Archives: TI-84 Plus CE BASIC Graphics Programs
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  4. TI-84 Plus CE BASIC Programs
  5. TI-84 Plus CE BASIC Graphics Programs

These files are for the TI-84 Plus CE, 83 Premium CE, and other "CE" calculators with color screens. BASIC programs are compatible with the TI-84 Plus CSE and some BASIC programs written for monochrome 83+/84+ calculators will also work correctly. Assembly and C programs must be written for the CE calculators specifically; running them on calculators with an OS newer than 5.5 requires jailbreaking the calculator.



  1. These programs will generate various fractals based on the Mandelbrot Set.

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  2. This is a tech demo showcasing how dithering allows TI-BASIC programs to display up to 225 colors instead of the usual 15. Input a seed for the randomizer, and watch as this pure TI-BASIC program draws squares of up to 225 different colors.

    This technique is a bit too slow to be practical for use in games, but it looks cool.

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File statistics are updated periodically, so numbers shown in this listing may not agree exactly with those shown on individual files.
