Projects of the Month: October 2024
Published by epsilon5
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Welcome to another Projects of the Month post! This time, we'll be going over what our members worked on in October.
Welcome to another Projects of the Month post! This time, we'll be going over what our members worked on in October.
- CE C Toolchain and Libraries for the TI84+CE/TI83PCE: MateoConLechuga and the rest of the CE toolchain team released version 12.1 this month. It includes some small new feature additions, native Intel and ARM binaries for MacOS, and some optimizations. As always, you can download the toolchain and libraries here and here, respectively.
- Cold: linkjt9 announced a new game this month--a neat little survival game where you're responsible for gathering resources to heat and feed yourself in the unforgiving cold. Check out the Github and show your support in the thread!
- Cookie Clicker - Axe Edition: Pixilized announced a clone of Cookie Clicker written in Axe this month. It promises a news ticker, 4-level grayscale, sound support, and more. Check out the mockup below, and take a look at the thread for more updates.
- ESP32-S3 Ti84+ CE Integration: Qnex announced a very interesting project for the CE this month--the ability to interface with an ESP32 with a bit of hardware modification. This unlocks a world of possibilities for CE programs, including the ability to scan for and connect to WiFi access points, sync the calculator's time with a server, quickly parse data, send and receive HTTP(S!) requests, and more.
- ETHDRVCE | Ethernet on the TI-84+ CE: ACagliano's ethernet drivers received a bit of work this month--it was tested and confirmed to work with the latest lwIP-CE build, but needs a bit of refactoring. Check out the Github and thread for more details.
- First Fantasy: Mana Force (xLIB CSE & CE Textlib RPG): DJ Omnimaga ported this neat RPG to many new platforms this month--the TI-73, TI-76.Fr, TI-82, and TI-83 among them, with the TI-86 planned. There's also been some more recent improvements to the color versions (since I'm from the future), so take a look at those and give the port a download.
- Graph3DC: 3D Graphing for the TI-84 Plus CE: Looking for a 3D graphing tool for your CE? KermMartian just announced a brand-new graphing program, with fast calculation, multiple color modes, and much more--too much to fit here, so check out the thread for more details.
- Hexes Hex Editor: StephenM created and released a hex editor for the CE this month. It includes the ability to view ROM, edit RAM, display sprites embedded in files, and some nice highlighting. Download it from our archives today, and give your kudos in the thread.
- IC0NPRO - Icon Creator for TI84+ CE: Cars and Ice Cream planned some small improvements to IC0NPRO this month--users reported some bugs with setting certain base colors that will be fixed soon.
- KhiCAS for ti84ce/ti83ce (beta): parisse announced an impressive new project for the CE this month, which adds not only CAS functionality, but effectively a replacement for all of the default TI-OS math functionality: equation calculation, graphing, and more. Learn more on the project website.
- Mastermind CE: Cars and Ice Cream released a version of the popular Mastermind board game for the CE this month, with a first release available. A few more features and improvements are planned--check out the thread for more details!
- Menu Hook for TI-84+CE: pi644721 created a small program this month that installs a hook to access string manipulation commands while writing TI-Basic programs. Check out the SourceCoder project if you're interested to see how it works.
- PiEditor - A program editor using Celtic CE: pi644721 continued work on PiEditor this month, fully rewriting the program and releasing v2.0.0 on Github. Download it here.
- Shards of Grandeur PC RPG: 123outerme is planning to release a new demo of this slick turn-based RPG soon! Check out the thread for more details and show your support.
- Sonic 2 CE: A port of 8-bit Sonic 2 for the TI-84+ CE: grubbycoder's S2CE won an honorable mention in the 2024 Sonic Hacking Contest this month, and a new release is available. This one adds some nice improvements, like frameskip, better splash screens, a results summary after beating the game, and more. Give some kudos in the thread!
- TI-Nspire CX II and CH340 USB-to-UART: CVSoft rewired this slick TI-Nspire USB communication project to only use a single Arduino Nano, with some hardware interfacing with LEDs and a BMP180 digital pressure sensor working. Take a look at the thread for more details.
- TicoIn: linkjt9 decided to omit the connectivity feature for this calculator-based cryptocurrency program. It only supports one miner, and has a pretty simple hash algorithm, but is a neat concept regardless. It was released this month--give it a download today!