I am proud to announce I have updated my TI-Tools+libti rom dumping program to support the TI-84Plus C Silver Edition.
The rom dumper makes use of the I/O link's memory dump commands which as of the TiLP 2 1.17 release are exported from the libticalcs2 library.
Since it does make use of this I/O protocol only feature it sadly requires the use of a SilverLink, BlackLink or GrayLink cables. The DirectLink USB cable can never support this rom dump method so don't ask. I may add support for TILP's standard rom dumping method once Color support is added to it.
The other side effect of this using the I/O port protocol is that it is slow. It is very slow, it takes close to 30 minutes to dump the 4MB TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition ROM. I suggest having the USB cable plugged into the charger while doing the rom dump to avoid running out of battery while dumping. Having it plugged into one of the computers other USB ports can cause issues with libti grabbing the wrong one and thus the dump failing.
Keep in mind that since this uses libticalcs you will need to have either the standard TiLP libusb0 driver or the libusb0.1 filter driver installed. (The filter driver is what Kerm suggested to be used with gCn.)
The source can be found in my romdump-test branch of TITools.
I have uploaded a windows build that is bundled with the libti* .dll's from the recent 1.17 TiLP release at http://jonimoose.net/calcstuff/tilp/TITools-romdumper.zip
To use just run tidump in a terminal or console. On windows assuming your calc is on and TILP is able to communicate with it via silverlink double clicking the tidump.exe should suffice. tidump -h will list full command line arguments if you wish to manually point it at your silverlink or other cables.
Please post here with questions or comments and success stories.
The rom dumper makes use of the I/O link's memory dump commands which as of the TiLP 2 1.17 release are exported from the libticalcs2 library.
Since it does make use of this I/O protocol only feature it sadly requires the use of a SilverLink, BlackLink or GrayLink cables. The DirectLink USB cable can never support this rom dump method so don't ask. I may add support for TILP's standard rom dumping method once Color support is added to it.
The other side effect of this using the I/O port protocol is that it is slow. It is very slow, it takes close to 30 minutes to dump the 4MB TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition ROM. I suggest having the USB cable plugged into the charger while doing the rom dump to avoid running out of battery while dumping. Having it plugged into one of the computers other USB ports can cause issues with libti grabbing the wrong one and thus the dump failing.
Keep in mind that since this uses libticalcs you will need to have either the standard TiLP libusb0 driver or the libusb0.1 filter driver installed. (The filter driver is what Kerm suggested to be used with gCn.)
The source can be found in my romdump-test branch of TITools.
I have uploaded a windows build that is bundled with the libti* .dll's from the recent 1.17 TiLP release at http://jonimoose.net/calcstuff/tilp/TITools-romdumper.zip
To use just run tidump in a terminal or console. On windows assuming your calc is on and TILP is able to communicate with it via silverlink double clicking the tidump.exe should suffice. tidump -h will list full command line arguments if you wish to manually point it at your silverlink or other cables.
Please post here with questions or comments and success stories.