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  1. The music is now slightly better and you can eat dots. There are 3 levels and sound at all times. There is even a Penguin Studios logo with opening music. There is one known (but minor) but (sometimes the checker to see if the dot to eat is a "good" pixel, it fails) and no high score. Only 974 bytes!

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  2. This is the first and only public beta of World Domination I, the Risk-type game for TI-83/84/86 graphing calculators.

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  3. [NOTE: This program is not a complete version for the beta release, not all the features I planned are enabled yet.] Lunar IDE is an IDE for TI-BASIC written in BASIC. Lunar IDE is designed to edit programs conveniently and whenever. Features: Header helper, Auto-Completion of coding tokens, "Done" remover, 8 line viewing, one line editting. Still to be done: Character matrix, more flexible text editor (insertion), searching, jumping to the beginning and end of programs. Enjoy!

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  4. One or two days ahead of schedule, depending on how you figure it, Doors CS 6.4 beta has been completed. This release contains both new features and a host of bug fixed based on all of your helpful reports on Doors CS 6.3 beta. Among the most notable new features is the completed "Homerun" parser hook, which allows BASIC and ASM programs, whether nostub or written for a shell, in ROM or in RAM, and even Doors CS AP files such as Document DE files, to be run directly from the homescreen. This is made possible by a complete overhaul of the program execution system (RunProg) within Doors CS, which some of you may have been following over the last several weeks. Another new feature is much more powerful FileOpen, FileSave, and FileSaveAs routines, which will be a boon for programmers writing programs for DCS7 that work with files. With some heroic assistance from the indomitable Brandon Wilson, I traced some very difficult bugs, and patch quite a number of more minor bugs. As always, I worked on several small tweaks to improve the user experience. As an added bonus, I've included a beta of Document DE 7, as I believe Document DE 6 may be unstable under Doors CS 6.3 beta and 6.4 beta. Please give this release a try, and continue to let me know about bugs that you find, features that you'd like, and comments that you have. Doors CS 6.5 beta, planned for June 20th or earlier, will contain a full set of XLib and Celtic III compatibility routines.

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  5. This is a Harry Potter game, where you battle enemies, solve puzzles, learn spells, and much, much more. Very similar to the Gameboy Color version, but with more puzzles and more challenging. Includes the game up through Gringotts.

    This version includes several bug fixes from the first demo.

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  6. Programmer's Notepad is a great tool for developers, featuring syntax highlighting, parenthesis matching, and tag closing among other things. It's great for all your coding needs, but it also has a conspicuous lack of syntax support for Z80 assembly programs. This Scintilla scheme file adds Z80-specific information for PN users to enjoy.

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  7. Doors CS 6.3 beta is the first development release of the next generation of the Doors CS shell for TI graphing calculators. It implements a variety of optimizations and fixes, as well as new features including Folder Backup across RAM clears, the ability to Hide programs from the TI-OS and the prgm menu, integrated TabFuncs, a new Properties menu, a MemoryPop feature to see at-a-glance the precise amount of free RAM and ROM on a device, and many others. It also implements much-requested fixes for compatibility with Nspire calculators. Please note that this is a beta release and may be unstable; a partial disclaimer can be found in the attached readme file. Also note that although this is a three-page app, the XLib / Celtic III compatibility libraries have not yet been added onto the third page.

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  8. The third beta of the 'Montuori' version of DCS, Doors CS 6.1, this contains every feature suggested thus far and complete bug fixes for every issue I have been able to replicate. Among the additions are completely debugged editing of programs, including proper dealings with archived and locked programs as well as refusal to edit non-BASIC programs. A fast Goto option has been added to the BASIC parser, allowing even more freedom from the limitations of the TI-OS. All conflicts with CALCnet2 have been resolved, including error message freezing and the DCS Menu crashing. At this stage, I'd like to ask that people merely report bugs and refrain from suggesting additional features for Doors CS 6.1. Save those feature ideas for when I'm working on DCS6.2!

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  9. Switched RPG (beta) is a port of the Prizm-Basic game SwtchRPG to C. It is significantly better than its predecessor in every single way. This demo contains the very first part of the story, where you train yourself to get ready to go into the outside world. All of those exclamation marks in the screenshots are due to a problem with Casio's manager software.

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  10. this is my beta release of my shell Fiddle

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  12. A simple Falldown clone for the Prizm. It should not crash your calculator, but it is missing some functionality.

