp z,game
 jp nz,enter

 call _clrLCDFull
 res textinverse,(iy+textflags)
 ld hl,0*256+0
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,welcome
 call _vputs
 ld hl,6*256+0
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,welcome1
 call _vputs
 ld hl,12*256+0
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,welcome2
 call _vputs
 ld hl,18*256+0
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,welcome3
 call _vputs
 ld hl,24*256+0
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,welcome4
 call _vputs
 ld hl,30*256+0
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,welcome5
 call _vputs
 ld hl,36*256+0
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,welcome6
 call _vputs
 ld hl,42*256+0
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,welcome7
 call _vputs
 ld hl,48*256+0
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,welcome8
 call _vputs
 jp enter1

 .db "Welcome young traveler",0
 .db "I would ask for your name",0
 .db "but nobody cares so now",0
 .db "you are forever known as",0
 .db "Traveler.  Just step into",0
 .db "this portal and you will be",0
 .db "explained the situation and",0
 .db "we will find out more",0
 .db "about you.",0

 call _getk
 call _op2toop1
 call _convop1
 cp 105
 jp z,raceselection
 jp nz,enter1

 call _clrLCDFull
 set textinverse,(iy+textflags)
 ld hl,0*256+23
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,race
 call _vputs
 res textinverse,(iy+textflags)
 ld hl,10*256+38
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,race1
 call _vputs
 ld hl,25*256+38
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,race2
 call _vputs
 ld hl,40*256+44
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,race3
 call _vputs
 jp choice3

 .db "Race Selection",0
 .db "Human",0
 .db "Dwarf",0
 .db "Elf",0

 res textinverse,(iy+textflags)
 ld hl,25*256+32
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,clr
 call _vputs
 ld hl,10*256+32
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,sym
 call _vputs
 ld hl,25*256+0
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,clr
 call _vputs
 call _getk
 call _op2toop1
 call _convop1
 cp 105
 jp z,statshuman
 cp 34
 jp z,choice4
 jp nz,choice3
 ld hl,10*256+32
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,clr
 call _vputs
 ld hl,40*256+38
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,clr
 call _vputs
 ld hl,25*256+32
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,sym
 call _vputs
 call _getk
 call _op2toop1
 call _convop1
 cp 105
 jp z,statsdwarf
 cp 25
 jp z,choice3
 cp 34
 jp z,choice5
 jp nz,choice4
 ld hl,25*256+32
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,clr
 call _vputs
 ld hl,40*256+38
 ld (pencol),hl
 ld hl,sym
 call _vputs
 call _getk
 call _op2toop1
 call _convop1
 cp 105
 jp z,statself
 cp 25
 jp z,choice4
 jp nz,choice5

 .db "*",0
 .db "     ",0

 ld hl,5
 ld (attack),hl
 ld hl,5
 ld (defense),hl
 ld hl,150
 ld (gold),hl
 ld hl,1
 ld (level),hl
 jp done
 ld hl,7
 ld (attack),hl
 ld hl,6
 ld (defense),hl
 ld hl,150
 ld (gold),hl
 ld hl,1
 ld (level),hl
 jp done
 ld hl,6
 ld (attack),hl
 ld hl,
 ld (defense),hl
 ld hl,150
 ld (gold),hl
 ld hl,1
 ld (level),hl
 jp done

 call _homeup
 ld a,(gold)
 call vdispA
I recommend you do something like this:


 or a
 ld (penrow),a
 ld (pencol),a
 ld hl, first
 call _vputs

 .db "1",0

Increasing the number by 1 for each segment in your program and pinpointing the exact location of the error before you ask another question. You have to do some work on debugging your project as well Exclamation
Is it just me, or would that be so much more optimized in BASIC?
I'm wondering if he even tried that, or anything else in BASIC.
something1990 wrote:
I'm wondering if he even tried that, or anything else in BASIC.
I got the impression from some of his posts that he's used BASIC before, but still. I mean, c'mon, that's insanely unoptimized.
hey i am new to asm so i do not know all the ins and outs but i am going to delete it and read a couple more of the tutorials a couple times.
lafferjm wrote:
hey I am new to asm so I do not know all the ins and outs but I am going to delete it and read a couple more of the tutorials a couple times.
Don't delete it, but do realize for something as text intensive and repetitive programming-wise as this, BASIC is far better.
1.) inc files are just regular text files, except you tell your computer to save it as with a ".inc" extension. That extension allows the linker? to link all the files and make it into one binary file for your calculator.

2.) @something1990: ASM was actually my 2nd programming language. Basic was my first. I think the reason why everything clicked instantly was because I was bad at basic. btw, you've made a lot of progress in ASM Good Idea

3.) Kerm: sometimes is just better to delete some stuff, or at least remove it from your mind. When i started programming 83+ calcs in basic in fall of 2004 (i never owned one btw) I was really frustrated at first by the fact my pixel-on based sprite routines were so slow. I got rid of everything (but apparently my friend had backed up the calc, he returned the basic files) and just stopped for a long time. Then fall of the previous year, I saw xlib xlib revolution and said to myself, if kevin can do that in basic, so can I. Also, Nanowar's Wizards was also featured that month. So i sent emails to both. They introduced me to these forums. Since then, I've picked up a lot because everything was just fresh, no previous baggage.

4.) imho, i believe sprite based games are easier than data based ones. trying to make a text based rpg in ASM that resembles a basic one is very difficult. I probably would have trouble writing a fast divide by 10 algorithm (then again i wouldn't need to on a 68k Wink ) so I have to say ASM is difficult. If it wasn't for ion's sprite routines, I probably would left the forums.

I say, don't give up. Just let go and open your mind to new ideas and concepts.
Excellent points, and I agree with them all. I have no problem with Lafferjm using ASM for this; it just looked like BASIC would make it smaller if somewhat slower from the code.
well i deleted it before i read yalls post. so since i need a lot of tutorials do you know ones other than asmguru, phil killeweeds logs, and asm in 28 days.
This is the best place to go for a list of all of the best asm tutorials, compilers, and IDEs.
i have been there and i have like all of the tutorials for z80 asm for my ti-83.
Really, asmin28days was all that I needed. I know of no other good tutorials out right now.
well i found one that might work and i am going to read it 28 days and asmguru a little bit. the only thing is that asmguru is a little stupid because it does not explain all that good. and how exactly could i do an rpg that is not stat oriented.
Do you mean stat as in the statistics variables on the calculator, or stat as in characters with stats? In either case, you could just not do that, but why would you want to?

Personally, I don't think very highly of asmguru. I don't think it explains things well, or in a structured order. To me, it's just an alright reference.
character stats and i would want to because then what kind of rpg would it be.
Sorry, I meant to say why would you not want to. I don't see any reason why you shouldn't....why are you suggesting that you should get rid of them?

Edit: Actually, I meant what I said in the last post. Read it more closely.
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