Python Comes to the Americas
Published by mr womp womp | Discuss this article

According to their website, TI will be releasing a Python version of the TI-84 Plus CE for the American market!

TI-84 Plus CE Python models

A few weeks ago, Adriweb noticed this updated banner on the main American TI website seemingly confirming the rumors that Python was coming. Presumably the hardware will be the same as the TI-83 Premium CE Edition Python and the TI-84 Plus CE-T Python Edition. Software-wise, I would expect just added support for Python to the English 84+CE OS (and setting the flag so that the OS accepts the Python app).

It will be available in 10 colors, including 2 brand new colors!

  • Bright White
  • EZ-Spot
  • Matte-Matic Black
  • Radical Red
  • Bionic Blue
  • Measure Mint
  • Galaxy Gray
  • Rose Curve Gold
  • Totally Teal
  • Infinitely Iris
  • Positive Coral-ation

It is slated for release in Fall 2021.

TI-84 Plus CE Python in Positive Coral-ationTI-84 Plus CE Python in Infinitely Iris

