Stevens REU 2007
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Project Page: Stevens REU 2007 project page
Summary: This is the project log for my 2007 Research Experience for Undergraduates project at Stevens Institute of Technology. Keep watching this space for more information.
Advisor: Professor Yu-Dong Yao
Begin: May 20, 2007
Completed: July 28, 2007

Week 9 (7/16/07-7/20/07)
Summary This week consisted of tidying up loose ends in the CDP project, commenting code, and putting together final documentation. In the first half of the week I completed my Matlab code, added comments, and cleaned it up a bit, then started my presentation for next Wednesday. In the latter half of the week I completed my research poster, executive summary, and final report including my Weekly Report collation.
Full Description On Monday of this week I worked on cleaning up my Matlab code. There were several sections where pieces had been added and other pieces commented out during the development process; I left some of the debug sections in but added notes indicating their purpose, and I removed the unneeded parts. I finished a few final optimizations, then added all the remaining comments that I felt were necessary. I ended up with two final pieces for the CDP program, the training program and the evaluation program (see below).

I began to work on my presentation on prostate cancer for next Wednesday on Tuesday of Week 9. I spoke to Professor Yao to confirm details about the presentation, then read over the article I was assigned, did some additional research of fluorescent microscopy, and then began to make my presentation. I planned out the first fifteen slides and wrote my presentation notes to go along with them.

Wednesday we had the seminar on Harbor Security and went to Madame Tussaud's in Manhattan, so the only thing I was able to achieve on my project was a few additional slides for my presentation. As of Wednesday I have around ten minutes of the required thirty minutes complete.

Thursday I looked over the requirements for the final report and made both my coversheet and my Exceutive Summary. I started with the executive summary, writing an outline and then a complete page on my project. I began with my introduction, presenting the goals of the CDP project and the basic functionality it includes. I then wrote a few paragraphs detailing its exact functionality, and concluded with plans and possible improvements for the future. For the coversheet, I took Professor Yao's examples as a starting point, then incorporated a highly abbreviated form of my Executive Summary and included examples of the program's output. I needed to be at Cooper Union, so when I completed those two items, I printed a poster-sized color plotting of my coversheet.

On Friday I put together the remainder of my final report, including the title page, table of contents, and most importantly, the collation of all of my Weekly Summaries. I ran into a few problems when I found that most computers would crash from the number of images the report contains when I tried to export to PDF, but I was eventually able to make it function correctly. Below you will find a listing of all the final components and documentation for the CDP project.

The following are all available from For print media, PLEASE use the PDFs instead of the Word documents, as the PDFs print much better.
» Coversheet.doc - My mini (8.5" x 11") research poster for the final report in MS Word format.
» Coversheet.pdf - My mini (8.5" x 11") research poster for the final report in PDF format.
» FinalReport.doc - My full final report in MS Word format.
» FinalReport.pdf - My full final report in PDF format.
» CDP_train.m - The final training set processor program in Matlab format.
» CDP_evaluate.m - The final main program in Matlab format.
