dear people of
first of all, I would like to say that is a great site. it helped me when I first started to program of my calculator and whenever I need a program that I don't wan't or can't make, I'll look in the archives. its archives are the biggest in its kind and the site is a big part of the communitie. but, the bigger the site is, the harder it is to notise the bugs, mistakes and flaws. because of that, I have a list of all the things that I think that needs to be changed. I hope the list will be usefull so will become even bigger and better than it already is.
I don’t know if there are any mails after beginning 2006 or not but they aren't in the archive. if there are mails, then put them in it and if there aren't mails, then the mailing list is probably no longer in use. Then say it at the subscribing page, so that people won’t unnecessarily subscribe to a list.
2. On the homepage, by other sites, I would put some more sites, like, and are good sites with a lot of information. And some aren't even in the list of links. If you put sites like that with the others (which currently is only Texas Instruments and, you will be a bit more connected with the rest of the community.
with searching for sites, there are some subjects missing, like TI 83+/84+ or basic. It would also be handy if there is an option to just see a list with all sites. I would also check every link, because I think a lot of them aren’t working.
4. a LOT of the hosted sites don't exist anymore or the links aren't working, and pretty much the rest is extremely outdated and haven't been updated for years. I would check every hosted site and see which one is a bit active and which can go. This way, newer and better sites can get a chance again.
5. in the basics and in the hardware is a page about link cables. Seems pretty strange to have 2 pages about the same subject.
there is a link to another site here, but the site is gone and replaced with another site. Remove this kind of links since they don't add anything anymore. There will probably be more links like this. Of old news messages and the like isn't that bad, but pages like this should stay updated.
there are some calculators missing here, like the 83+/84+, the 89 titanium and the ti nspire. If the over clocking is the same as predecessor, I would state it there so there wont be any confusion about it. If it isn't the same, I would add a page about it, or, if you don't have a page about it, say that it is missing and that you would like to have one, in case anyone is interested in making a page about over clocking. And here are also links that aren’t working or where access has been denied.
there are some calculators missing here to, like the 83+/84+, the 89 titanium (I don't think there are any emulators for the nspire yet). For the 83+/84+ it’s really easy to get a rom image if you use rom8x ( For the other calculators, I have no idea, but if you ask on some sites, I'm sure they would like to help you out.
there are missing a lot of emulators here, especially for the newer/more used calculators. I would certainly add the following emulators:
PindurTI ( )
tilem ( )
wabbitemu ( )
TiEmu ( )
this isn't of the last 10 days, some programs are added months ago.
the upper 2 links on that page aren't necessary, because they link to the same page as you are on, and the page is to short for the links to be of use. People will ask themselves why the page hasn't loaded yet, while they don't realize that it has already loaded.
here, people can look for other people who can help them. But seeing as there are a lot of members and most of them aren't interested in calculators (anymore), the chance that you will find someone that wants to help you is really small. Also, most people won’t like it to get messages from people that they don't know, let alone that they want to help them solve their problems. A message board is a lot better for this.
If you do decide to keep this, there are some subjects that are missing.
the IRC FAQ doesn't exist anymore. And I have seen on a number of websites that they have a online java program so people don't need to install a IRC program. Maybe handy for
14. I saw on like 5 different parts of the site a link to the mailing lists, and I can say the same about the news messages. Many parts of the site point to another part which causes you to go to the same page over and over. Because of this, you get lost easily or it takes some time before you found the correct page. I suggest you carefully look to the layout of the menu en change it if necessary.
I haven't looked with every calculator, but there are some sites that are really handy to put there. The sites have a lot of information about programming and about the calculators itself. I would at least put these sites on it, but there may be other sites that can also be put there
ti basic developer ( )
wikiti ( )
tifreakware tutorials ( )
the rest of the archives is pretty good organized, but in here it looks like a mess. Every calculator, every languages and every subject is put together. I would at least sort it by calculator family (the things about the 83+ also apply to the 84+) and then sort it by subject.
this is the message boards of In here, people can post information about their projects or post ideas. But there are a number of problems that is hindering the use so much, that it is pretty much impossible to use it good.
First, the message board is split in 2 parts, as evident to the 2 links. Since it is supposed to be 1 message board, I would put the 2 parts together.
Second, with the upcoming projects, everything is sorted by calculator. Not really useful, because there isn't much being made for the older calculator models, like the ti 80-83 and the 85 and 86, and everything that is made for the 83+ will also work for the 84+. So sorting it per model isn't useful. But throwing things together isn't useful either, because then you'll see a program that you really like, and it turns out that you don’t have the correct model for it. I would first sort it by the processor of the models (Z80, 68K) and then sort it by subject, and besides having projects and ideas as subjects, I would add subjects like general, assembly, basic ect.
And third, every news message, every survey, every article has its own topic. Then why should every project be put in 1 topic. This way it becomes very difficult to view, and after a while you won’t know who is replying to which project. Make it so people can make there own topics so you will have 1 topic for every project. This way it will be a lot better to view.
18. There is no easy way to see if you are logged in or not. A message on the right side of the homepage that tells you that you are logged in (or give you the option to log in if you aren't) would be really handy
PS: I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes I've made, englisch isn't my first language and although I try to make no mistakes, I'm not perfect.