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  13. BasicNote is an Advanced Note-Taking program in pure TI-BASIC. You can create new notes, edit the notes and note titles, delete all notes at once or delete individual notes, and more to come! Please read the included readme file to learn more about it, the controls, and all the current functions. Please post in here if you have suggestions/bugs/comments/optimizations/questions:

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  14. This program helps you to draw icons for DCS5,6, or 7. You draw an icon, and it converts it to hexadecimal code and places it in the program of your choice. It has a very nice DCSB lib-based GUI! It is not complete yet, but it really should be soon.
    Please tell be of bugs with it and give suggestions on how I can improve it here:

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  15. Zedd is a physics library for Axe programs, allowing all Axe games access to amazing physics. At its heart, Zedd is a collision solver, but its power lies in the fact that it is built to be expandable! With 3 libraries already included with the Beta, Zedd is fully compatible with external libraries! But most importantly, Zedd is Easy to Use! Never once do you need to delve into the Zedd program to make things work; Everything is controllable via the simple and easy to use function included with the program.

    Now with Zedd, your games can feature realistic physics across all objects, and advanced effects such as ropes, springs, moving platforms, and much much more! This is a beta, so not all of the extra features are online, but everything needed to run the Zedd engine, as well as the demo have been included ^^. We sure to pick up the latest copy of Axe, the modded one by Runer here:

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  16. This is the new title screen I have made from scratch, including an intro, custom text speed input, and even a feature that asks if you want to start a new game so you don't accidentally delete you old data.

    Slight Update, Speed should be faster, and compatibility should be fixed.

    Update Version 1.2

    Compatibility apparently wasn't working, but now I have added a new function to the options menu, allowing the Text Display to be fixed on the DCS7.0.1 Users, and both Normal and Inverted is available for DCS7.1.

    Enjoy :D

    Changed the default display to Normal, so if you don't have the newest DCS beta it won't show the messed up inverted text on first start up.

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  17. These two programs represent a port of the tetromino
    computation, drawing, movement, and rotation routines
    from Tetrizm, ported into TI-BASIC. THe speed and
    performance are currently poor, and some bugs remain.
    The pieces are not placed onto the board.

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  18. My first full-blown pygame/python game, still being developed. There will be updates to it whenever major progress is made. Try to survive the enemies and zombies as long as possible!

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  19. A game based off of Hegemony but with a few twists and some updated graphics, completely coded from scratch and parsed with Grey.Fox+ v1.3.7 the include files were flipped with Gry.Fox+ flipper

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  20. Lots of bug-fixes in this new version. Also lots of new features. It's an Integrated Developement Environment, in TI-Basic for TI-Basic. It includes blah blah blah. You get the idea. RTFM.

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  21. House of Cards is a compilation of several casino games. These games include In-between, video poker, slots, and blackjack. At the current state of development, the only two games that are included are video poker, and in-between.

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  22. This is the very first release of my current project, the quest. Doors CS is required. If you have any ideas how to make it better just tell me!

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  23. Super Hexagon, except with a square, on the TI-84 PCSE. Beta only, this may have bugs or look incredibly stupid.

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  24. Just a demo; you can play simple nibls without eating anything and listen to some bad music =D

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  25. This is the Beta of my program Mino.

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  26. This is the first beta of my game Tetris I made in the new programming language Grammar! Please keep in mind, that this is just a beta. Check out the screenshot!

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  27. Skylites' Icon Suite is a powerful program for creating DoorsCS icons(version 5, 6, or 7!), and new in this version, most of the header. You draw an icon, and it converts it to hexadecimal code and places it in the program of your choice, or creates a new program. It has a DCSB lib-based GUI. It is not complete yet, but version beta 3 is in the works. This version is a great improvement over version 1, as it makes the functions actually work. *Please* tell me of bugs with it and give suggestions on how I can improve it here:

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  28. Due to the issues I have found arise when Lines XT (or Lines Horizons, to a lesser extent) is used with third-party programs, namely consistent crashing, corruption of files, and failure to start, I have scrapped the XT code base and started work on a new system designed with stability, security, and orderly code in mind. Lines Polaris is being coded with stability in mind, so that users can run whatever programs they like without having to worry about ruining their shell. This version of Lines Polaris is open source so that anyone can work on its code and create new and different systems with a pre-built code base.

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  29. This is an early version of FileSyst featuring a folder and filesystem, the ability to navigate folders, copy, delete, or rename files/folders, assign file types, and open files using the appropriate programs (For example, 'BATB' programs get opened by installing BatLib and then running them).

