TI-84+ OS v2.53 Leaked
Published by KermMartian 14 years, 3 months ago (2010-02-07T23:18:00+00:00) | Discuss this article

The latest revision of Texas Instruments' OS for the TI-84+/SE calculators, OS v2.53, will be released on February 15th, and was recently leaked to the community. It contains several new features, many of which appear to be inspired by applications written by community members and by features of other TI calculator models. It appears that applications such as PrettyPrint (now called "MathPrint" in the new two-page MODE menu), CtlgHelp, and GeoMastr hard-coded into the OS. Preliminary examination reveals there to be many new hooks and 96 new bcalls in this version.

Stay posted for more updates as more information is released.

Thanks to SirCmpwn for writing this article and researching the OS