    This is designed for easy use in BASIC programs and has a readme, documentation, and a tutorial (not yet finished).

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  30. inFINITE pits you against seemingly endless waves of bosses and enemies. Battle it out as one of five classes for as long as you can. With over 3000 levels of gameplay, an achievement system, and well hidden easter eggs, you won't want to miss downloading this for your 83+. See the README for more info.

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  31. It is April fools day and you get a call from your friend saying, "Thinking of doing any pranks?". Do you put thumbtacks on the teacher's seat? Do you do the air horn plus seat prank? Do you put a funny picture on the teacher's map? Or do you do no prank at all? It is up to you! What will your story be?

    *Pics show updates*

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  32. S.A.M.M. is a metroidvania for the TI-84 Plus CE. Version: 0.0.0 Beta 1. Stable release.

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  33. It's untested, because I do not have the calculators to test it. It requires:
    2 Calculators. They do not need to be identical models, but need to be higher than 83+SE
    It also requires a calc-calc I/O cable.
    Please test it if you can.

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  34. This is the Multi-Level concept I have. It is not yet done, as I am hoping to make more walls and at least 9 levels. I hope you like!

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  35. CEmeOS v0.1
    Created by matkeller19
    (I) marks the program section incomplete as I have not finished most of the program
    Early beta of my current project that combines some of my programs that I have released and some personal ones into one easy to use program. A Help page can be accessed by selecting "Help" on the main select screen.

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  36. A collection of function solvers useful for math from middle school to grad school!

    This is still in beta so glitches and a smaller library of functions will be here.

    If you have any problems with this or suggestions for functions, tell me!

    - Pythagorean Theorem
    - Quadratic Formula
    - Area Calculator (Triangles, Rectangles, Circles, Ellipses)
    - Volume Calculator (Prisms (Triangular, Rectangular, Pentagonal, Hexagonal), Pyramids (Triangular, Rectangular, Pentagonal), Cylinders, Spheres)
    - Temperature Conversions (Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin)


    Version 0.3.0
    - Temperature Conversions Added
        - Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin can all be converted between each other.
    - Version on title screen changed from "v0.1"
    - Versions are now labeled as "0.1.0, 0.1.1, 0.1.2" instead of "0.1, 0.1.1, 0.1.2".

    Version 0.2.1
    - File changed from .8xp to .zip

    Version 0.2.0
    - Quadratic formula now tells you if X is undefined instead of crashing
    - Area calculator added
        - Triangle
        - Rectangle
        - Circle
        - Ellipse
    - Volume calculator added
    - Prism
    - Rectangular Prism
            - Triangular Prism
            - Pentagonal Prism
            - Hexagonal Prism
        - Pyramid
            - Triangular Pyramid
            - Rectangular Pyramid
            - Pentagonal Pyramid
        - Cylinder
        - Sphere
    - "Back" Function added to all menus

    Version 0.1.0
    - First version ever!
    - Pythagorean Theorem and Quadratic Formula added

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  37. A Text-based Version of ACNH for the TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator, written in TI-BASIC.
    This game is based off of a game by @SilverMoonCat. (Link in Readme)
    Beta Testers (Before this was a public beta):
    RoccoLox Programs

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  38. WIP Wolfenstein 3D Port to CE
    1 and 2 = Knife/Pistol (Weapon sprites not implemented yet)
    Clr = quit
    2nd = Attack
    Left/Right=Turn L/R

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  39. A standalone "revamped archives" file view page for experimenting with different layout and seeing how things look. Goes along with the discussion in

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  40. X-Wing 2.2 is a scrapped upgrade of X-Wing 2.1.4 which uses Celtic III- All the improvements from 2.1.4 are here, as well as flashing during gameplay is completely gone, it runs a bit faster, and you can now move in 8 directions instead of 4.

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  41. Modified Version of BasicTH's SolitiCE Program.

    This Modified Version of Solitaire Will Include New Features & a Modified Menu

    This is Version 1 & Only Includes the Renaming of Items in The Main Menu

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  42. Collect, Race and Upgrade 17 different cars in this Demo version of CSRacing.
    Compete in 4 event types- Climb the rankings in officially sanctioned Ladder races, assert your racing prowess against CSR's best racers in the challenging Crew Battle mode,
    demonstrate true mastery of your car in Car Specific races, or just make some quick cash in Regulation races.
    The game's shell compatible, too. Can you conquer the drag strip?

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File statistics are updated periodically, so numbers shown in this listing may not agree exactly with those shown on individual files.
